
Export 1285 results:
Buttari, A., P. Luszczek, J. Kurzak, J. Dongarra, and G. Bosilca, SCOP3: A Rough Guide to Scientific Computing On the PlayStation 3,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Dept. Technical Report, UT-CS-07-595, 00 2007.  (1.74 MB)
Chen, Z., M. Yang, G. Francia, III, and J. Dongarra, Self Adapting Application Level Fault Tolerance for Parallel and Distributed Computing,” Proceedings of Workshop on Self Adapting Application Level Fault Tolerance for Parallel and Distributed Computing at IPDPS, pp. 1-8, March 2007.  (162.47 KB)
Angskun, T., G. Bosilca, and J. Dongarra, Self-Healing in Binomial Graph Networks,” 2nd International Workshop On Reliability in Decentralized Distributed Systems (RDDS 2007), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, November 2007.  (322.39 KB)
Kurzak, J., A. Buttari, and J. Dongarra, Solving Systems of Linear Equations on the CELL Processor Using Cholesky Factorization,” UT Computer Science Technical Report (Also LAPACK Working Note 184), no. UT-CS-07-596, January 2007.  (751.57 KB)
Gerndt, M., and K. Fürlinger, Specification and detection of performance problems with ASL,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 19, no. 11: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., pp. 1451-1464, January 2007.
Voemel, C., S. Tomov, L-W. Wang, O. Marques, and J. Dongarra, The Use of Bulk States to Accelerate the Band Edge State Calculation of a Semiconductor Quantum Dot,” Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 223, pp. 774-782, 00 2007.  (452.6 KB)
Fürlinger, K., J. Dongarra, and M. Gerndt, On Using Incremental Profiling for the Performance Analysis of Shared Memory Parallel Applications,” Proceedings of the 13th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par '07), Rennes, France, Springer LNCS, January 2007.
Chen, Z., and J. Dongarra, Algorithm-Based Checkpoint-Free Fault Tolerance for Parallel Matrix Computations on Volatile Resources,” IPDPS 2006, 20th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Rhodes Island, Greece, January 2006.  (266.54 KB)
Bhowmick, S., V. Eijkhout, Y. Freund, E. Fuentes, and D. Keyes, Application of Machine Learning to the Selection of Sparse Linear Solvers,” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (submitted), 00 2006.  (392.96 KB)
Dongarra, J., N. Emad, and S. Abolfazl Shahzadeh-Fazeli, An Asynchronous Algorithm on NetSolve Global Computing System,” Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 22, issue 3, pp. 279-290, February 2006.  (568.92 KB)
Seymour, K., H. You, and J. Dongarra, ATLAS on the BlueGene/L – Preliminary Results,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-06-10, January 2006.  (46.19 KB)
Tomov, S., J. Langou, J. Dongarra, A. Canning, and L-W. Wang, Conjugate-Gradient Eigenvalue Solvers in Computing Electronic Properties of Nanostructure Architectures,” International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no. 3/4, pp. 205-212, 00 2006.  (428.21 KB)
Song, F., J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Experiments with Strassen's Algorithm: From Sequential to Parallel,” 18th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems PDCS 2006 (submitted), Dallas, Texas, January 2006.  (514.33 KB)
Langou, J., J. Langou, P. Luszczek, J. Kurzak, A. Buttari, and J. Dongarra, Exploiting the Performance of 32 bit Floating Point Arithmetic in Obtaining 64 bit Accuracy,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Tech Report, no. UT-CS-06-574, LAPACK Working Note #175, April 2006.  (221.39 KB)
Fagg, G., J. Pjesivac–Grbovic, G. Bosilca, T. Angskun, and J. Dongarra, Flexible collective communication tuning architecture applied to Open MPI,” 2006 Euro PVM/MPI (submitted), Bonn, Germany, January 2006.  (206.58 KB)
Dewolfs, D., J. Broeckhove, V. Sunderam, and G. Fagg, FT-MPI, Fault-Tolerant Metacomputing and Generic Name Services: A Case Study,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4192, no. ICL-UT-06-14: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 133-140, 00 2006.  (362.44 KB)
Luszczek, P., High Performance Development for High End Computing with Python Language Wrapper (PLW),” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (to appear), 00 2006.  (179.32 KB)
Shipman, G. M., G. Bosilca, and A. B. Maccabe, High Performance RDMA Protocols in HPC,” Euro PVM/MPI 2006, Bonn, Germany, September 2006.  (1.06 MB)
Graham, R. L., G. M. Shipman, B. Barrett, R. Castain, G. Bosilca, and A. Lumsdaine, A High-Performance, Heterogeneous MPI,” HeteroPar 2006, Barcelona, Spain, September 2006.  (193.73 KB)
Luszczek, P., D. Bailey, J. Dongarra, J. Kepner, R. Lucas, R. Rabenseifner, and D. Takahashi, The HPC Challenge (HPCC) Benchmark Suite,” SC06 Conference Tutorial, Tampa, Florida, IEEE, November 2006.  (1.08 MB)
Buttari, A., J. Dongarra, J. Kurzak, J. Langou, P. Luszczek, and S. Tomov, The Impact of Multicore on Math Software,” PARA 2006, Umea, Sweden, June 2006.  (223.53 KB)
Keller, R., G. Bosilca, G. Fagg, M. Resch, and J. Dongarra, Implementation and Usage of the PERUSE-Interface in Open MPI,” Euro PVM/MPI 2006, Bonn, Germany, September 2006.  (310.76 KB)
Kurzak, J., and J. Dongarra, Implementation of the Mixed-Precision High Performance LINPACK Benchmark on the CELL Processor,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Tech Report, no. UT-CS-06-580, LAPACK Working Note #177, September 2006.  (506.18 KB)
Kurzak, J., and J. Dongarra, Implementing Linear Algebra Routines on Multi-Core Processors with Pipelining and a Look Ahead,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Tech Report, UT-CS-06-581, LAPACK Working Note #178, January 2006.  (304.4 KB)
Jeannot, E., K. Seymour, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, Improved Runtime and Transfer Time Prediction Mechanisms in a Network Enabled Server,” Parallel Processing Letters, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 47-59, March 2006.  (718.4 KB)
Wolf, F., F. Freitag, B. Mohr, S. Moore, and B. Wylie, Large Event Traces in Parallel Performance Analysis,” 8th Workshop 'Parallel Systems and Algorithms' (PASA), Lecture Notes in Informatics, no. ICL-UT-06-08, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Gesellschaft für Informatik, March 2006.  (92.47 KB)
Song, F., S. Moore, and J. Dongarra, Modeling of L2 Cache Behavior for Thread-Parallel Scientific Programs on Chip Multi-Processors,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-06-583, January 2006.  (652.93 KB)
Pjesivac–Grbovic, J., G. Fagg, T. Angskun, G. Bosilca, and J. Dongarra, MPI Collective Algorithm Selection and Quadtree Encoding,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-06-11, 00 2006.  (308.39 KB)
Pjesivac–Grbovic, J., G. Fagg, T. Angskun, G. Bosilca, and J. Dongarra, MPI Collective Algorithm Selection and Quadtree Encoding,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4192, no. ICL-UT-06-13: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 40-48, September 2006.  (308.39 KB)
Canning, A., J. Dongarra, J. Langou, O. Marques, S. Tomov, C. Voemel, and L-W. Wang, Performance evaluation of eigensolvers in nano-structure computations,” IEEE/ACM Proceedings of HPCNano SC06 (to appear), January 2006.  (120.61 KB)
Hernandez, O., F. Song, B. Chapman, J. Dongarra, B. Mohr, S. Moore, and F. Wolf, Performance Instrumentation and Compiler Optimizations for MPI/OpenMP Applications,” Second International Workshop on OpenMP, Reims, France, January 2006.  (350.9 KB)
Dongarra, J., Performance of Various Computers Using Standard Linear Equations Software (Linpack Benchmark Report),” University of Tennessee Computer Science Department Technical Report, UT-CS-04-526, vol. –89-95, January 2006.  (6.42 MB)
Zunger, A., A. Franceschetti, G. Bester, W. B. Jones, K. Kim, P. A. Graf, L-W. Wang, A. Canning, O. Marques, C. Voemel, et al., Predicting the electronic properties of 3D, million-atom semiconductor nanostructure architectures,” J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 46, vol. :101088/1742-6596/46/1/040, pp. 292-298, January 2006.  (644.1 KB)
Tang, Y., G. Fagg, and J. Dongarra, Proposal of MPI operation level Checkpoint/Rollback and one implementation,” Proceedings of IEEE CCGrid 2006: IEEE Computer Society, January 2006.  (277.27 KB)
Demmel, J., J. Dongarra, B.. Parlett, W. Kahan, M. Gu, D. Bindel, Y. Hida, X. Li, O. Marques, J. E. Riedy, et al., Prospectus for the Next LAPACK and ScaLAPACK Libraries,” PARA 2006, Umea, Sweden, June 2006.  (460.11 KB)
YarKhan, A., K. Seymour, K. Sagi, Z. Shi, and J. Dongarra, Recent Developments in GridSolve,” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (Special Issue: Scheduling for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Platforms), vol. 20, no. 1: Sage Science Press, 00 2006.  (496.69 KB)
Angskun, T., G. Fagg, G. Bosilca, J. Pjesivac–Grbovic, and J. Dongarra, Scalable Fault Tolerant Protocol for Parallel Runtime Environments,” 2006 Euro PVM/MPI, no. ICL-UT-06-12, Bonn, Germany, 00 2006.  (149.07 KB)
Bosilca, G., Z. Chen, J. Dongarra, V. Eijkhout, G. Fagg, E. Fuentes, J. Langou, P. Luszczek, J. Pjesivac–Grbovic, K. Seymour, et al., Self Adapting Numerical Software SANS Effort,” IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 50, no. 2/3, pp. 223-238, January 2006.  (357.53 KB)
Angskun, T., G. Fagg, G. Bosilca, J. Pjesivac–Grbovic, and J. Dongarra, Self-Healing Network for Scalable Fault Tolerant Runtime Environments,” DAPSYS 2006, 6th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems, Innsbruck, Austria, January 2006.  (162.83 KB)
Aguilera, G., P. J. Teller, M. Taufer, and F. Wolf, A Systematic Multi-step Methodology for Performance Analysis of Communication Traces of Distributed Applications based on Hierarchical Clustering,” Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Organization of Parallel and Distributed Systems (PMEO-PDS 2006), no. ICL-UT-05-06, Rhodes Island, Greece, IEEE Computer Society, April 2006.  (1.02 MB)
Tang, Y., Technical Comparison between several representative checkpoint/rollback solutions for MPI programs,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-06-09, January 2006.  (84.67 KB)
Canning, A., J. Dongarra, J. Langou, O. Marques, S. Tomov, C. Voemel, and L-W. Wang, Towards bulk based preconditioning for quantum dot computations,” IEEE/ACM Proceedings of HPCNano SC06 (to appear), January 2006.  (172.46 KB)
Dongarra, J., G. H. Golub, E. Grosse, C. Moler, and K. Moore, Twenty-Plus Years of Netlib and NA-Net,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Department Technical Report, UT-CS-04-526, 00 2006.  (62.79 KB)
Voemel, C., S. Tomov, L-W. Wang, O. Marques, and J. Dongarra, The use of bulk states to accelerate the band edge state calculation of a semiconductor quantum dot,” Journal of Computational Physics (submitted), January 2006.  (337.08 KB)
Chen, Z., and J. Dongarra, Algorithm-Based Checkpoint-Free Fault Tolerance for Parallel Matrix Computations on Volatile Resources,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Department Technical Report, vol. –05-561, November 2005.  (266.54 KB)
Andersson, U., and P. Mucci, Analysis and Optimization of Yee_Bench using Hardware Performance Counters,” Proceedings of Parallel Computing 2005 (ParCo), Malaga, Spain, January 2005.  (72.27 KB)
Wolf, F., B. Mohr, J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Automatic analysis of inefficiency patterns in parallel applications,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Special issue "Automatic Performance Analysis" (submitted), 00 2005.  (233.31 KB)
Bhatia, N., F. Song, F. Wolf, J. Dongarra, B. Mohr, and S. Moore, Automatic Experimental Analysis of Communication Patterns in Virtual Topologies,” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing, Oslo, Norway, IEEE Computer Society, June 2005.  (227.13 KB)
YarKhan, A., and J. Dongarra, Biological Sequence Alignment on the Computational Grid Using the GrADS Framework,” Future Generation Computing Systems, vol. 21, no. 6: Elsevier, pp. 980-986, June 2005.  (147.29 KB)
Tomov, S., J. Langou, A. Canning, L-W. Wang, and J. Dongarra, Comparison of Nonlinear Conjugate-Gradient methods for computing the Electronic Properties of Nanostructure Architectures,” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Atlanta, GA, USA, Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 317-325, January 2005.  (172.86 KB)
