Enabling technologies and software for scientific computing
The Innovative Computing Laboratory (ICL) aspires to be a world leader in enabling technologies and software for scientific computing. Our vision is to provide high performance tools to tackle science’s most challenging problems and to play a major role in the development of standards for scientific computing in general.
ICL is a research laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee.
Recent Publications
"The co-evolution of computational physics and high-performance computing",
Nature Reviews Physics, 2024-08.
"A survey on checkpointing strategies: Should we always checkpoint à la Young/Daly?",
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2024-07.
"Computation at the Cutting Edge of Science",
Journal of Computational Science, 2024-06.
"Batched sparse and mixed-precision linear algebra interface for efficient use of GPU hardware accelerators in scientific applications",
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 160, pp. 359 - 374, 2024-11.
"Then and Now: Improving Software Portability, Productivity, and 100× Performance",
Computing in Science & Engineering, pp. 1 - 10, 2024-04.
CholeskyQR with Randomization and Pivoting for Tall Matrices (CQRRPT),
: arXiv, 2024-02.
Generalizing Random Butterfly Transforms to Arbitrary Matrix Sizes,
: arXiv, 2023-12.