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Yamazaki, I., S. Nooshabadi, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, High Performance Realtime Convex Solver for Embedded Systems,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-EECS-16-745, October 2016.  (225.43 KB)
Yamazaki, I., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Computing Low-rank Approximation of a Dense Matrix on Multicore CPUs with a GPU and its Application to Solving a Hierarchically Semiseparable Linear System of Equations,” Scientific Programming, 2015.  (648.87 KB)
Yamazaki, I., and J. Dongarra, LAWN 294: Aasen's Symmetric Inde nite Linear Solvers in LAPACK,” LAPACK Working Note, no. LAWN 294, ICL-UT-17-13: University of Tennessee, December 2017.  (854.1 KB)
Yamazaki, I., A. Abdelfattah, A. Ida, S. Ohshima, S. Tomov, R. Yokota, and J. Dongarra, Analyzing Performance of BiCGStab with Hierarchical Matrix on GPU Clusters,” IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, IEEE, May 2018.  (1.37 MB)
Yamazaki, I., T. Dong, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Tridiagonalization of a Symmetric Dense Matrix on a GPU Cluster,” The Third International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES), May 2013.
Kurzak, J., M. Gates, A. Charara, A. YarKhan, I. Yamazaki, and J. Dongarra, Linear Systems Solvers for Distributed-Memory Machines with GPU Accelerators,” Euro-Par 2019: Parallel Processing, vol. 11725: Springer, pp. 495–506, August 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29400-7_35
Wyrzykowski, R., E. Deelman, J. Dongarra, and K. Karczewski, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 13th International Conference, PPAM 2019, Bialystok, Poland, September 8–11, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Part II,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 12044: Springer International Publishing, pp. 503, March 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43222-5
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Wyrzykowski, R., E. Deelman, J. Dongarra, and K. Karczewski, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 13th International Conference, PPAM 2019, Bialystok, Poland, September 8–11, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Part I,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1, no. 12043: Springer International Publishing, pp. 581, March 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43229-4
Tsai, Y-H. Mike, N. Beams, and H. Anzt, Mixed Precision Algebraic Multigrid on GPUs,” Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2022), vol. 13826, Cham, Springer International Publishing, April 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-30442-2_9
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Wu, W., G. Bosilca, R. vandeVaart, S. Jeaugey, and J. Dongarra, GPU-Aware Non-contiguous Data Movement In Open MPI,” 25th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC'16), Kyoto, Japan, ACM, June 2016. DOI:  (482.32 KB)
Wu, W., A. Bouteiller, G. Bosilca, M. Faverge, and J. Dongarra, Hierarchical DAG scheduling for Hybrid Distributed Systems,” 29th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Hyderabad, India, IEEE, May 2015.  (1.11 MB)
Worley, P. H., J. Candy, L. Carrington, K. Huck, T. Kaiser, K. Mahinthakumar, A. D. Malony, S. Moore, D. Reed, P. C. Roth, et al., Performance Analysis of GYRO: A Tool Evaluation,” In Proceedings of the 2005 SciDAC Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2005.  (172.07 KB)
Wong, K., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Hands-on Research and Training in High-Performance Data Sciences, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning for Emerging Environments,” ISC High Performance, Frankfurt, Germany, Springer International Publishing, June 2019.  (1016.52 KB)
Wong, K., S. Tomov, D. Nichols, R. Febbo, F. Lopez, J. Halloy, and X. Ma, How to Build Your Own Deep Neural Network : PEARC20, July 2020.  (18.8 MB)
Wong, K., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Project-Based Research and Training in High Performance Data Sciences, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning,” The Journal of Computational Science Education, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 36-44, January 2020. DOI: 10.22369/issn.2153-4136/11/1/7  (4.4 MB)
Wolf, F., B. Wylie, E. Abraham, W. Frings, K. Fürlinger, M. Geimer, M-A. Hermanns, B. Mohr, S. Moore, and M. Pfeifer, Usage of the Scalasca Toolset for Scalable Performance Analysis of Large-scale Parallel Applications,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Tools for High Performance Computing, Stuttgart, Germany, Springer, pp. 157-167, January 2008.  (229.2 KB)
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Wolf, F., B. Mohr, J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Automatic Analysis of Inefficiency Patterns in Parallel Applications,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 1481-1496, August 2007.  (233.31 KB)
Wolf, F., A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and A. Morris, Trace-Based Parallel Performance Overhead Compensation,” In Proc. of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), Sorrento (Naples), Italy, September 2005.  (306.88 KB)
Wolf, F., F. Freitag, B. Mohr, S. Moore, and B. Wylie, Large Event Traces in Parallel Performance Analysis,” 8th Workshop 'Parallel Systems and Algorithms' (PASA), Lecture Notes in Informatics, no. ICL-UT-06-08, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Gesellschaft für Informatik, March 2006.  (92.47 KB)
Wolf, F., B. Mohr, J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Efficient Pattern Search in Large Traces through Successive Refinement,” Proceedings of Euro-Par 2004, Pisa, Italy, Springer-Verlag, August 2004.  (177.46 KB)
Wolf, F., and B. Mohr, Automatic performance analysis of hybrid MPI/OpenMP applications,” Journal of Systems Architecture, Special Issue 'Evolutions in parallel distributed and network-based processing', vol. 49(10-11): Elsevier, pp. 421-439, November 2003.
Wolf, F., B. Mohr, J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Automatic analysis of inefficiency patterns in parallel applications,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Special issue "Automatic Performance Analysis" (submitted), 00 2005.  (233.31 KB)
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White, J. B., and J. Dongarra, Overlapping Computation and Communication for Advection on a Hybrid Parallel Computer,” IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (submitted), Anchorage, AK, May 2011.
White, J. B., and J. Dongarra, High-Performance High-Resolution Semi-Lagrangian Tracer Transport on a Sphere,” Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 230, issue 17, pp. 6778-6799, July 2011. DOI: 10.1016/  (1.68 MB)
Whaley, C., and J. Dongarra, Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software,” 1998 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (SC '98), Orlando, FL, IEEE Computer Society, November 1998.
Whaley, C., A. Petitet, and J. Dongarra, Automated Empirical Optimization of Software and the ATLAS Project,” Parallel Computing, vol. 27, no. 1-2, pp. 3-25, January 2001.  (370.71 KB)
Whaley, C., A. Petitet, and J. Dongarra, Automated Empirical Optimizations of Software and the ATLAS Project (LAPACK Working Note 147),” University of Tennessee Computer Science Department Technical Report,, no. UT-CS-00-448, September 2000.  (373.69 KB)
Weaver, V., D. Terpstra, H. McCraw, M. Johnson, K. Kasichayanula, J. Ralph, J. Nelson, P. Mucci, T. Mohan, and S. Moore, PAPI 5: Measuring Power, Energy, and the Cloud , Austin, TX, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, April 2013.  (78.39 KB)
Weaver, V., D. Terpstra, and S. Moore, Non-Determinism and Overcount on Modern Hardware Performance Counter Implementations,” 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, Austin, TX, IEEE, April 2013.  (307.24 KB)
Weaver, V. M., and J. Dongarra, Can Hardware Performance Counters Produce Expected, Deterministic Results?,” 3rd Workshop on Functionality of Hardware Performance Monitoring, Atlanta, GA, December 2010.  (392.71 KB)
Weaver, V. M., M. Johnson, K. Kasichayanula, J. Ralph, P. Luszczek, D. Terpstra, and S. Moore, Measuring Energy and Power with PAPI,” International Workshop on Power-Aware Systems and Architectures, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2012. DOI: 10.1109/ICPPW.2012.39  (146.79 KB)
Wang, L., W. Wu, J. Zhang, H. Liu, G. Bosilca, M. Herlihy, and R. Fonseca, FFT-Based Gradient Sparsification for the Distributed Training of Deep Neural Networks,” 9th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 20), Stockholm, Sweden, ACM, June 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3369583.3392681  (4.72 MB)
Wang, Y., M. Baboulin, J. Falcou, Y. Fraigneau, and O. Le Maître, A Parallel Solver for Incompressible Fluid Flows,” International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2013), Barcelona, Spain, Elsevier B.V., June 2013. DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.207  (588.79 KB)
Voemel, C., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Divide and Conquer on Hybrid GPU-Accelerated Multicore Systems,” SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 34(2), pp. C70-C82, April 2012.
Voemel, C., S. Tomov, O. Marques, A. Canning, L-W. Wang, and J. Dongarra, State-of-the-Art Eigensolvers for Electronic Structure Calculations of Large Scale Nano-Systems,” Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 227, no. 15, pp. 7113-7124, January 2008.
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Voemel, C., S. Tomov, L-W. Wang, O. Marques, and J. Dongarra, The Use of Bulk States to Accelerate the Band Edge State Calculation of a Semiconductor Quantum Dot,” Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 223, pp. 774-782, 00 2007.  (452.6 KB)
Voemel, C., S. Tomov, L-W. Wang, O. Marques, and J. Dongarra, The use of bulk states to accelerate the band edge state calculation of a semiconductor quantum dot,” Journal of Computational Physics (submitted), January 2006.  (337.08 KB)
Vetter, J., R. Glassbrook, J. Dongarra, K. Schwan, B. Loftis, S. McNally, J. Meredith, J. Rogers, P. Roth, K. Spafford, et al., Keeneland: Bringing Heterogeneous GPU Computing to the Computational Science Community,” IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 13, issue 5, pp. 90-95, August 2011. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2011.83  (932.57 KB)
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Valero-Lara, P., J. Dongarra, A. Haidar, S. D. Relton, S. Tomov, and M. Zounon, A Standard for Batched BLAS Routines , Paris, France, 17th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP16), April 2016.  (1.93 MB)
Valeev, E. F., R. J. Harrison, A. A. Holmes, C. C. Peterson, and D. A. Penchoff, Direct Determination of Optimal Real-Space Orbitals for Correlated Electronic Structure of Molecules,” Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, vol. 19, issue 20, pp. 7230 - 7241, October 2023. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00732
Vadhiyar, S., and J. Dongarra, GrADSolve - A Grid-based RPC System for Remote Invocation of Parallel Software,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (submitted), March 2003.  (241.3 KB)
