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Anzt, H., J. Dongarra, G. Flegar, and E. S. Quintana-Orti, Variable-Size Batched Gauss-Jordan Elimination for Block-Jacobi Preconditioning on Graphics Processors,” Parallel Computing, vol. 81, pp. 131-146, January 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.parco.2017.12.006  (1.9 MB)
Archibald, R., E. Chow, E. D'Azevedo, J. Dongarra, M. Eisenbach, R. Febbo, F. Lopez, D. Nichols, S. Tomov, K. Wong, et al., Integrating Deep Learning in Domain Sciences at Exascale,” 2020 Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference (SMC 2020), August 2020.
Archibald, R., E. Chow, E. D'Azevedo, J. Dongarra, M. Eisenbach, R. Febbo, F. Lopez, D. Nichols, S. Tomov, K. Wong, et al., Integrating Deep Learning in Domain Sciences at Exascale,” Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-20-10: University of Tennessee, August 2020.  (1.09 MB)
Asch, M., T. Moore, R. M. Badia, M. Beck, P. Beckman, T. Bidot, F. Bodin, F. Cappello, A. Choudhary, B. R. de Supinski, et al., Big Data and Extreme-Scale Computing: Pathways to Convergence - Toward a Shaping Strategy for a Future Software and Data Ecosystem for Scientific Inquiry,” The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 32, issue 4, pp. 435–479, July 2018. DOI: 10.1177/1094342018778123  (1.29 MB)
Aupy, G., A. Gainaru, V. Honoré, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert, and H. Sun, Reservation Strategies for Stochastic Jobs,” 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2019), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, IEEE Computer Society Press, May 2019.  (808.93 KB)
Aupy, G., and Y. Robert, Scheduling for Fault-Tolerance: An Introduction,” Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computing: Springer International Publishing, pp. 143–170, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93109-8
Aupy, G., Y. Robert, and F. Vivien, Assuming failure independence: are we right to be wrong?,” The 3rd International Workshop on Fault Tolerant Systems (FTS), Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE, September 2017.  (597.11 KB)
Aupy, G., A. Benoit, S. Dai, L. Pottier, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert, and M. Shantharam, Co-Scheduling Amdhal Applications on Cache-Partitioned Systems,” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 32, issue 1, pp. 123–138, January 2018. DOI: 10.1177/1094342017710806  (672.52 KB)
Aupy, G., A. Benoit, B. Goglin, L. Pottier, and Y. Robert, Co-Scheduling HPC Workloads on Cache-Partitioned CMP Platforms,” Cluster 2018, Belfast, UK, IEEE Computer Society Press, September 2018.  (423.75 KB)
Aupy, G., A. Benoit, B. Goglin, L. Pottier, and Y. Robert, Co-Scheduling HPC Workloads on Cache-Partitioned CMP Platforms,” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 33, issue 6, pp. 1221-1239, November 2019. DOI: 10.1177/1094342019846956  (930.28 KB)
Aupy, G., M. Faverge, Y. Robert, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Implementing a systolic algorithm for QR factorization on multicore clusters with PaRSEC,” Lawn 277, no. UT-CS-13-709, May 2013.  (298.63 KB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, A. Haidar, and J. Dongarra, heFFTe: Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale (Poster) : NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC2020), October 2020.  (866.88 KB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, M. Stoyanov, A. Haidar, and J. Dongarra, Performance Analysis of Parallel FFT on Large Multi-GPU Systems,” 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), Lyon, France, IEEE, August 2022. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPSW55747.2022.00072
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, X. Luo, H. Shaiek, A. Haidar, G. Bosilca, and J. Dongarra, Impacts of Multi-GPU MPI Collective Communications on Large FFT Computation,” Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI) at SC19, Denver, CO, November 2019.  (1.6 MB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, A. Haidar, and J. Dongarra, heFFTe: Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale,” International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2020), Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50371-0_19  (2.62 MB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, M. Stoyanov, and J. Dongarra, Scalability Issues in FFT Computation,” International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies: Springer, pp. 279–287, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86359-3_21
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, A. Haidar, and J. Dongarra, heFFTe: Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale (Poster) , Seattle, WA, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP20), February 2020.  (1.54 MB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, A. Haidar, M. Stoyanov, S. Cayrols, J. Li, G. Bosilca, and J. Dongarra, Accelerating FFT towards Exascale Computing : NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC2021), 2021.  (27.23 MB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, J. Dongarra, and A. Haidar, heFFTe: Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale (Poster) , Houston, TX, 2020 Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting, February 2020.  (6.2 MB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, P. Luszczek, S. Cayrols, G. Ragghianti, and J. Dongarra, FFT Benchmark Performance Experiments on Systems Targeting Exascale,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-22-02, March 2022.  (5.87 MB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, P. Luszczek, S. Cayrols, G. Ragghianti, and J. Dongarra, Analysis of the Communication and Computation Cost of FFT Libraries towards Exascale,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-22-07: Innovative Computing Laboratory, July 2022.  (5.91 MB)
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, M. Stoyanov, A. Haidar, and J. Dongarra, Accelerating Multi - Process Communication for Parallel 3-D FFT,” 2021 Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI), St. Louis, MO, USA, IEEE, December 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ExaMPI54564.2021.00011
Ayala, A., S. Tomov, P. Luszczek, S. Cayrols, G. Ragghianti, and J. Dongarra, Interim Report on Benchmarking FFT Libraries on High Performance Systems,” Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-21-03: University of Tennessee, July 2021.  (2.68 MB)
Baboulin, M., D. Becker, and J. Dongarra, A parallel tiled solver for dense symmetric indefinite systems on multicore architectures,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-11-07, October 2011.  (544.2 KB)
Baboulin, M., J. Dongarra, and S. Tomov, Some Issues in Dense Linear Algebra for Multicore and Special Purpose Architectures,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-08-615 (also LAPACK Working Note 200), January 2008.  (289.93 KB)
Baboulin, M., J. Dongarra, J. Herrmann, and S. Tomov, Accelerating Linear System Solutions Using Randomization Techniques,” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (also LAWN 246), vol. 39, issue 2, February 2013. DOI: 10.1145/2427023.2427025  (358.79 KB)
Baboulin, M., D. Becker, G. Bosilca, A. Danalis, and J. Dongarra, An efficient distributed randomized solver with application to large dense linear systems,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-12-02, July 2012.  (626.26 KB)
Baboulin, M., V. Dobrev, J. Dongarra, C. Earl, J. Falcou, A. Haidar, I. Karlin, T. Kolev, I. Masliah, and S. Tomov, Towards a High-Performance Tensor Algebra Package for Accelerators , Gatlinburg, TN, moky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference (SMC15), September 2015.  (1.76 MB)
