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Dongarra, J., M. Faverge, H. Ltaeif, and P. Luszczek, Achieving Numerical Accuracy and High Performance using Recursive Tile LU Factorization,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report (also as a LAWN), no. ICL-UT-11-08, September 2011.  (618.53 KB)
Dongarra, J., M. Faverge, H. Ltaeif, and P. Luszczek, Achieving numerical accuracy and high performance using recursive tile LU factorization with partial pivoting,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 26, issue 7, pp. 1408-1431, May 2014. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3110  (1.96 MB)
Haidar, A., H. Ltaeif, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, Analysis of Dynamically Scheduled Tile Algorithms for Dense Linear Algebra on Multicore Architectures,” Submitted to Concurrency and Computations: Practice and Experience, November 2010.  (1.65 MB)
Haidar, A., H. Ltaeif, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, Analysis of Dynamically Scheduled Tile Algorithms for Dense Linear Algebra on Multicore Architectures,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-11-666, (also Lawn 243), March 2011.  (1.65 MB)
Dongarra, J., H. Ltaeif, P. Luszczek, and V. M. Weaver, Energy Footprint of Advanced Dense Numerical Linear Algebra using Tile Algorithms on Multicore Architecture,” The 2nd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (submitted), Xiangtan, Hunan, China, November 2012.  (329.5 KB)
Ltaeif, H., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Enhancing Parallelism of Tile Bidiagonal Transformation on Multicore Architectures using Tree Reduction,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7203, pp. 661-670, September 2012.  (185.77 KB)
Hadri, B., H. Ltaeif, E. Agullo, and J. Dongarra, Enhancing Parallelism of Tile QR Factorization for Multicore Architectures,” Submitted to Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, December 2009.  (464.23 KB)
Dongarra, J., M. Faverge, H. Ltaeif, and P. Luszczek, Exploiting Fine-Grain Parallelism in Recursive LU Factorization,” Proceedings of PARCO'11, no. ICL-UT-11-04, Gent, Belgium, April 2011.
Agullo, E., C. Augonnet, J. Dongarra, H. Ltaeif, R. Namyst, S. Thibault, and S. Tomov, Faster, Cheaper, Better - A Hybridization Methodology to Develop Linear Algebra Software for GPUs,” LAPACK Working Note, no. 230, 00 2010.  (334.48 KB)
Bosilca, G., A. Bouteiller, A. Danalis, M. Faverge, A. Haidar, T. Herault, J. Kurzak, J. Langou, P. Lemariner, H. Ltaeif, et al., Flexible Development of Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms on Massively Parallel Architectures with DPLASMA,” Proceedings of the Workshops of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS 2011 Workshops), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, IEEE, pp. 1432-1441, May 2011.  (1.26 MB)
Agullo, E., C. Augonnet, J. Dongarra, M. Faverge, J. Langou, H. Ltaeif, and S. Tomov, LU Factorization for Accelerator-Based Systems,” IEEE/ACS AICCSA 2011, Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt, December 2011.  (234.86 KB)
Agullo, E., G. Bosilca, C. Castagnède, J. Dongarra, H. Ltaeif, and S. Tomov, Matrices Over Runtime Systems at Exascale,” Supercomputing '12 (poster), Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2012.
Agullo, E., J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, B. Hadri, J. Kurzak, J. Langou, H. Ltaeif, P. Luszczek, and S. Tomov, Numerical Linear Algebra on Emerging Architectures: The PLASMA and MAGMA Projects,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 180, 00 2009.  (119.37 KB)
Agullo, E., J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, B. Hadri, J. Kurzak, J. Langou, H. Ltaeif, P. Luszczek, R. Nath, S. Tomov, et al., Numerical Linear Algebra on Emerging Architectures: The PLASMA and MAGMA Projects , Portland, OR, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC09), November 2009.  (3.53 MB)
Nath, R., J. Dongarra, S. Tomov, H. Ltaeif, and P. Du, Numerical Linear Algebra on Hybrid Architectures: Recent Developments in the MAGMA Project , Portland, Oregon, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC09), November 2009.  (1.41 MB)
Ltaeif, H., J. Kurzak, and J. Dongarra, Parallel Band Two-Sided Matrix Bidiagonalization for Multicore Architectures,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (to appear), May 2009.  (208.16 KB)
Ltaeif, H., J. Kurzak, and J. Dongarra, Parallel Band Two-Sided Matrix Bidiagonalization for Multicore Architectures,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp. 417-423, April 2010.  (208.16 KB)
Ltaeif, H., J. Kurzak, and J. Dongarra, Parallel Block Hessenberg Reduction using Algorithms-By-Tiles for Multicore Architectures Revisited,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-08-624 (also LAPACK Working Note 208), August 2008.  (420.31 KB)
Haidar, A., H. Ltaeif, and J. Dongarra, Parallel Reduction to Condensed Forms for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems using Aggregated Fine-Grained and Memory-Aware Kernels,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-11-677, (also Lawn254), August 2011.  (636.01 KB)
Haidar, A., H. Ltaeif, and J. Dongarra, Parallel Reduction to Condensed Forms for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems using Aggregated Fine-Grained and Memory-Aware Kernels,” Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC11), Seattle, WA, November 2011.  (636.01 KB)
Abdelfattah, A., H. Ltaeif, D. Keyes, and J. Dongarra, Performance optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication for multi-component PDE-based applications using GPUs,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 28, issue 12, pp. 3447 - 3465, May 2016. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.v28.1210.1002/cpe.3874  (3.21 MB)
Bosilca, G., J. Dongarra, and H. Ltaeif, Power Profiling of Cholesky and QR Factorizations on Distributed Memory Systems,” Third International Conference on Energy-Aware High Performance Computing, Hamburg, Germany, September 2012.  (290.27 KB)
Ltaeif, H., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Profiling High Performance Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms on Multicore Architectures for Power and Energy Efficiency,” International Conference on Energy-Aware High Performance Computing (EnA-HPC 2011), Hamburg, Germany, September 2011.  (1.27 MB)
Ltaeif, H., S. Tomov, R. Nath, P. Du, and J. Dongarra, A Scalable High Performant Cholesky Factorization for Multicore with GPU Accelerators,” Proc. of VECPAR'10 (to appear), Berkeley, CA, June 2010.  (870.46 KB)
Song, F., H. Ltaeif, B. Hadri, and J. Dongarra, Scalable Tile Communication-Avoiding QR Factorization on Multicore Cluster Systems,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, vol. –10-653, April 2010.  (3.42 MB)
Song, F., H. Ltaeif, B. Hadri, and J. Dongarra, Scalable Tile Communication-Avoiding QR Factorization on Multicore Cluster Systems,” SC'10, New Orleans, LA, ACM SIGARCH/ IEEE Computer Society, November 2010.  (3.42 MB)
Agullo, E., C. Augonnet, J. Dongarra, H. Ltaeif, R. Namyst, R. Nath, J. Roman, S. Thibault, and S. Tomov, Scheduling Cholesky Factorization on Multicore Architectures with GPU Accelerators , Knoxville, TN, 2010 Symposium on Application Accelerators in High-Performance Computing (SAAHPC'10), Poster, July 2010.  (3.86 MB)
Kurzak, J., H. Ltaeif, J. Dongarra, and R. M. Badia, Scheduling Dense Linear Algebra Operations on Multicore Processors,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 15-44, January 2010.  (1.23 MB)
Kurzak, J., H. Ltaeif, J. Dongarra, and R. M. Badia, Scheduling Linear Algebra Operations on Multicore Processors,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Department Technical Report, UT-CS-09-636 (Also LAPACK Working Note 213), 00 2009.  (716.18 KB)
Kurzak, J., H. Ltaeif, J. Dongarra, and R. M. Badia, Scheduling Linear Algebra Operations on Multicore Processors,” Concurrency Practice and Experience (to appear), 00 2009.  (716.18 KB)
Ltaeif, H., J. Kurzak, J. Dongarra, and R. M. Badia, Scheduling Two-sided Transformations using Tile Algorithms on Multicore Architectures,” Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 33-50, 00 2010.  (334.5 KB)
Hadri, B., H. Ltaeif, E. Agullo, and J. Dongarra, Tall and Skinny QR Matrix Factorization Using Tile Algorithms on Multicore Architectures,” Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report (also LAPACK Working Note 222 and CS Tech Report UT-CS-09-645), no. ICL-UT-09-03, September 2009.  (464.23 KB)
Hadri, B., H. Ltaeif, E. Agullo, and J. Dongarra, Tile QR Factorization with Parallel Panel Processing for Multicore Architectures,” accepted in 24th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2010), Atlanta, GA, December 2009.
Haidar, A., H. Ltaeif, and J. Dongarra, Toward High Performance Divide and Conquer Eigensolver for Dense Symmetric Matrices.,” Submitted to SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), 00 2011.
Haidar, A., H. Ltaeif, and J. Dongarra, Toward High Performance Divide and Conquer Eigensolver for Dense Symmetric Matrices,” SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (Accepted), July 2012.
Luszczek, P., H. Ltaeif, and J. Dongarra, Two-stage Tridiagonal Reduction for Dense Symmetric Matrices using Tile Algorithms on Multicore Architectures,” IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (submitted), Anchorage, AK, May 2011.