February 2005
Trends in High Performance Computing
Jim Gray, Microsoft
David T. Liu, University of California at Berkeley
Maria Nieto-Santisteban, Johns Hopkins University
Alex Szalay, Johns Hopkins University
David DeWitt, University of Wisconsin
Gerd Heber, Cornell University

What's wrong with files?

Everything builds from files as a base. HDF uses files. Database systems use files. But, file systems have no metadata beyond a hierarchical directory structure and file names. They encourage a do-it-yourself data model that will not benefit from the growing suite of data analysis tools. They encourage do-it-yourself access methods that will not do parallel, associative, temporal, or spatial search. They also lack a high-level query language. Lastly, most file systems can manage millions of files, but by the time a file system can deal with billions of files, it has become a database system.

As you can see, we take an ecumenical view of what a database is. We see NetCDF, HDF, FITS, and Google Map-Reduce as nascent database systems (others might think of them as file systems). They have a schema language (metadata) to define the metadata. They have a few indexing strategies and a simple data manipulation language. They have the start of non-procedural and parallel programming. And, they have a collection of tools to create, access, search, and visualize the data. So, in our view they are simple database systems.

Why scientists don't use databases today

Traditional database systems have lagged in supporting core scientific data types but they have a few things scientists desperately need for their data analysis; non-procedural query analysis, automatic parallelism, and sophisticated tools for associative, temporal, and spatial search.

If one takes the controversial view that HDF, NetCDF, FITS, and Root are nascent database systems that provide metadata and portability but lack non-procedural query analysis, automatic parallelism, and sophisticated indexing, then one can see a fairly clear path that integrates these communities.

Some scientists use databases for some of their work, but as a general rule, most scientists do not. Why? Why are tabular databases so successful in commercial applications and such a flop in most scientific applications? Scientific colleagues give one or more of the following answers when asked why they do not use databases to manage their data:

  • We don’t see any benefit in them. The cost of learning the tools (data definition and data loading, and query) doesn’t seem worth it.
  • They do not offer good visualization/plotting tools.
  • I can handle my data volumes with my programming language.
  • They do not support our data types (arrays, spatial, text, etc.).
  • They do not support our access patterns (spatial, temporal, etc.).
  • We tried them but they were too slow.
  • We tried them but once we loaded our data we could no longer manipulate the data using our standard application programs.
  • They require an expensive guru (database administrator) to use.

All these answers are based on experience and considerable investment. Often the experience was with older systems (a 1990 vintage database system) or with a young system (an early object-oriented database or an early version of Postgres or MySQL.) Nonetheless, there is considerable evidence that databases have to improve a lot before they are worth a second look.

Why things are different now

The thing that forces a second look now is that the file-ftp modus operandi just will not work for peta-scale datasets. Some new way of managing and accessing information is needed. We argued that metadata is the key to this and that a non-procedural data manipulation language combined with data indexing is essential to being able to search and analyze the data.

There is a convergence of file systems, database systems, and programming languages. Extensible database systems use object-oriented techniques from programming languages to allow you to define complex objects as native database types. Files (or extended files like HDF) then become part of the database and benefit from the parallel search and metadata management. It seems very likely that these nascent database systems will be integrated with the main-line database systems in the next decade or that some new species of metadata driven analysis and workflow system will supplant both traditional databases and the science-specific file formats and their tool suites.

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Reference this article
Gray, J., Liu, D., Nieto-Santisteban, M., Szalay, A., DeWitt, D., Heber, G. "Scientific Data Management in the Coming Decade," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 1, Number 1, February 2005. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2005/02/scientific-data-management/

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