February 2005
Trends in High Performance Computing
Jim Gray, Microsoft
David T. Liu, University of California at Berkeley
Maria Nieto-Santisteban, Johns Hopkins University
Alex Szalay, Johns Hopkins University
David DeWitt, University of Wisconsin
Gerd Heber, Cornell University

Set-oriented data access gives parallelism

As mentioned earlier, scientists often start with numeric data arrays from their instruments or simulations. Often, these arrays are accompanied by tabular data describing the experimental setup, simulation parameters, or environmental conditions. The data are also accompanied by documents that explain the data.

Many operations take these arrays and produce new arrays, but eventually, the arrays undergo feature extraction to produce objects that are the basis for further analysis. For example, raw astronomy data is converted to object catalogs of stars and galaxies. Stream-gauge measurements are converted to stream-flow and water-quality time-series data, serum-mass-spectrograms are converted to records describing peptide and protein concentrations, and raw high-energy physics data are converted to events.

Most scientific studies involve exploring and data mining these object-oriented tabular datasets. The scientific file-formats of HDF, NetCDF, and FITS can represent tabular data but they provide minimal tools for searching and analyzing tabular data. Their main focus is getting the tables and sub-arrays into your Fortran/C/Java/Python address space where you can manipulate the data using the programming language.

This Fortran/C/Java/Python file-at-a-time procedural data analysis is nearing the breaking point. The data avalanche is creating billions of files and trillions of events. The file-oriented approach postulates that files are organized into directories. The directories relate all data from some instrument or some month or some region or some laboratory. As things evolve, the directories become hierarchical. In this model, data analysis proceeds by searching all the relevant files, opening each file, extracting the relevant data and then moving onto the next file. When all the relevant data has been gathered in memory (or in intermediate files) the program can begin its analysis. Performing this filter-then-analyze, data analysis on large datasets with conventional procedural tools runs slower and slower as data volumes increase. Usually, they use only one-cpu-at-a-time; one-disk-at-a-time and they do a brute-force search of the data. Scientists need a way (1) to use intelligent indices and data organizations to subset the search, (2) to use parallel processing and data access to search huge datasets within seconds, and (3) to have powerful analysis tools that they can apply to the subset of data being analyzed.

One approach to this is to use the MPI (Message Passing Interface) parallel programming environment to write procedural programs that stream files across a processor array, each node of the array exploring one part of the hierarchy. This is adequate for highly-regular array processing tasks, but it seems too daunting for ad-hoc analysis of tabular data. MPI and the various array file formats lack indexing methods other than partitioned sequential scan. MPI itself lacks any notion of metadata beyond file names.

As file systems grow to petabyte-scale archives with billions of files, the science community must create a synthesis of database systems and file systems. At a minimum, the file hierarchy will be replaced with a database that catalogs the attributes and lineage of each file. Set-oriented file processing will make file names increasingly irrelevant, analysis will be applied to “all data with these attributes” rather than working on a list of file/directory names or name patterns. Indeed, the files themselves may become irrelevant (they are just containers for data). One can see a harbinger of this idea in the Map-Reduce approach pioneered by Google.6 From our perspective, the key aspect of Google Map-Reduce is that it applies thousands of processors and disks to explore large datasets in parallel. That system has a very simple data model appropriate for the Google processing, but we imagine it could evolve over the next decade to be quite general.

The database community has provided automatic query processing along with CPU and IO parallelism for over two decades. Indeed, this automatic parallelism allows large corporations to mine 100-Terabyte datasets today using 1,000 processor clusters. We believe that many of those techniques apply to scientific datasets.7

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Reference this article
Gray, J., Liu, D., Nieto-Santisteban, M., Szalay, A., DeWitt, D., Heber, G. "Scientific Data Management in the Coming Decade," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 1, Number 1, February 2005. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2005/02/scientific-data-management/

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