February 2005
Trends in High Performance Computing
Jim Gray, Microsoft
David T. Liu, University of California at Berkeley
Maria Nieto-Santisteban, Johns Hopkins University
Alex Szalay, Johns Hopkins University
David DeWitt, University of Wisconsin
Gerd Heber, Cornell University

Data-intensive science — a new paradigm

Scientific instruments and computer simulations are creating vast data stores that require new scientific methods to analyze and organize the data. Data volumes are approximately doubling each year. Since these new instruments have extraordinary precision, the data quality is also rapidly improving. Analyzing this data to find the subtle effects missed by previous studies requires algorithms that can simultaneously deal with huge datasets and that can find very subtle effects — finding both needles in the haystack and finding very small haystacks that were undetected in previous measurements.

The raw instrument and simulation data is processed by pipelines that produce standard data products. In the NASA terminology,1 the raw Level 0 data is calibrated and rectified to Level 1 datasets that are combined with other data to make derived Level 2 datasets. Most analysis happens on these Level 2 datasets with drill down to Level 1 data when anomalies are investigated.

We believe that most new science happens when the data is examined in new ways. So our focus here is on data exploration, interactive data analysis, and integration of Level 2 datasets.

Data analysis tools have not kept pace with our ability to capture and store data. Many scientists envy the pen-and-paper days when all their data used to fit in a notebook and analysis was done with a slide-rule. Things were simpler then; one could focus on the science rather than needing to be an information technology professional with expertise in arcane computer data analysis tools.

The largest data analysis gap is in this man-machine interface. How can we put the scientist back in control of his data? How can we build analysis tools that are intuitive and that augment the scientist’s intellect rather than adding to the intellectual burden with a forest of arcane user tools? The real challenge is building this smart notebook that unlocks the data and makes it easy to capture, organize, analyze, visualize, and publish.

This article is about the data and data analysis layer within such a smart notebook. We argue that the smart notebook will access data presented by science centers that will provide the community with analysis tools and computational resources to explore huge data archives.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Reference this article
Gray, J., Liu, D., Nieto-Santisteban, M., Szalay, A., DeWitt, D., Heber, G. "Scientific Data Management in the Coming Decade," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 1, Number 1, February 2005. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2005/02/scientific-data-management/

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