February 2005
Trends in High Performance Computing
Jim Gray, Microsoft
David T. Liu, University of California at Berkeley
Maria Nieto-Santisteban, Johns Hopkins University
Alex Szalay, Johns Hopkins University
David DeWitt, University of Wisconsin
Gerd Heber, Cornell University

Metadata enables data independence

The separation of data and programs is artificial — one cannot see the data without using a program and most programs are data driven. So, it is paradoxical that the data management community has worked for 40 years to achieve something called data independence, a clear separation of programs from data. Database systems provide two forms of data independence termed physical data independence and logical data independence.

Physical data independence comes in many different forms. However, in all cases the goal is to be able to change the underlying physical data organization without breaking any application programs that depend on the old data format. One example of physical data independence is the ability of a database system to partition the rows of a table across multiple disks and/or multiple nodes of a cluster without requiring that any application programs be modified. The mapping of the fields of each row of a relational table to different disks is another important example of physical data independence. While a database system might choose to map each row to a contiguous storage container (e.g. a record) on a single disk page, it might also choose to store large, possibly infrequently referenced attributes of a table corresponding to large text objects, JPEG images, or multidimensional arrays in separate storage containers on different disk pages and/or different storage volumes in order to maximize the overall performance of the system. Again, such physical storage optimizations are implemented to be completely transparent to application programs except, perhaps, for a change in their performance. In the scientific domain, the analogy would be that you could take a working application program that uses a C struct to describe its data records on disk and change the physical layout of the records without having to rewrite or even recompile the application program (or any of the other application programs that access the same data). By allowing such techniques, physical data independence allows performance improvements by reorganizing data for parallelism, at little or no extra effort on the part of scientists.

Modern database systems also provide logical data independence that insulates programs from changes to the logical database design, allowing designers to add or delete relationships and to add information to the database. While physical data independence is used to hide changes in the physical data organizations, logical data independence hides changes in the logical organization of the data. Logical data independence is typically supported using views. A view defines a virtual table that is specified using a SQL query over one or more base tables and/or other views. Views serve many purposes including increased security (by hiding attributes from applications and/or users without a legitimate need for access) and enhanced performance (by materializing views defined by complex SQL queries over very large input tables). But views are primarily used to allow old programs to operate correctly even as the underlying database is reorganized and redesigned. For example, consider a program whose correct operation depends on some table T that a database administrator wants to reorganize by dividing vertically into two pieces stored in tables T' and T''. To preserve applications that depend on T, the database administrator can then define a view over T' and T'' corresponding to the original definition of table T, allowing old programs to continue to operate correctly.

In addition, data evolves. Systems evolve from EBCDIC to ASCII to Unicode, from proprietary-float to IEEE-float, from marks to euros, and from 8-character ASCII names to 1,000 character Unicode names. It is important to be able to make these changes without breaking the millions of lines of existing programs that want to see the data in the old way. Views are used to solve these problems by dynamically translating data to the appropriate formats (converting among character and number representations, converting among 6-digit and 9-digit postal codes, converting between long-and-short names, and hiding new information from old programs.) The pain of the Y2K (converting from 2-character to 4-character years) taught most organizations the importance of data independence.

Database systems use a schema to implement both logical and physical data independence. The schema for a database holds all metadata including table and view definitions as well as information on what indices exist and how tables are mapped to storage volumes (and nodes in a parallel database environment). Separating the data and the metadata from the programs that manipulate the data is crucial to data independence. Otherwise, it is essentially impossible for other programs to find the metadata which, in turn, makes it essentially impossible for multiple programs to share a common database. Object-oriented programming concepts have refined the separation of programs and data. Data classes encapsulated with methods provide data independence and make it much easier to evolve the data without perturbing programs. So, these ideas are still evolving. But the key point of this section is that an explicit and standard data access layer with precise metadata and explicit data access is essential for data independence.

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Reference this article
Gray, J., Liu, D., Nieto-Santisteban, M., Szalay, A., DeWitt, D., Heber, G. "Scientific Data Management in the Coming Decade," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 1, Number 1, February 2005. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2005/02/scientific-data-management/

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