February 2007
The Promise and Perils of the Coming Multicore Revolution and Its Impact
John McCalpin, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Chuck Moore, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Phil Hester, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Market Issues

There are intriguing similarities between multi-core chips of the near future and the RISC SMPs that allowed the development of the RISC server market in the 1990's -- a market responsible for over $240B in hardware revenue in the last 10 years.10

Like the RISC SMPs of the mid-1990's, these multi-core processors will provide an easy-to-use, cache-coherent, shared-memory model, now shrunk to a single chip.
In ~1995, the SGI POWER Challenge was the best selling HPC server in the mid-range market – one of us (McCalpin) bought an 8-cpu system that year for about $400,000. CPU frequency in 1996-1997 was 90 MHz (11 ns) with a main memory latency close to 1000 ns, or 90 clock periods. In 2007, a quad-core AMD processor will have a frequency of over 2 GHz (0.5 ns) with a main memory latency of ~55 ns, or 110 clock periods. These are remarkably similar ratios.

Delivering adequate memory bandwidth was a challenge (sorry for the pun) on the RISC SMPs. An 8-cpu SGI POWER Challenge had a peak floating-point performance of 2.88 GFLOPS with a peak memory bandwidth of 1.2 GB/s, about 0.42 Bytes/FLOP. A quad-core AMD processor will launch with peak floating-point performance of about 32 GFLOPS and a peak memory bandwidth of about 12.8 GB/s, also giving about 0.4 Bytes/FLOP.

By 1996, the UNIX server market was generating over $22B in hardware revenue, increasing to almost $33B in 2000. The market has been in decline since then, dropping to about $18B in 2006.

Three factors have combined to lead to this decline:

  • Increasing difficulty in maintaining the system balances that initially made the servers successful,
  • Inability for larger RISC SMPs to follow the smaller RISC SMPs to lower price per processor, and
  • Introduction of even less expensive servers based on the IA32 architecture, accelerating with the introduction of products based on the AMD64 architecture in 2003.

It is interesting to look at these three factors in more detail.

Shifting System Balance

As noted above, the initial RISC SMPs had main memory latency in the range of 100 CPU clocks and bandwidth in the 0.4 Bytes/FLOP range. The latency was largely independent of CPU count, while the bandwidth per processor could be adjusted by configuring different numbers of processors.

There has been a clear systematic correlation between application area and bandwidth per processor, with "cache-friendly" application areas loading up the SMPs with a full load of processors, and "high-bandwidth" areas configuring fewer processors or sticking with uniprocessor systems.

By the year 2000, main memory latencies in RISC SMPs had decreased by a factor of about three, while CPU frequencies had increased by factors of three to six. Bandwidth per processor became more complex as monolithic system buses shifted to a variety of NUMA implementations.

Price Trends

During the second half of the 1990's, server vendors went to great lengths to maintain the desirable system balance properties of their very successful systems from the early to middle 1990's. Although largely successful, this effort had a cost -- a financial cost. The two major contributors to this cost were off-chip SRAM caches and snooping system buses for cache coherency. The large, off-chip SRAM caches were critical for these systems to tolerate the relatively high memory latencies and to reduce the bandwidth demand on the shared address and data buses. When Intel quit using standard, off-chip SRAM caches, the market stalled and price/performance of SRAM failed to follow the downward trend of other electronic components. By the year 2000, a large, off-chip SRAM cache could cost several times what the processor cost.

For small SMPs, however, the reduced sharing of the memory and address bus meant lower latency and higher bandwidth per processor. These, in turn, allowed the use of smaller off-chip SRAM caches. The gap between price/processor of small RISC SMPs and large RISC SMPs widened, and customers increasingly turned to clusters of small SMPs instead of large SMPs.

Killer Micros

By the early 2000's, servers based on commodity, high-volume architectures had come within striking distance of the absolute performance of servers based on proprietary RISC architectures, with the high-volume servers delivering superior price/performance. The trend toward small RISC SMPs made the transition to small commodity SMPs much easier. This trend was given a large boost in 2003 with the introduction of processors based on the AMD64 architecture, providing even better performance and native 64-bit addressing and integer arithmetic. Intel followed with the EM64T architecture, leading to a remarkably non-disruptive transition of the majority of the x86 server business from 32-bit to 64-bit hardware in just a few years.

These trends should not be read as indicating a lack of customer interest in SMPs. They do, however, provide an indication of the price sensitivity of various customers to the capabilities provided by the larger SMP systems. Make the price difference too large, and the market will figure out how to use the cheaper hardware.

Just as the RISC SMP market resulted in the parallelization of a large number of ISV codes (in both enterprise and technical computing), the multicore processor trend is likely to generate the impetus to parallelization of the much larger software base associated with the dramatically lower price points of today's small servers.

Unlike the RISC SMP market of the 1990's, the multicore processors of today do not rely on off-chip SRAM caches and can be configured to avoid expensive chip-to-chip coherence traffic (either through snoop filters or by simply using single-chip servers, e.g., Sun's T1/Niagara). There is no obvious general-purpose competitor overtaking x86 performance from lower price points, except perhaps in the case of mobile/low-power devices.

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Reference this article
McCalpin, J., Moore, C., Hester, P. "The Role of Multicore Processors in the Evolution of General-Purpose Computing," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 3, Number 1, February 2007. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2007/02/the-role-of-multicore-processors-in-the-evolution-of-general-purpose-computing/

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