February 2007
The Promise and Perils of the Coming Multicore Revolution and Its Impact
John L. Manferdelli, Microsoft Corporation


Major changes in the commercial computer software industry are often caused by significant shifts in hardware technology. These changes are often foreshadowed by hardware and software technology originating from high performance, scientific computing research. Innovation and advancement in both communities have been fueled by the relentless, exponential improvement in the capability of computer hardware over the last 40 years and much of that improvement (keenly observed by Gordon Moore and widely known as "Moore's Law") was the ability to double the number of microelectronic devices that could be crammed onto a constant area of silicon (at a nearly constant cost) every two years or so. Further, virtually every analytical technique from the scientific community (operations research, data mining, machine learning, compression and encoding, signal analysis, imaging, mapping, simulation of complex physical and biological systems, cryptography) has become widely deployed, broadly benefiting education, health care and entertainment as well as enabling the world-wide delivery of cheap, effective and profitable services from eBay to Google.

In stark contrast to the scientific community, commercial application software programmers have not, until recently, had to grapple with massively concurrent computer hardware. While Moore's law continues to be a reliable predictor of the aggregate computing power that will be available to commercial software, we can expect very little improvement in serial performance of general purpose CPUs. So if we are to continue to enjoy improvements in software capability at the rate we have become accustomed to, we must use parallel computing. This will have a profound effect on commercial software development including the languages, compilers, operating systems, and software development tools, which will in turn have an equally profound effect on computer and computational scientists.

Computer Architecture: What happened?

Power dissipation in clocked digital devices is proportional to the clock frequency, imposing a natural limit on clock rates. While compensating scaling has enabled commercial CPUs to increase clock speed by a factor of 4,000 in the last 10 years, the ability of manufacturers to dissipate heat has reached a physical limit. Leakage power dissipation gets worse as gates get smaller, because gate dielectric thicknesses must proportionately decrease. As a result, a significant increase in clock speed without heroic (and expensive) cooling is not possible. Chips would simply melt. This is the "Power Wall" confronting serial performance, and our back is firmly against it: Significant clock-frequency increases will not come without heroic measures, or materials technology breakthroughs.

Not only does clock speed appear to be limited, but memory performance improvement increasingly lags behind processor performance improvement. This introduces a problematic and growing memory latency barrier to computer performance improvements. To try to improve the "average memory reference" time to fetch or write instructions or data, current architectures have ever growing caches. Cache misses are expensive, causing delays of hundreds of (CPU) clock cycles. The mismatch in memory speed presents a "Memory Wall" for increased serial performance.

In addition to the performance improvements that have arisen from frequency scaling, hardware engineers have also improved performance, on average, by having duplicate hardware speculatively execute future instructions before the results of current instructions are known, while providing hardware safeguards to prevent the errors that might be caused by out of order execution.1 Unfortunately, branches must be "guessed" to decide what instructions to execute simultaneously (if you guess wrong, you throw away this part of the result) and data dependencies may prevent successive instructions from executing in parallel, even if there are no branches. This is called Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP). A big benefit of ILP is that existing programs enjoy performance benefits without any modification. But ILP improvements are difficult to forecast since the "speculation" success is difficult to predict, and ILP causes a super-linear increase in execution unit complexity (and associated power consumption) without linear speedup. Serial performance acceleration using ILP has also stalled because of these effects.2 This is the "ILP Wall."

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Reference this article
Manferdelli, J. "The Many-Core Inflection Point for Mass Market Computer Systems," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 3, Number 1, February 2007. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2007/02/the-many-core-inflection-point-for-mass-market-computer-systems/

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