November 2006 B
High Productivity Computing Systems and the Path Towards Usable Petascale Computing
Sadaf R. Alam, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nikhil Bhatia, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jeffrey S. Vetter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

1. Introduction

Performance and workload modeling have numerous uses at every stage of the high-end computing lifecycle: design, integration, procurement, installation, tuning, and maintenance. Despite the tremendous usefulness of performance models, their construction remains largely a manual, complex, and time-consuming exercise. Many of these techniques serve the overall purpose of modeling but few common techniques have gained widespread acceptance across the community. In most cases, researchers create models by manually interrogating applications with an array of performance, debugging, and static analysis tools to refine the model iteratively until the predictions fall within expectations. In other cases, researchers start with an algorithm description, and develop the performance model directly from this abstract description. In particular, DARPA’s High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program requires understanding and predicting application requirements almost eight years in advance, when prototype hardware and perhaps even system simulators do not exist. In this light, performance modeling takes on a critical importance because system architects must make choices that match application workloads while DARPA and its HPCS mission partners must set aggressive but realistic goals for performance.

In this article, we describe a new approach to performance model construction, called modeling assertions (MA), which borrows advantages from both the empirical and analytical modeling techniques1 2. This strategy has many advantages over traditional methods: isomorphism with the application structure; easy incremental validation of the model with empirical data; uncomplicated sensitivity analysis; and straightforward error bounding on individual model terms. We demonstrate the use of MA by designing a prototype framework, which allows construction, validation, and analysis of models of parallel applications written in FORTRAN and C with the MPI communication library. We use the prototype to construct models of NAS CG, SP benchmarks3 and a production level scientific application called Parallel Ocean Program (POP).4

A further advantage of our approach is that the MA symbolic models encapsulate an application’s key input parameters as well as the workload parameters, including the computation and the communication characteristics of the modeled applications. The MA scheme requires an application developer to describe the workload requirements of a given block of code using the MA API in the form of code annotations. These code annotations are independent of the target platforms. Moreover, the MA scheme allows multi-resolution modeling of scientific applications. In other words, a user can decide which functions are critical to a given application and can annotate and subsequently develop detailed performance models of the key functions. Depending on the runtime accuracy of the model, a user can develop hierarchical, multi-resolution performance models of selected functions, for instance, models of critical loop blocks within a time-consuming function. MA models can capture the control structure of an application. Thus, not only an aggregated workload metric is generated, but also the distribution of a given workload over an entire execution cycle can be modeled using the MA framework.

The outline of the paper is as follows: the motivation behind the modeling assertion technique is presented in section 2. Section 3 explains the components of the Modeling Assertions framework. Section 4 describes model construction and validation using the NAS CG benchmarks. Section 5 presents the scalability of the NAS CG and SP benchmarks and POP communication behavior together with an analysis of sensitivity of workload requirements. Section 6 concludes with benefits and contributions of the modeling assertions approach to performance modeling studies.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Reference this article
"Symbolic Performance Modeling of HPCS Applications," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 4B, November 2006 B. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/11/symbolic-performance-modeling-of-hpcs-applications/

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