November 2006 B
High Productivity Computing Systems and the Path Towards Usable Petascale Computing
Andrew Funk, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
John R. Gilbert, UC Santa Barbara
David Mizell, Cray Inc.
Viral Shah, UC Santa Barbara


Software development is a complex process. Many factors influence programmer productivity– experience, choice of programming language, etc. – but comparisons of their effects are primarily anecdotal. We describe a quantitative method to capture programmer workflows using timed Markov models. We fit data collected from programmers in two separate classroom experiments to these timed Markov models, and compare the workflows of programmers using UPC and C/MPI.

1. Introduction

Higher level languages such Matlab are often thought to be more productive to program in than Fortran or C. PGAS (partitioned global address space) languages are believed to be easier to use than message passing environments. There are several other widely heldbeliefs about programming and productivity; a well designed IDE might be more productive than command line tools, a debugger might be more productive than debugging by printing, interactive programming environments might allow for quicker development than compiled languages, and so on.

Such hypotheses are often anecdotal – it is hard to prove or disprove them. It should be possible to confirm or refute hypotheses about programmer productivity with a reasonable model of programming workflows coupled with experimental evidence. Quantitative analysis is desirable, but very hard to get.

We believe that our work can lead to an ability to choose a programming environment based on quantitative evaluations instead of anecdotal evidence. Several studies,1 2 3 compare different software engineering processes and programming environments in a variety of ways, mostly qualitative.

Programmers go through an identifiable, repeated process when developing programs, which can be characterized by a directed graph workflow. TMMs (timed Markov models or timed Markov processes) are one way to describe such directed graphs in a quantifiable manner. We describe a simple TMM that captures the workflows of programmers working alone on a specific problem. We then describe an experimental setup in which we instrument the student homeworks in the parallel computing class at UC Santa Barbara. We also describe the tools we developed for instrumentation, modelling, and simulating different what–if scenarios in the modelled data. Using our model and tools, we compare the workflows of graduate students programming the same assignment in C/MPI4 and UPC5> – something that is not possible without a quantitative model and measurement tools.

We describe Timed Markov Processes in Section 2. In Section 3, we describe our modelling of programmer productivity with TMM. Section 4 contains a description of our data collection methodology. We compare UPC and C/MPI data in Section 5. In Section 6, we talk about the various tools we are designing to allow anyone else to perform similar analysis. We finish with concluding remarks in Section 7.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Reference this article
"Modelling Programmer Workflows with Timed Markov Models ," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 4B, November 2006 B. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/11/modelling-programmer-workflows-with-timed-markov-models/

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