November 2007
Software Enabling Technologies for Petascale Science
John Mellor-Crummey, Rice University
Peter Beckman, Argonne National Laboratory
Keith Cooper, Rice University
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
William Gropp, Argonne National Laboratory
Ewing Lusk, Argonne National Laboratory
Barton Miller, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Katherine Yelick, University of California, Berkeley

2.3. Portability and Support for Heterogeneous Platforms

The third dimension of scalability is mapping an application to different sequential and parallel computing platforms. Over the lifetime of an application, the effort spent in porting and retuning for new platforms can often exceed the original implementation effort. In support of portability, we are initially focusing on obtaining the highest possible performance on leadership-class machines. In addition, we will explore compilation and optimization of applications to permit them to run efficiently on computer systems that incorporate different kinds of computational elements, such as vector/SIMD and scalar processors.

2.3.1 Automatic Tuning to New Platforms

The success of libraries such as ATLAS4 and FFTW5 has increased interest in automatic tuning of components and applications. The goal of research in this area is to develop compiler and run-time technology to identify which loop nests in a program are critical for high performance and then restructure them appropriately to achieve the highest performance on a target platform.

The search space for alternative implementations of loop nests is too big to explore exhaustively. We have been exploring several strategies to reduce the cost of searching for the best loop structure. By leveraging capabilities of Rice’s HPCToolkit, we can pinpoint sources of inefficiency at the loop level, which can guide exploration of transformation parameters. Also, we have been employing model guidance along with search to dramatically reduce the size of the search needed for good performance.6

As part of CScADS, the Rice and Tennessee groups are continuing their efforts based on LoopTool, HPCToolkit, and ATLAS 2, with a focus on pre-tuning component libraries for various platforms. This work will provide variants of arbitrary component libraries optimized for different platforms and different application contexts, much as Atlas does today. A second group at Rice is extending adaptive code optimization strategies to tune components. This work will explore adaptive transformations and aggressive interprocedural optimization.

2.3.2 Compiling to Heterogeneous Computing Platforms

Emerging high-end computing architectures are beginning to have heterogeneous computational components within a single system. Exploiting these features (or even coping with them) will be a challenge. We believe that new techniques must be incorporated into compilers and tools to support portable high-performance programming. To date, our work has explored compilation for chips with attached vector units (SSE on Intel chips, Altivec on the IBM G5) and code generation for Cell.7 We are building upon this work to develop compiler techniques for partitioning and mapping computations onto the resources to which they are best suited. These techniques will be critical for effective use of systems that incorporate both vector and scalar elements in the same machine, such as those outlined in Cray’s strategy for “adaptive supercomputing.”

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Reference this article
Mellor-Crummey, J., Beckman, P., Cooper, K., Dongarra, J., Gropp, W., Lusk, E., Miller, B., Yelick, K. "Creating Software Tools and Libraries for Leadership Computing," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 3, Number 4, November 2007. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2007/11/creating-software-tools-and-libraries-for-leadership-computing/

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