November 2007
Software Enabling Technologies for Petascale Science
John Mellor-Crummey, Rice University
Peter Beckman, Argonne National Laboratory
Keith Cooper, Rice University
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
William Gropp, Argonne National Laboratory
Ewing Lusk, Argonne National Laboratory
Barton Miller, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Katherine Yelick, University of California, Berkeley

2.2.2 Compiler Technology for Parallel Languages

The principal stumbling block to using parallel computers productively is that parallel programming models in wide use today place most of the burden of managing parallelism and optimizing parallel performance on application developers. We face a looming productivity crisis if we continue programming parallel systems at such a low level of abstraction, as these parallel systems increase in scale and architectural complexity. As a component of CScADS research, we are exploring a range of compiler technologies for parallel systems ranging from technologies with near-term impact to technologies for higher level programming models that we expect to pay off further in the future. This work is being done in conjunction with the DOE-funded Center for Programming Models for Scalable Parallel Computing. Technologies that we are exploring include:

Partitioned global address space (PGAS) languages. Communication optimization will be critical to the performance of PGAS languages on large-scale systems. As part of CScADS, we are enhancing the Open64 compiler infrastructure to support compile-time communication analysis and optimization of Co-Array Fortran and UPC.

Global array languages. High-level languages that support data-parallel programming using a global view offer a dramatically simpler alternative for programming parallel systems. Programming in such languages is simpler; one simply reads and writes shared variables without worrying about synchronization and data movement. An application programmer merely specifies how to partition the data and leaves the details of partitioning the computation and choreographing communication to a parallelizing compiler. Having an HPF program achieve over 10 TFLOPS on Japan's Earth Simulator has rekindled interest in high-level programming models within the US. Research challenges include improving the expressiveness, performance, and portability of high-level programming models.

Parallel scripting languages. Matlab and other scripting languages boost developer productivity both by providing a rich set of library primitives and by abstracting away mundane details of programming. Ongoing work at Rice is exploring compiler technology for Matlab. Work at Tennessee involves parallel implementations of scripting languages such as Matlab, Python, and Mathematica. As a part of this project, we are exploring compiler and run-time techniques that will enable such high-level programming systems to scale to much larger computation configurations while retaining support for most languages features.

2.2.3 Support for Multicore Platforms

Multicore chips will force at least two dimensions of parallelism into scalable architectures: (1) on-chip, shared-memory parallelism and (2) cross-chip distributed-memory parallelism. Many architects predict that with processor speed improvements slowing, the number of cores per chip is likely to double every two years. In addition, many of the contemplated architectures will incorporate multi-threading on each of the cores, adding a third dimension of parallelism. Based on this increased complexity, we see three principal challenges in dealing with scalable parallel systems constructed from multicore chips.

  • Decomposing available parallelism and mapping it well to available resources. For a given loop nest, we will need to find instruction-level parallelism to exploit short-vector operations, multi-threaded parallelism to map across multiple cores, and outer-loop parallelism to exploit an entire scalable system.
  • Keeping multiple cores busy requires that more data be transferred from off-chip memory. In the near term, given the limitations on sockets, the aggregate off-chip bandwidth will not scale linearly with the number of cores. For this reason, it will be critical to transform applications to achieve high levels of cache reuse.
  • Choreographing parallelism and data movement. Rather than having cores compute independently, coordinating their computation with synchronization can improve reuse.

We are pursuing three approaches to cope with the challenges of multicore computing. First, Tennessee is exploring the design of algorithms and component libraries for systems employing multicore chips. This work seeks to achieve the highest possible performance, produce useful libraries, and drive the research on compilation strategies and automatic tuning for multicore chips. Second, Rice is exploring compiler transformations to exploit multicore processors effectively by carefully partitioning and scheduling computations to enhance inter-core data reuse. Third, Argonne is exploring the interaction of multi-threaded application programs with systems software such as node operating systems and communication libraries such as MPI.

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Reference this article
Mellor-Crummey, J., Beckman, P., Cooper, K., Dongarra, J., Gropp, W., Lusk, E., Miller, B., Yelick, K. "Creating Software Tools and Libraries for Leadership Computing," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 3, Number 4, November 2007. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2007/11/creating-software-tools-and-libraries-for-leadership-computing/

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