February 2007
The Promise and Perils of the Coming Multicore Revolution and Its Impact
Jack Dongarra, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; University of Tennessee
Dennis Gannon, Indiana University
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University
Ken Kennedy, Rice University

2.4 Compiling for Multicore

Although many applications can make significant performance gains through the use of tuned library kernels, such as those from dense linear algebra, there will be application components needing a more general strategy for mapping to multicore. In such components, it is important to avoid explicit tuning to a particular number of cores or hierarchy of cache series. Performance of these mappings, while hiding underlying details of the target computing platform, has been a main goal of research in compiler technology for the past two decades. Much of that work has been guided by the lessons from the tuning of library kernels. The compiler attempts to generalize tuning strategies for library kernels, applying them to arbitrary nests of loops.

Multicore chips amplify the need for careful mapping because the caches are shared at one or more levels on the chip, but bandwidth on and off the chip is limited and unlikely to scale with the number of cores. This reuse of data in on-chip cache and sharing data in cache between multiple cores are key performance improving strategies. Two main compiler transformations studied since the late 1980s are key to successfully exploring these opportunities:

  1. Tiling is the practice of breaking long loop nests into blocks of computation that fit neatly into a single level of cache. This transformation, applied at several levels of the hierarchy, has been a cornerstone of optimization for dense linear algebra kernels for over two decades. The trick is to apply it with equal success to general loop nests.
  2. Fusion of loop nests is a strategy that takes different loops that use the same arrays and brings them together into a single loop nest to enhance cache reuse. Of course, this has a significant interaction with tiling, often forcing the use of smaller tiles.

These transformations have been broadly studied and are used in most commercial compilers today. However, the interactions between them are tricky to manage because of another feature of modern caches: data blocks are not simply stored anywhere in cache; instead, each block is mapped to an "associativity group" that is typically small in size, say two to eight blocks. Thus it is possible, in a nearly empty cache, that the hardware would evict a block that is still needed because there are too many other in-use blocks that map to the same group. The next time the evicted block is needed, it suffers a costly "miss" that requires fetching the block from memory. Such an event is called a conflict miss to distinguish it from a capacity miss, which occurs when the cache is full.

Reduction of conflict misses is very tricky because of its interactions with tiling and fusion – too much fusion and tiles that are too large, or even tiles of the wrong dimension can increase conflict misses.

Dealing with difficult trade-offs like these has become so complex that a significant amount of research is being invested in automatic tuning of loop optimizations. In this approach, the compiler runs loop nests on small data sets in advance to determine the best tile sizes and fusion configurations. Though expensive in computer time, it is far better than hand tuning to each new multicore chip. It is worth noting that the first autotuning work was applied to kernels from dense and sparse linear algebra,5 along with libraries for the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Now the work is being expanded to handle other libraries and whole applications.

Finally, we observe that shared caches suggest that it may be preferable to pipeline computations on multicore chips. In this approach, two loops that might otherwise be fused are run on two different cores with synchronization and staging through the shared cache. This makes it possible to retain the benefits of fusion without shrinking tile sizes, at a cost of synchronization and pipeline start up delay.

This final observation suggests that new programming models based on functional composition may be a great way to develop applications for multicore chips today and in the future.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Reference this article
Dongarra, J., Gannon, D., Fox, G., Kennedy, K. "The Impact of Multicore on Computational Science Software ," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 3, Number 1, February 2007. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2007/02/the-impact-of-multicore-on-computational-science-software/

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