February 2007
The Promise and Perils of the Coming Multicore Revolution and Its Impact
Jack Dongarra, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; University of Tennessee
Dennis Gannon, Indiana University
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University
Ken Kennedy, Rice University

2. The Challenges of Multicore

It is difficult to overestimate the magnitude of the discontinuity that the high performance computing (HPC) community is about to experience because of the emergence of the next generation of multi-core and heterogeneous processor designs.2 For at least two decades, HPC programmers have taken it for granted that each successive generation of microprocessors would, either immediately or after minor adjustments, make their old software run substantially faster. But three main factors are converging to bring this "free ride" to an end. First, system builders have encountered intractable physical barriers – too much heat, too much power consumption, and too much leaking voltage – to further increases in clock speeds. Second, physical limits on the number of pins and bandwidth on a single chip mean that the gap between processor performance and memory performance, which was already bad, will get increasingly worse. Finally, the design trade-offs being made to address the previous two factors will render commodity processors, absent any further augmentation, inadequate for the purposes of tera- and petascale systems for advanced applications. This daunting combination of obstacles has forced the designers of new multi-core and hybrid systems, searching for more computing power, to explore architectures that software built on the old model are unable to effectively exploit without radical modification.

But despite the rapidly approaching obsolescence of familiar programming paradigms, there is currently no well understood alternative in whose viability the community can be confident. The essence of the problem is the dramatic increase in complexity that software developers will have to confront. Dual-core machines are already common, and the number of cores is expected to roughly double with each processor generation. But contrary to the assumptions of the old model, programmers will not be able to consider these cores independently (i.e., multi-core is not "the new SMP") because they share on-chip resources in ways that separate processors do not. This situation is made even more complicated by the other non-standard components that future architectures are expected to deploy, including mixing different types of cores, hardware accelerators, and memory systems. Finally, the proliferation of widely divergent design ideas illustrates that the question of how to best combine all these new resources and components is largely unsettled. When combined, these changes produce a picture of a future in which programmers must overcome software design problems that are vastly more complex and challenging than in the past in order to take advantage of the much higher degrees of concurrency and greater computing power that new architectures will offer.

2.1 Main factors driving the multi-core discontinuity

Among the various factors that are driving the momentous changes now occurring in the design of microprocessors and high end systems, three stand out as especially notable: 1) the number of transistors on the chip will continue to double roughly every 18 months, but the speed of processor clocks will not continue to increase; 2) the number of pins and bandwidth on CPUs are reaching their limits; and 3) there will be a strong drift toward hybrid systems for petascale (and larger) systems. The first two involve fundamental physical limitations that nothing currently on the horizon is likely to overcome. The third is a consequence of the first two, combined with the economic necessity of using many thousands of CPUs to scale up to petascale and larger systems. Each of these factors has a somewhat different effect on the design space for future programming:

  1. More transistors and slower clocks mean multi-core designs and more parallelism required – The modus operandi of traditional processor design – increase the transistor density, speed up the clock rate, raise the voltage – has now been blocked by a stubborn set of physical barriers – too much heat produced, too much power consumed, too much voltage leaked. Multi-core designs are a natural response to this situation. By putting multiple processor cores on a single die, architects can continue to increase the number of gates on the chip without increasing the power densities. But since excess heat production means that frequencies cannot be further increased, deep-and-narrow pipeline models will tend to recede as shallow-and-wide pipeline designs become the norm. Moreover, despite obvious similarities, multi-core processors are not equivalent to multiple-CPUs or to SMPs. Multiple cores on the same chip can share various caches (including TLB!) and they certainly share the bus. Extracting performance from this configuration of resources means that programmers must exploit increased thread-level parallelism (TLP) and efficient mechanisms for inter-processor communication and synchronization to manage resources effectively. The complexity of parallel processing will no longer be hidden in hardware by a combination of increased instruction level parallelism (ILP) and deep-and-narrow pipeline techniques, as it was with superscalar designs. It will have to be addressed in software.
  2. Thicker "memory wall" means that communication efficiency will be even more essential – The pins that connect the processor to main memory have become a strangle point, with both the rate of pin growth and the bandwidth per pin slowing down, if not flattening out. Thus the processor- to-memory performance gap, which is already approaching a thousand cycles, is expected to grow, by 50% per year according to some estimates. At the same time, the number of cores on a single chip is expected to continue to double every 18 months, and since limitations on space will keep the cache resources from growing as quickly, cache per core ratio will continue to go down. Problems of memory bandwidth, memory latency, and cache fragmentation will, therefore, tend to get worse.
  3. Limitations of commodity processors will further increase heterogeneity and system complexity - Experience has shown that tera- and petascale systems must, for the sake of economic viability, use commodity off-the-shelf (COTS) processors as their foundation. Unfortunately, the trade-offs that are being (and will continue to be) made in the architecture of these general purpose multi-core processors are unlikely to deliver the capabilities that leading edge research applications require, even if the software is suitably modified. Consequently, in addition to all the different kinds of multithreading that multi-core systems may utilize – at the core-level, socket-level, board-level, and distributed memory level – they are also likely to incorporate some constellation of special purpose processing elements. Examples include hardware accelerators, GPUs, off-load engines (TOEs), FPGAs, and communication processors (NIC-processing, RDMA). Since the competing designs (and design lines) that vendors are offering are already diverging, and mixed hardware configurations (e.g., Los Alamos Roadrunner, Cray BlackWidow) are already appearing, the hope of finding a common target architecture around which to develop future programming models seems at this point to be largely forlorn.

We believe that these major trends will define, in large part at least, the design space for scientific software in the coming decade. But while it may be important for planning purposes to describe them in the abstract, to appreciate what they mean in practice, and therefore what their strategic significance may be for the development of new programming models, one has to look at how their effects play out in concrete cases. Below we describe our early experience with these new architectures, both how they render traditional ideas obsolete, and how innovative techniques can exploit their parallelism and heterogeneity to address these problems.

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Reference this article
Dongarra, J., Gannon, D., Fox, G., Kennedy, K. "The Impact of Multicore on Computational Science Software ," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 3, Number 1, February 2007. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2007/02/the-impact-of-multicore-on-computational-science-software/

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