Solving Linear Diophantine Systems on Parallel Architectures

TitleSolving Linear Diophantine Systems on Parallel Architectures
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsZaitsev, D., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra
JournalIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Date Published2019-05
KeywordsMathematical model, Matrix decomposition, Parallel architectures, Petri nets, Software algorithms, Sparse matrices, Task analysis

Solving linear Diophantine systems of equations is applied in discrete-event systems, model checking, formal languages and automata, logic programming, cryptography, networking, signal processing, and chemistry. For modeling discrete systems with Petri nets, a solution in non-negative integer numbers is required, which represents an intractable problem. For this reason, solving such kinds of tasks with significant speedup is highly appreciated. In this paper we design a new solver of linear Diophantine systems based on the parallel-sequential composition of the system clans. The solver is studied and implemented to run on parallel architectures using a two-level parallelization concept based on MPI and OpenMP. A decomposable system is usually represented by a sparse matrix; a minimal clan size of the decomposition restricts the granulation of the technique. MPI is applied for solving systems for clans using a parallel-sequential composition on distributed-memory computing nodes, while OpenMP is applied in solving a single indecomposable system on a single node using multiple cores. A dynamic task-dispatching subsystem is developed for distributing systems on nodes in the process of compositional solution. Computational speedups are obtained on a series of test examples, e.g., illustrating that the best value constitutes up to 45 times speedup obtained on 5 nodes with 20 cores each.

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