DPLASMA: Distributed Parallel Linear Algebra Software for Multicore Architectures
DPLASMA is the leading implementation of a dense linear algebra package for distributed heterogeneous systems. It is designed to deliver sustained performance for distributed systems where each node featuring multiple sockets of multicore processors, and if available, accelerators like GPUs or Intel Xeon Phi. DPLASMA achieves this objective through the state of the art PaRSEC runtime, porting the Parallel Linear Algebra Software for Multicore Architectures (PLASMA) algorithms to the distributed memory realm.
DPLASMA’s feature set includes:
- Linear systems of equations (Cholesky, LU [inc. pivoting, PP], LDL [prototype]).
- Least squares (QR & LQ).
- Symmetric eigenvalue problem (Reduction to Band [prototype]).
- Covers double real, double complex, single real, and single complex (D, Z, S, C) precisions.
- Provides ScaLAPACK-compatible interface for matrices in F77 column-major layout
- Supports: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, UN*X (depends on MPI, hwloc)
For more detailed information, including some performance graphs, please checkout our flyer.
This project become part of the PaRSEC project, and all related information have been moved to the new project website. Follow the link to PaRSEC for more information.
When referencing DPLASMA in a publication please use the following reference Flexible Development of Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms on Massively Parallel Architectures with DPLASMA (bibtex reference)