March 2008
Urgent Computing: Exploring Supercomputing's New Role
Karla Atkins
Christopher L. Barrett
Richard Beckman
Keith Bisset
Jiangzhou Chen
Stephen Eubank
Annette Feng
Xizhou Feng
Steven D. Harris
Bryan Lewis
V.S. Anil Kumar
Madhav V. Marathe
Achla Marathe
Henning Mortveit
Paula Stretz, Network Dynamics and Simulation Science Laboratory, Virginia Bio-Informatics Institute, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Current Infrastructure Models

Currently, modules for public health, telecommunications, commodity markets and urban social networks have been developed and integrated within the Simfrastucture framework 5 6 12 13 14. Simdemics is a module that supports public health epidemiology. Simdemics itself has three different implementations of methods that simulate the spread of infectious diseases. Sigma is a highly scalable, web-based, service-oriented modeling framework for analyzing large generic markets for commodities such as electricity, oil, corn, as well as for allocating distributed computer resources in a utility data center. It supports large-scale synthetic and human economic experiments and studies related to bargaining, learning, cooperation, and social and risk preferences. It can also be used as a tool to study appropriate designs for marketing bandwidth in an unlicensed radio spectrum. The integrated tele-communication modeling environment consists of analytical and simulation-based modeling tools for design and analysis of next-generation computing and communication systems that are based on packet switched network technology. Examples of such systems include mesh networks deployed in urban and rural communities, vehicular ad hoc networks, hybrid, cellular, mesh and sensor networks. Finally, the module for generating urban social contact networks generates high fidelity synthetic networks consisting of people, locations and their interactions. The kinds of interactions determine the specific social network that is created. In addition to these, TRANSIMS an urban transport module developed by our group and team members at Los Alamos National Laboratory, is also integrated within the framework. A key feature of the overall architecture is its ability to easily integrate other infrastructure models within the framework. For instance, the Urban infrastructure suite (UIS) developed at Los Alamos can be integrated within the current framework.

SimDM is an integrated data management environment. It follows the 5S (Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, and Societies) framework that defines the meta-model for a minimal digital library. A conceptual architecture is shown in Figure 3. See 15 16 for additional discussion.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Schematic architecture of SimDM: data management module based on the 5S specification.

It stores streams of textual bits from files or databases and audio/video sequences. Challenges arise from enforcing proper structures over heterogeneously structured digital objects with close conceptual relationships. In our prototype implementation, we used RDF-based metadata, which defines semantic contents of objects and relationships among them. The metadata constructs a knowledgebase for Simfrastructure, on which a browsing service could be based. Simfrastructure objects contain both textual information and real number parameters.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Reference this article
Atkins, K., Barrett, C. L., Beckman, R., Bisset, K., Chen, J., Eubank, S., Feng, A., Feng, Z., Harris, S. D., Lewis, B., Anil Kuman, V. S., Marathe, M. V., Marathe, A., Mortveit, H., Stretz, P. "An Interaction Based Composable Architecture for Building Scalable Models of Large Social, Biological, Information and Technical Systems," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 4, Number 1, March 2008. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2008/03/an-interaction-based-composable-architecture-for-building-scalable-models-of-large-social-biological-information-and-technical-systems/

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