November 2006 A
High Productivity Computing Systems and the Path Towards Usable Petascale Computing
Susan Squires, Sun Microsystems Inc.
Michael L. Van De Vanter, Sun Microsystems Inc.
Lawrence G. Votta, Sun Microsystems Inc.

2. A Three-stage Research Design

The research design is summarized in Figure 1. The stages are necessarily sequential; each provides a foundation for research methods in the next.

This framework is broadly analogous to realizations of the scientific method used in many disciplines, although the correspondence can be obscured somewhat by differences among the phenomena being studied and the methods appropriate to their study.

Stage 1: Explore & Discover. At the outset of an investigation researchers may not know the appropriate questions or issues to address, let alone have a coherent theory of the phenomena being studied. The first stage in the framework, based mainly on qualitative methods, is open-ended; it is designed to produce the insights necessary for hypothesis generation. Such insights can be considered an explicit “model” of the phenomena, analogous to the “paradigm” in which scientific inquiry is undertaken and through which experimental data are interpreted.

Stage 2: Test & Define. Rigor is added using methods that produce additional data surrounding theories generated in the first stage. This provides feedback on insights, supplies concrete data for model refinement, and leads to deeper understanding of what can be measured and how those measurements can be interpreted. This stage of “experimental design” is the necessary bridge between theory and experimentation.

Stage 3: Evaluate & Validate. Finally, more focused and mostly quantitative techniques are applied precisely in order to collect data, interpret the results, and validate the outcomes.

An important benefit of this framework is the reliable “roadmap” for moving from qualitative data collection and analysis, which are appropriate for discovery, to more quantitative data collection and analysis methods, which are appropriate to definitional and evaluative research.

The immediate challenge in a study of such breadth as software development is not so much in creating new methods, although researchers can be tempted to do so when investigating phenomena outside their area of training. A great many methods are available for studying human behaviors, the vast majority of which are known to graduate students who have taken class work in research design, advanced statistics, ethnographic interviewing, and content analysis.4 The greater challenge is to determine exactly when, how, and why to use particular methods to draw out the implications of findings. This research framework makes it possible to select the appropriate qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection and analysis.

Stage Character Methods
1. Explore & Discover Open Ethnography
Case study
Contextual observations
Semi-structured Interviews
Document review
Language patterning
2. Test & Define Focused Quasi-experimental studies
Concept mapping
Structured interviews
Comparative studies
Focus groups
Semiotic analysis
3. Evaluate & Validate Structured Social network analysis
Controlled experiments
Product testing
User-experience simulations
Human testing
Quality measurement
Table 1. Sample methods from the research toolbox.

Table 1 displays a sample of specific data collection and analysis methods appropriate to each stage, with the more qualitative methods appearing early and more quantitative methods appearing later. For example the case study with its open-ended qualitative observational and interview methods is most useful for early discovery research; on the other hand, surveys are appropriate in later stages when their design can be informed by data already collected. Data collection methods are just that: standardized techniques that enable researchers to gather valid and relevant information.

Qualitative and quantitative techniques are both useful, but only when used appropriately. For example, some methods are better to discern patterns, others to test specific ideas. Some methods are better to describe behavioral phenomena, others for opinions. Some methods excel at documenting how people interact with things, others at discerning how they interact amongst themselves. Some methods are better for discovering just how similar things or people are; others are better at teasing out causes from consequences. Qualitative data provide tremendous clues about people on a group level; examples of such “cultural” clues include descriptions of perceptions about how people use or classify objects, the nature of their personal interactions, and opinions about the world around them. Quantitative data are also extremely useful, for example the number of lines of code (LOC) contained in an application or the number of full time personnel on a code project.

When techniques are combined appropriately, based on sound methodology, it becomes possible to create and distinguish among the most important human processes within and across groups of people.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Reference this article
Squires, S., Van De Vanter, M. L., Votta, L. G. "Software Productivity Research In High Performance Computing ," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 4A, November 2006 A. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/11/software-productivity-research-in-high-performance-computing/

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