November 2006 B
High Productivity Computing Systems and the Path Towards Usable Petascale Computing
Erich Strohmaier, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Performance evaluation of code execution focuses on determining performance and efficiency levels for specific application scenarios. However, there is no measure characterizing how complex it is to achieve performance and how transparent performance results are. In this paper I present an execution time metric called Performance Complexity (PC) to capture these important aspects. PC is based on performance results from a set of benchmark experiments and related performance models reflecting the behavior of a program. Residual modeling errors are used to derive PC as a measure for how transparent program performance is and how complex the performance appears to the programmer. I present a detailed description for calculating compatible P and PC values and use results from a parametric benchmark to illustrate the utility of PC for analyzing systems and programming paradigms.

1. Introduction

During the last decades it has become more difficult to achieve high performance efficiency, portability, and scalability on computer systems. It is becoming increasingly unclear how more complex hardware and software features affect performance and scalability. As we optimize our codes for particular system features, code development time increases and the achieved performance levels are less portable. Coding complexity is also increasing due to insufficient features in programming languages for parallel systems. These problems have been widely recognized and the DARPA HPCS (High Productivity Computing Systems) program is addressing them directly by funding research into new, more productive parallel programming paradigms. 1

Evaluation of code execution has traditionally focused on determining absolute and relative performance and efficiency levels for specific applications. A commonly accepted method uses a set of benchmarks selected to represent a particular workload of interest to measure absolute and relative performance. However, there is no methodology to quantify the transparency of the performance. If we understand the performance behavior of a system, performance sensitive programming is potentially easy. If performance is not transparent, programming becomes difficult and complex. Therefore, a measure for performance transparency can also be considered a measure for programming complexity.

In this paper I introduce such a code execution metric. We use the accuracy of performance models to derive a quantitative measure for Performance Complexity - PC. In the general case, a set of appropriately chosen performance models is developed for each benchmark in a benchmark set. The residual modeling errors are used to derive measures for how well performance is captured by the models. Performance Complexity is the geometric standard deviation of measured performances relative to predicted performance values.

Developing performance models for a full set of benchmarks can be time consuming As a first step, I use a single tunable synthetic benchmark Apex-MAP2 and a set of simple performance models. Different descriptive parameter value sets of Apex-MAP are used as replacement of different benchmarks. We also use a set of different performance models to study the influence of model selection on the values of PC. I find that our results reflect intuitive qualitative expectations for relative PC values surprisingly well.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In section 2, I introduce and describe our concept for Performance Complexity in detail, section 3 is a brief introduction to Apex-MAP, in section 4 I develop the used performance models, section 5 and 6 describe results for serial and parallel execution, section 7 discusses related work, and I present my conclusions and future work in section 8.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Reference this article
"Performance Complexity: An Execution Time Metric to Characterize the Transparency and Complexity of Performance," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 4B, November 2006 B. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/11/performance-complexity-an-execution-time-metric-to-characterize-the-transparency-and-complexity-of-performance/

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