November 2006 B
High Productivity Computing Systems and the Path Towards Usable Petascale Computing
Tzu-Yi Chen, Pomona College
Meghan Gunn, University of San Diego
Beth Simon, UC San Diego
Laura Carrington, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Allan Snavely, San Diego Supercomputer Center

Name Description Processor Counts
avus CFD calculations on unstructured grids 32, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384
cth7 effects of strong shock waves 16, 32, 64, 96
gamess general ab-initio quantum chemistry 32, 48, 64, 96, 128
hycom primitive equation ocean general circulation model 24, 47, 59, 80, 96, 111, 124
lammps classical molecular dynamics simulation 16, 32, 48, 64, 128
oocore out-of-core solver 16, 32, 48, 64
overflow2 CFD calculations on overlapping, multi-resolution grids 16, 32, 48, 64
wrf weather research and forecast 16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384
Table 4. The applications used in the study and the number of processors on which each was run.
HPC lab location Processor Interconnect # of compute processors
ARL SGI-03800-0.4GHz NUMACC 512
ARL LNX-Xeon-3.6GHz Myrinet 2048
ARSC IBM-690-1.3GHz Federation 784
ASC SGI-03900-0.7GHz NUMACC 2032
ASC HP-SC45-1.0GHz Quadrics 768
ERDC SGI-O3900-0.7GHz NUMACC 1008
ERDC HP-SC40-0.833GHz Quadrics 488
ERDC HP-SC45-1.0GHz Quadrics 488
MHPCC IBM-690-1.3GHz Colony 320
MHPCC IBM-P3-0.375GHz Colony 736
NAVO IBM-655-1.7GHz Federation 2832
NAVO IBM-690-1.3GHz Colony 1328
NAVO IBM-P3-0.375GHz Colony 736
SDSC IBM-IA64-1.5GHz Myrinet 512
Table 5. Systems used in this study.
Probe name DoD TI06 Benchmark suite20 Machine property measured
flops CPUBENCH peak rate for issuing floating-point operations
L1 bw(1) MEMBENCH rate for loading strided data from L1 cache
L1 bw(r)    " rate for loading random stride data from L1 cache
L2 bw(1)    " rate for loading strided data from L2 cache
L2 bw(r)    " rate for loading random stride data from L2 cache
L3 bw(1)    " rate for loading load strided data from L3 cache
L3 bw(r)    " rate for loading random stride data from L3 cache
MM bw(1)    " rate for loading strided data from main memory
MM bw(r)    " rate for loading random stride data from main memory
NW bw NETBENCH rate for sending data point-to-point
NW latency NETBENCH startup latency for sending data point-to-point
Table 6. Probes run as part of DoD benchmarking.
1 Bailey, D. H., Barszcz, E., Barton, J. T., Browning, D. S., Carter, R. L., Dagum, D., Fatoohi, R. A., Frederickson, P. O., Lasinski, T. A., Schreiber, R. S., Simon, H. D., Venkatakrishnan, V., Weeratunga, S. K. "The NAS Parallel Benchmarks," The International Journal of Supercomputer Applications, 5(3):63–73, Fall 1991.
2SPEC: Standard performance evaluation corporation - www.spec.org, 2005.
3 Gustafson, J. L., and Todi, R. Conventional benchmarks as a sample of the performance spectrum. The Journal of Supercomputing, 13(3):321–342, 1999.
4Luszczek, P., Dongarra, J., Koester, D., Rabenseifner, R., Lucas, B., Kepner, J., McCalpin, J., Bailey, D., Takahashi, D. "Introduction the the HPC challenge benchmark suite," Available at www.hpcchallenge.org/pubs/, March 2005.
5STREAM: Sustainable memory bandwidth in high performance computers - www.cs.virginia.edu/stream
6McCalpin, J. D. "Memory bandwidth and machine balance in current high performance computers," IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Architecture Newsletter, December 1995.
7Dongarra, J., Luszczek, P., Petitet, A. "The LINPACK benchmark: past, present and future," Concurrency and Computation: practice and experience, 15:1–18, 2003.
8Top500 supercomputer sites - www.top500.org
9IDC balanced rating - www.hpcuserforum.com
10Carrington, L., Laurenzano, M., Snavely, A., Campbell, R., Davis, L. "How well can simple metrics predict the performance of real applications?" In Proceedings of Supercomputing (SC|05), November 2005.
11Armstrong, B., Eigenmann, R. "Performance forecasting: Towards a methodology for characterizing large computational applications," In ICPP ’98: Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Parallel Processing, pages 518–526, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 1998.
12Kerbyson, D. J., Alme, H. J., Hoisie, A., Petrini, F., Wasserman, H. J., Gittings, M. "Predictive performance and scalability modeling of a large-scale application," In Proceedings of Supercomputing (SC 2001), Denver, Colarado, November 2001.
13Simon, J., Wierum, J. "Accurate performance prediction for massively parallel systems and its applications," In Proceedings of 2nd International Euro-Par Conference, Lyon, France, August 1996.
14Spooner, D., Kerbyson, D. "Identification of performance characteristics from multi-view trace analysis," In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2003), Melbourne, Australia, June 2003.
15List inversions are also used in other fields, for example to compare the results returned by different queries to a database, and are related to the statistical measure Kendall’s tau.
16Kramer, W. T. C., Ryan, C. "Performance variability of highly parallel architectures," In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2003), Melbourne, Australia, June 2003.
17In comparison, the worst ranking we saw had 2008 inversions. A random sample of 100 rankings had an average of 1000 inversions with a standard deviation just over 200.
18Carrington, L., Snavely, A., Wolter, N., Gao, X. "A performance prediction framework for scientific applications," In Proceedings of the International Conference on ComputationalScience (ICCS 2003), Melbourne, Australia, June 2003.
19Marin, G., Mellor-Crummey, J. "Cross-architecture performance predictions for scientific applications using parameterized models," In Proceedings of SIGMETRICS/Performance’04, New York, NY, June 2004.
20Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program. Technology insertion, 06 (TI-06) - www.hpcmo.hpc.mil/Htdocs/TI/TI06, May 2005.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Reference this article
"Metrics for Ranking the Performance of Supercomputers ," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 4B, November 2006 B. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/11/metrics-for-ranking-the-performance-of-supercomputers/

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