May 2006
Designing and Supporting Science-Driven Infrastructure
Fran Berman and Reagan Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Center

4. Data Management and Preservation for the Science and Engineering Community

Today’s large-scale computational runs often result in large-scale data output. It is not uncommon for a simulation to generate a million files and tens of terabytes of data with over 30 individuals collaborating on the application runs. This level of data output requires dedicated handling to move the data from the originating disk cache into a digital library for future access, with replication on an archival storage system.

SDSC’s digital data collections are representative of the state of the art. Digital collections developed for specific scientific disciplines typically have unique usage models but can share the same evolving data management infrastructure, with the difference between usage and storage models mainly tied to differences in management policies for sustainability and governance. Table 1 lists three categories of digital holdings at SDSC, loosely characterized as data grids (primarily created to support data sharing), digital libraries (created to formally publish the digital holdings), and persistent archives (focused on the management of technology evolution).

Data management requirements can be derived from Table 1. Today, it is not uncommon for a collection to contain 10 to 100 hundred terabytes of data, with two to 10 million files. In fact, collections are now assembled that have too many files to house in a single file system – containers are used to aggregate files into a larger package before storage, or files are distributed across multiple file systems. The number of individuals that collaborate on developing a shared collection can range from tens to hundreds. In Table 1, the column on the right labeled ACLs (Users with Access Controls) shows how many individuals (including staff) are typically involved in writing files, adding metadata, or changing the digital holdings in the collection. The number of individuals who access the collection can be much larger, as most of the collections are publicly accessible.

Date 5/17/02 6/30/04 1/3/06
Project GBs of data stored 1000’s of files GBs of data stored 1000’s of files Users with ACLs GBs of data stored 1000’s of files Users with ACLs
Data Grid
NSF / NVO 17,800 5,139 51,380 8,690 80 93,252 11,189 100
NSF / NPACI 1,972 1,083 17,578 4,694 380 34,452 7,235 380
Hayden 6,800 41 7,201 113 178 8,013 161 227
Pzone 438 31 812 47 49 19,674 10,627 68
NSF / LDAS-SALK 239 1 4,562 16 66 104,494 131 67
NSF / SLAC-JCSG 514 77 4,317 563 47 15,703 1,666 55
NSF / TeraGrid 80,354 685 2,962 195,012 4,071 3,267
NIH / BIRN 5,416 3,366 148 13,597 13,329 351
Digital Library
NSF / LTER 158 3 233 6 35 236 34 36
NSF / Portal 33 5 1,745 48 384 2,620 53 460
NIH / AfCS 27 4 462 49 21 733 94 21
NSF / SIO Explorer 19 1 1,734 601 27 2,452 1,068 27
NSF / SCEC 15,246 1,737 52 153,159 3,229 73
Persistent Archive
NARA 7 2 63 81 58 2,703 1,906 58
NSF / NSDL 2,785 20,054 119 5,205 50,586 136
UCSD Libraries 127 202 29 190 208 29
NHPRC / PAT 101 474 28
TOTAL 28 TB 6 mil 194 TB 40 mil 4,635 655 TB 106 mil 5,383
Table 1. Evolution of digital holdings at SDSC

For many digital holdings, the collection may be replicated among different storage systems and/or sites. The replication serves multiple purposes:

  • To meet governance and sustainability policies, with a copy at the institution that has assumed long-term management of the collection
  • To mitigate the risk of data loss. At least five different loss mechanisms are mitigated through replication; media corruption (e.g., disk crash or tape parity error), systemic vendor product error (such as bad microcode in a tape drive), operational error, malicious user attack, and natural disaster (e.g., fire, flood, hurricane, etc.).
  • To improve access via disk caches. Wide-area-networks are characterized by access latencies (typically tens to hundreds of milliseconds) that are substantially higher than that of a spinning disk. Replicating data onto a local disk cache ensures interactive access for local users. Replicating data onto a remote disk cache ensures interactive access for the remote users.
  • To provide high availability. Having multiple independent copies ensures that when any single system component is taken offline for maintenance, or is down because of failure, the digital holdings can still be accessed.

For many collections, data sources are inherently distributed. The National Virtual Observatory collection provides an example of this. Thus, a data management environment must provide the capabilities needed to manage data distributed over a wide-area-network. This requirement can be characterized as latency management and is typically achieved by minimizing the number of messages that are sent over wide-area-networks. Common mechanisms for latency management include

  • replication,
  • bulk operations for manipulating small files and loading metadata, and
  • remote procedures to parse or filter data directly at the remote storage system.

Many data collections at SDSC are managed on top of federated data grids. Having multiple independent data grids, each with a copy of the data and metadata (both descriptive attributes and state information generated by operations on the data), ensures that no single disaster can destroy the aggregated digital holdings. Federation allows the management of shared name spaces between the independent data grids, enabling the cross registration of files, metadata, user names, and storage resources. The types of federation environments range from peer-to-peer data grids, with only public information shared between data grids, to central archives that hold a copy of records from otherwise independent data grids, to worker data grids that receive their data from a master data grid.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Reference this article
Berman, F., Moore, R. "Designing and Supporting Data Management and Preservation Infrastructure," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 2, May 2006. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/05/designing-and-supporting-data-management-and-preservation-infrastructure/

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