May 2006
Designing and Supporting Science-Driven Infrastructure
Charlie Catlett, Pete Beckman, Dane Skow and Ian Foster, The Computation Institute, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory

3.5 Catalytic Processes: Policy, Planning and Internal Coordination

The creation of a national-scale team comprised of individuals from multiple independent institutions requires careful attention to collaboration systems and processes in support of virtual, and distributed, teams. Two FTEs within the TeraGrid GIG maintain infrastructure (e.g., CVS repository, discussion forums, wiki and bugzilla servers) that is used both for day-to-day collaboration and to “curate” important project data. For coordination of activities, TeraGrid relies on two types of virtual teams. Working groups are persistent groups of TeraGrid staff with a common mission, such as supporting TeraGrid software, networks, or accounting systems. These working groups are complemented with short-term planning teams called requirements analysis teams (affectionately, “RATs”). Working groups typically involve key members from each resource provider site and coordinators from the GIG and meet regularly on an ongoing basis. RATs are generally smaller (4-6 members) and work on a particular issue for 6-8 weeks to produce a recommendation or proposal for new policy or projects.

The resources and integrative software and services that make up a national-scale grid facility define one axis of its operations. However there is also a distinct institutional axis, which is where decisions are made regarding the facility’s operations, policies, and major changes to its services, resources, and software. TeraGrid formalizes these latter processes in terms of a numbered, citable, persistent document series, not unlike those used by standards bodies. The initial document28 in the series lays out the roles and responsibilities of TeraGrid’s GIG and resource provider partners as well as a decision-making process.

While top-down, hierarchical management is feasible in a single organization, a federation of interdependent peer organizations requires a different model. At the same time, while democratic processes may work for loose collaborations, they are not appropriate for operation of a production facility. TeraGrid decision-making relies on consensus among representatives of each resource provider, under the leadership of the principal investigator of the GIG who serves as overall TeraGrid project director. This team of resource provider and GIG principals, called the Resource Provider Forum, meets weekly in an open Access Grid session and quarterly for face-to-face review and planning.

4. Summary and Conclusions

Figure 2 shows how the TeraGrid cyberinfrastructure facility allocates staff to provide high-capability, high capacity, high-reliability computational, information management, and data analysis services on a national scale. Approximately 25% of the staff are allocated to common integration functions (TeraGrid GIG) and 75% to resource provider facility functions. User support and external communications are emphasized at similar levels in both the resource provider efforts and the common GIG effort. GIG effort is the bulk of the software, policy and management, and operational services; resource provider effort is the bulk of the resource integration and support and functions. Note that even the “central” functions are distributed: the common services are largely staffed in a distributed fashion at the resource provider sites. TeraGrid’s GIG, operated by the University of Chicago, relies on subcontracts with resource provider facilities for more than 2/3 of the GIG staff, making even the common services team a distributed enterprise. What is important is that this GIG staff, and the services that it provides, is coordinated by a single entity.

Figure 2

Figure 2. TeraGrid staffing distribution by functional area, April 2006.

Although these numbers will differ in the particular areas from one national grid project to another, we believe that they are representative of the general balance of requirements, both among different functions and between “common” or centrally-provided services and those provided by resource provider facilities.

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2 The TeraGrid 2006 - www.teragrid.org/
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Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Reference this article
Catlett, C., Beckman, P., Skow, D., Foster, I. "Creating and Operating National-Scale Cyberinfrastructure Services," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 2, May 2006. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/05/creating-and-operating-national-scale-cyberinfrastructure-services/

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