February 2006
International Cyberinfrastructure: Activities Around the Globe
Marco A Raupp and Bruno Schulze, National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, LNCC
Michael Stanton and Nelson Simões, National Research and Education Network, RNP


Together with NCSA, activities include building cyberenvironments and global infrastructure. With LNCC activities include becoming an external international node of NCSA resources and a part of the NCSA Condor pool. This involvement also includes development of grid middleware services, portals for specific applications, scheduling algorithms and service, security issues, support for service-oriented applications, the definition of common services for a certain set of applications and fine-grain authorization.

Applications have been developed to use the cyberinfrastructure facilities (at LNCC and also at some of the partners) for use in bioinformatics, haemodynamics of the human cardiovascular system, oceanography, climate studies and geoprocessing, for which reference groups have been set up at LNCC. Other application areas include molecular dynamics (in physics), astronomy, engineering with developments for the oil industry, and environmental modelling of the Amazon region hydrologic basins, with some spin-offs such as e-knowledge and e-government.

In SINAPAD, the goals are to increase the number of regional centers from seven to ten, in order to cover the whole country, and to deploy a total computational and storage resources of 4 Tflops and 30 TB, respectively, in 2006, with respective increases to 5 Tflops and 50 TB in 2007, targeting applications demanding large data set storage and management. The better use of machines also depends on software, including new programming paradigms, user interfaces, and distributed databases - therefore, these are also areas for research and development and of investments.

In terms of networking, through the deployment of the IPÊ network in 2005 and the ongoing deployment of optical metro networks in capital cities expected to be completed by the end of 2006, RNP is bringing about a significant change in the quantity and quality of communications resources at the disposal of the Brazilian research and higher education community, permitting the widespread use of advanced applications. Future efforts will be directed towards extending these facilities more widely, bringing multiple gigabit connectivity to the remaining 17 state capitals and also to population centers outside the metropolitan districts of the national and state capitals.

Author Affiliation Links

National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, ­ LNCC - http://www.lncc.br
National Research and Education Network, ­ RNP - http://www.rnp.br

1Stanton, M.A., Ribeiro Filho, J.L., Simões da Silva, N. "Building Optical Networks for the Higher Education and Research Community in Brazil", COMNETS2005, Oct. 2005.
2 R&D center of the then former telecommunications monopoly - www.cpqd.com.br
3 Scarabucci, R.R., Stanton, M.A. et al., Project GIGA – High-speed Experimental Network. TRIDENTCOM'05, p. 242-251, Feb. 2005.
4 NLR, "About National LambdaRail" - www.nlr.net/about.html
5 CANARIE, "About CA*net4" - www.canarie.ca/canet4/
6 SURFnet, "Network" - www.surfnet.nl/info/en/network/home.jsp
7 Study into the evolution of European Research and Education Networking - www.serenate.org/
8 Ipê is Brazil's national flower, and pronounced in Portuguese as the abbreviation IP (Internet Protocol).
9 ALICE (Latin America Interconnected with Europe - www.dante.net/alice
10 WHREN/LILA - whren.ampath.net
11 InteGridade – integridade.lncc.br
12 National Center for Supercomputing Applications – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
13 Brazilian Center for Physics Research – www.cbpf.br
14 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – www.inf.puc-rio.br
15 Federal University of Espirito Santo – www.inf.ufes.br/
16 The Nimrod Project – www.csse.monash.edu.au/~davida/nimrod/
17 Globus Project – www.globus.org
18 Sun Grid Engine Project – gridengine.sunsource.net/
19 OpenPBS Portable Batch System - www.openpbs.org
20 Condor Project – www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/
21 The Programming Language Lua – www.lua.org/
22 Porto, F., Schulze, B. et al., An adaptive distributed query processing grid service, VLDB-DMG LNCS 3836, Springer Verlag 2005.
23 EasyGrid Project – easygrid.ic.uff.br/
24 Lima, B.A. et al., Efficient hierarchical self-scheduling for MPI applications executing in computational Grids, MGC 2004, ACM Press, p. 41-46, Oct. 2004
25 Boeres, C. et al., Efficient hierarchical self-scheduling for MPI applications executing in computational Grids, MGC 2005, ACM Press, Nov. 2005, Nov. 2005.
26 Vargas, P. et al., Hierarchical submission in a grid environment, MGC 2005, ACM Press, Nov. 2005.
27 Milanes, A., Rodriguez, N., Schulze, B., Managing jobs with an interpreted language for dynamic adaptation, MGC 2005, ACM Press, Nov. 2005.
28 Lima, L. et al., Peer-to-Peer Resource Discovery in Mobile Grids, MGC 2005, ACM Press, Nov. 2005.
29 MyProxy Credential Management Service – myproxy.ncsa.uiuc.edu
30 OpenCA Labs – www.openca.org

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

Reference this article
Raupp, M.A., Schulze, B., Stanton, M., Simões, N. "Cyberinfrastructure for Multidisciplinary Science in Brazil," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 1, February 2006. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/02/cyberinfrastructure-for-multidisciplinary-science-in-brazil/

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