May 2005
The Cyberinfrastructure Backplane: The Jump to Light Speed
TransLight, a Major US Component of the GLIF
An Optical Web Connecting Research Networks in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim
Tom DeFanti, University of Illinois, Chicago
Maxine Brown, University of Illinois, Chicago
Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University
John Silvester, University of Southern California
Ron Johnson, University of Washington

NSF International Research Network Connections Program

The NSF IRNC Program funds international network links to connect US and foreign science and engineering communities, encourage the investigation and incorporation of advanced architectures needed to support the advanced and developing needs of science and engineering, encourage rational development and leveraging of deployed infrastructure to meet current and anticipated needs, and enable network engineers to engage in system and technology demonstrations and rigorous experimentation. The IRNC Program supports efforts to network North America to Europe, South America, the Pacific Rim, and to a global ring (via The Netherlands, Russia, Korea and China). It also supports network measurement and monitoring.

Relevant Websites
  • TransLight/StarLight - http://www.startap.net/translight/
  • TransLight/Pacific Wave - http://www.pacificwave.net/
  • Western Hemisphere Research and Education Networks (WHREN) - http://www.ampath.fiu.edu/
  • Global Ring Network for Advanced Applications Development (GLORIAD) - http://www.gloriad.org/gloriad/index.html
  • Consortium of International Research and Education Networks (CIREN) - http://www.transpac.org/
  • SGER: Exploratory Research on Network Measurement for International Connections - http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0513437
  • GER: Network Measurement for International Connections - http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0457404
TransLight/StarLight receives major funding from National Science Foundation (NSF) International Research Network Connections (IRNC) program, award SCI-0441094 to the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), for the period February 2005 — January 2010; Tom DeFanti is principal investigator and Maxine Brown is co-principal investigator. Previous funding for Euro-Link, from the NSF High Performance International Internet Services (HPIIS) program, award SCI-9730202 to UIC, was for the period April 1999 – September 2005. SURFnet bv is a Key Institutional Partner of the TransLight/StarLight award, continuing an already long and successful partnership between the UIC, StarLight in Chicago, and NetherLight/SURFnet in Amsterdam.

TransLight/Pacific Wave receives major funding from NSF IRNC award SCI-0441119 to the University of Southern California (USC) for the period March 2005 – February 2010; John Silvester of USC is principal investigator and Ron Johnson, University of Washington, is co-principal investigator.

1 www.startap.net/translight
2 www.pacificwave.net/
3 Aiken, R., Boroumand, J., Wolff, S. "Back to the Future," CACM, Volume 46, No. 1, January 2004.
4 www.glif.is/
5 Belson, K. "Technology; New Undersea Cable Projects Face Some Old Problems," New York Times Section C, Page 4, May 10, 2004.
6 www.startap.net/igrid2002/ and www.igrid2002.org/
7 DeFanti, T., Brown, M., De Laat, C., eds. "iGrid 2002: The International Virtual Laboratory," Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier, Volume 19, No. 6, August 2003.
8 DeFanti, T., De Laat, C., Mambretti, J., Neggers, K., St. Arnaud, B. "TransLight: A Global Scale Lambda Grid for E-Science," Special Issue on "Blueprint for the Future of High Performance Networking," Communications of the ACM, Volume. 46, No. 11, November 2003, pp. 34-41.
9 www.startap.net/igrid2005/ and www.igrid2005.org/ (coming soon)

Pages: 1 2 3 4

Reference this article
DeFanti,T., Brown, M., Mambretti, J., Silvester, J., Johnson, R. "TransLight, a Major US Component of the GLIF," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 1, Number 2, May 2005. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2005/05/trans-light/

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