ICL Research Profile


Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Development Kit for the Exascale Computing Project


The Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Development Kit for the Exascale Computing Project (xSDK4ECP) is a collaborative effort between Argonne National Laboratory, ICL, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and the University of California, Berkeley. The project aims to enable seamless integration and combined use of diverse, independently developed software packages for ECP applications. This includes a wide range of high-quality software libraries, solver packages, and two applications that address the strategic requirements of DOE’s Office of Science.

To ensure the consistency of naming conventions, runtime behavior, and installation procedures, xSDK provides community policies: requirements and guidelines that are influential throughout the software development phase. xSDK lightens the burden on system administrators and application developers because each xSDK package provides a Spack installation script that can be invoked independently or through the installation of the xSDK’s Spack package. In addition, xSDK now ships with a set of curated examples showing potential package integrations into application exemplars. ICL’s MAGMA, PLASMA, SLATE, Ginkgo, and heFFTe libraries were included in the latest release of xSDK versioned as 1.0.

Find out more at https://xsdk.info/ecp/

In Collaboration With

  1. Argonne National Laboratory
  2. Berkeley Lab
  3. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  4. Sandia National Laboratories
  5. University of California Berkeley