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Baboulin, M., J. Dongarra, S. Gratton, and J. Langou, Computing the Conditioning of the Components of a Linear Least Squares Solution,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-07-604, (also LAPACK Working Note 193), January 2007.  (374.97 KB)
Baboulin, M., J. Dongarra, S. Gratton, and J. Langou, Computing the Conditioning of the Components of a Linear Least Squares Solution,” VECPAR '08, High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Toulouse, France, January 2008.  (374.97 KB)
Baboulin, M., J. Dongarra, S. Gratton, and J. Langou, Computing the Conditioning of the Components of a Linear Least-squares Solution,” Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 517-533, 00 2009.  (374.97 KB)
Baboulin, M., and S. Gratton, Using dual techniques to derive componentwise and mixed condition numbers for a linear functional of a linear least squares solution,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-08-622 (also LAPACK Working Note 207), January 2008.  (159.65 KB)