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Chow, E., H. Anzt, J. Scott, and J. Dongarra, Using Jacobi Iterations and Blocking for Solving Sparse Triangular Systems in Incomplete Factorization Preconditioning,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 119, pp. 219–230, November 2018.  (273.53 KB)
Anzt, H., J. Dongarra, G. Flegar, and T. Gruetzmacher, Variable-Size Batched Condition Number Calculation on GPUs,” SBAC-PAD, Lyon, France, September 2018.  (509.3 KB)
Anzt, H., J. Dongarra, G. Flegar, E. S. Quintana-Orti, and A. E. Thomas, Variable-Size Batched Gauss-Huard for Block-Jacobi Preconditioning,” International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017), vol. 108, Zurich, Switzerland, Procedia Computer Science, pp. 1783-1792, June 2017.  (512.57 KB)
Anzt, H., J. Dongarra, G. Flegar, and E. S. Quintana-Orti, Variable-Size Batched Gauss-Jordan Elimination for Block-Jacobi Preconditioning on Graphics Processors,” Parallel Computing, vol. 81, pp. 131-146, January 2019.  (1.9 MB)
Anzt, H., J. Dongarra, G. Flegar, and E. S. Quintana-Orti, Variable-Size Batched LU for Small Matrices and Its Integration into Block-Jacobi Preconditioning,” 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Bristol, United Kingdom, IEEE, August 2017.
Anzt, H., S. Tomov, J. Dongarra, and V. Heuveline, Weighted Block-Asynchronous Iteration on GPU-Accelerated Systems,” Tenth International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (Best Paper), Rhodes Island, Greece, August 2012.  (764.02 KB)
Anzt, H., J. Dongarra, and V. Heuveline, Weighted Block-Asynchronous Relaxation for GPU-Accelerated Systems,” SIAM Journal on Computing (submitted), March 2012.  (811.01 KB)
Dongarra, J., S. Tomov, P. Luszczek, J. Kurzak, M. Gates, I. Yamazaki, H. Anzt, A. Haidar, and A. Abdelfattah, With Extreme Computing, the Rules Have Changed,” Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 19, issue 3, pp. 52-62, May 2017.  (485.34 KB)
