The Template Task Graph (TTG) - An Emerging Practical Dataflow Programming Paradigm for Scientific Simulation at Extreme Scale

TitleThe Template Task Graph (TTG) - An Emerging Practical Dataflow Programming Paradigm for Scientific Simulation at Extreme Scale
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBosilca, G., R. Harrison, T. Herault, M. Mahdi Javanmard, P. Nookala, and E. Valeev
Conference Name 2020 IEEE/ACM 5th International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware (ESPM2)
Date Published2020-11
Keywordsdag, dataflow, exascale, graph, High-performance computing, workflow

We describe TESSE, an emerging general-purpose, open-source software ecosystem that attacks the twin challenges of programmer productivity and portable performance for advanced scientific applications on modern high-performance computers. TESSE builds upon and extends the ParsecDAG/-dataflow runtime with a new Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and new integration capabilities. Motivating this work is our belief that such a dataflow model, perhaps with applications composed in domain specific languages, can overcome many of the challenges faced by a wide variety of irregular applications that are poorly served by current programming and execution models. Two such applications from many-body physics and applied mathematics are briefly explored. This paper focuses upon the Template Task Graph (TTG), which is TESSE's main C++ Api that provides a powerful work/data-flow programming model. Algorithms on spatial trees, block-sparse tensors, and wave fronts are used to illustrate the API and associated concepts, as well as to compare with related approaches.

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