MAGMA  2.7.1
Matrix Algebra for GPU and Multicore Architectures
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Level 1: vectors operations, O(n) work

Vector operations that perform \( O(n) \) work on \( O(n) \) data. More...


 asum: Sum vector
 \( \sum_i |x_i| \)
 axpy: Add vectors
 \( y = \alpha x + y \)
 copy: Copy vector
 \( y = x \)
 dot: Dot (inner) product
 \( x^T y \) or \( x^H y \)
 iamax: Find max element
 \( \text{argmax}_i\; |x_i| \)
 iamin: Find min element
 \( \text{argmin}_i\; |x_i| \)
 nrm2: Vector 2 norm
 \( ||x||_2 \)
 rot: Apply Givens rotation
 rotg: Generate Givens rotation
 rotm: Apply modified Givens rotation
 rotmg: Generate modified Givens rotation
 scal: Scale vector
 \( x = \alpha x \)
 swap: Swap vectors
 \( x <=> y \)

Detailed Description

Vector operations that perform \( O(n) \) work on \( O(n) \) data.