
MORSE 1.0 is about to be available. The following page is still under construction until Nov 15, 2012.

In this release, we illustrate our methodology on three classes of problems: dense linear algebra, sparse direct methods and fast multipole methods. The resulting codes have been incorporated into the MAGMA 1.3, PaStiX 5.3 and ScalFMM 1.0 solvers, respectively.

These solvers may be downloaded altogether or individually. In any case, the Morse-distrib 1.0 convenient tool allows for a smooth deployment of the software stack, including required runtime systems. The software stack may be either automatically downloaded upon requirement (light distribution) or fully embedded within the source code (full distribution). MORSE 1.0 fully supports the StarPU runtime system and partially supports Quark.


  • Download the whole MORSE 1.0 distribution

This distribution includes MAGMA-MORSE 1.3, PaStiX-MORSE 5.3 and ScalFMM-MORSE 1.0.

Light distribution: morse-light-1.0.0.tar.gz (md5sum: bf0a03fa448d604c5ae46084f004e88d)

Full distribution: morse-full-1.0.0.tar.gz (md5sum:48e582e9f6a41ae8fcf32e2fadafbcbe)

Users'guide: morse-installationguide-1.0.0.pdf

Poster: morse-poster-1.0.pdf


  • Download the MAGMA 1.3 solver (includes MAGMA-MORSE 1.3):

Light distribution: magma-morse-light-1.3.0.tar.gz (md5sum: 427bcab7c42ffe6c8de1d0cc2e98cba4)

Full distribution: magma-morse-full-1.3.0.tar.gz (md5sum: 2f5d060b863c59f19e3474235b14238e)

Users'guide: magma-morse-usersguide-1.3.0.pdf


  • Download the PaStiX 5.3 solver (includes PaStiX-MORSE 5.3):

Light distribution: pastix-morse-light-5.3.0.tar.gz (md5sum: cd88e073b9bf3487cb3c8843353c0451)

Full distribution: pastix-morse-full-5.3.0.tar.gz (md5sum: 62105e6eb0d1b9d08d5623f773fda56e)

Users'guide: pastix-morse-usersguide-5.3.0.pdf


  • Download the ScalFMM 1.0 solver (includes ScalFMM-MORSE 1.0):

Tarball: scalfmm-morse-1.0.0.tar.gz

Users'guide: scalfmm-morse-usersguide-1.0.0.pdf



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· Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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