PLASMA  2.4.5
PLASMA - Parallel Linear Algebra for Scalable Multi-core Architectures
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time_cpotri_tile.c File Reference
#include "./timing.c"
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#define _TYPE   PLASMA_Complex32_t
#define _PREC   float
#define _LAMCH   LAPACKE_slamch_work
#define _NAME   "PLASMA_cpotri_Tile"
#define _FMULS   (FMULS_POTRF( N ) + FMULS_POTRI( N ))
#define _FADDS   (FADDS_POTRF( N ) + FADDS_POTRI( N ))

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _FADDS   (FADDS_POTRF( N ) + FADDS_POTRI( N ))

Definition at line 13 of file time_cpotri_tile.c.

#define _FMULS   (FMULS_POTRF( N ) + FMULS_POTRI( N ))

Definition at line 12 of file time_cpotri_tile.c.

#define _LAMCH   LAPACKE_slamch_work

Definition at line 8 of file time_cpotri_tile.c.

#define _NAME   "PLASMA_cpotri_Tile"

Definition at line 10 of file time_cpotri_tile.c.

#define _PREC   float

Definition at line 7 of file time_cpotri_tile.c.

#define _TYPE   PLASMA_Complex32_t

c Tue Nov 22 14:35:59 2011

Definition at line 6 of file time_cpotri_tile.c.