13th JLESC workshop (online)

13th JLESC Workshop


The workshop gathers leading researchers in high-performance computing from the JLESC partners INRIA, the University of Illinois, Argonne National Laboratory, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, RIKEN R-CCS and The University of Tennessee to explore the most recent and critical issues in advancing the field of HPC from petascale to the extreme scale era.

The workshop will feature sessions on these eight central topics:

  • Applications and mini-apps
  • Parallel Programming models and runtime
  • Performance tools
  • Resilience
  • Big Data, I/O and in-situ visualization
  • Numerical methods and algorithms
  • Advanced architectures
  • Artificial Intelligence

In addition to these tracks, dedicated sessions targetting more specialized scientific domains are planned. The target domains change for each meeting depending on the needs and interests of the JLESC community. For this meeting the target domains are computational fluid dynamics, computational biology and climate/weather research.

A key objective of the workshop is to identify new research collaborations and establish a roadmap for their implementation.

The workshop is open to all participants from the JLESC institutions Illinois, INRIA, ANL, BSC, JSC, Riken R-CCS and UTK; faculties, researchers, engineers and students who want to learn more about Post-Petascale / Pre-Exascale Computing.


For safety reasons, the 13th JLESC workshop will again be held online, using technologies such as Zoom and Slack. However, unlike prior events, no Gather.town support will be available. Some notes concerning the event:
  • All sessions will be held using Zoom rooms.
  • All round table discussions will be held in breakout room. Participants will be able to join the breakout room of their interest by simply connecting to the correct Zoom breakout room.
  • Make sure you have access to the JLESC Slack workspace (access to Slack is restricted to participants from JLESC member institutions)
  • Using Slack, we will provide most up-to-date information and here you can contact us directly in case you have any questions or problems.
  • There is at least one staff member in each session room who can help you navigate or enter/exit the sessions. In addition, there is a help desk in the Lobby. You can also contact us at the #help channel on Slack or directly on the map. As a last resort, you can of course write us an email at any time.
  • Please monitor the Slack #announcements channel and your emails closely for updated information.


Track 1 Track 2 BOS
08:00 ET Opening Remarks (Location: Plenary)
08:15 ET ST M1.1 (8) Performance Tools

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 1

ST M1.2 (8) Workflows/Execution/Resources/Facilities

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 2

BOS: Heterogeneous and reconfigurable architectures for the future of computing

Session chair: Kazutomo Yoshii

Location: Breakout Room BOS

08:30 ET
09:00 ET
09:30 ET
10:00 ET
10:15 ET Break (Back on main track on Zoom)
10:30 ET ST M1.3 Speed Networking

Session chair: George Bosilca

Location: Plenary

11:00 ET
11:30 ET Meeting on Zoom

Track 1 Track 2 BOS
08:00 ET ST M2.1 (6) Resilience

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 1

ST M2.2 (6) Advanced Architectures & Portability

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 2

BOS: In Situ Processing at Large

Session chair: Bruno Raffin

Location: Breakout Room BOS

08:15 ET
08:30 ET
08:45 ET
09:00 ET
09:15 ET
9:30 ET Break Back on the Plenary track on Zoom
09:45 ET
Panel: AI in HPC (Location: PLENARY)
Moderator: Franck Cappello, ANL
Panelists: Prasanna, Balaprakash, ANL
Piotr Luszczek, UTK
Takahide Matsuoka, Riken
Dario Garcia-Gasulla, BSC
Martin Schultz, JSC
Volodymyr Kindratenko, NCSA
Bruno Raffin, INRIA
Location: Plenary
10:00 ET
10:15 ET
10:30 ET
10:45 ET
11:00 ET
11:15 ET Meeting on Zoom

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 BOS
08:00 ET ST M3.1 (5) I/O, storage and in-situ processing

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 1

ST M3.2 (6) Applications

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 2

BOS: Arm Architecture for HPC

Session chair: Mitsuhisa Sato

Location: Breakout Room BOS

08:15 ET
08:30 ET
08:45 ET
09:00 ET
09:15 ET
9:30 ET Break Back on the Plenary track on Zoom
09:45 ET ST M3.3 (6) AI/ML

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 1

ST M3.4 (6) Numerics

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 2

ST M3.5 (5) Compression

Session chair:

Location: Breakout Room Track 3

10:00 ET
10:15 ET
10:30 ET
10:45 ET
11:00 ET
11:15 ET Closing

Location: Plenary

Agenda Items

Title Presenter
TitleName 1


TitleName 2


TitleName 3


TitleName 4


TitleName 5


TitleName 6


Title Presenter Topic
STM1.1The Future of MPI RMAJoseph Schuchart, UTKProgramming languages and runtimes
Template Task Graph: a New Programming Paradigm for Task-Based ApplicationsThomas Herault, UTKProgramming languages and runtimes
Using CUDA-graphs to accelerate OmpSs benchmarksDaniel Peyrolon, BSCAdvanced architectures, Programming languages and runtimes
Deep Bayesian learning for auto tuningWissan Sid-Lakhdar, UTKApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods, Performance tools
Monitoring Memory Traffic with the Performance Co-PilotDaniel Barry, UTKPerformance tools
The DFG/RFBR Projekt ExtraNoiseBernd Mohr, JSCPerformance tools, Programming languages and runtimes
C Configuration Space and Tuning LibraryBrice Videau, ANLPerformance tools
Reproducible Performance Optimization of Complex Applications on the Edge-to-Cloud ContinuumDaniel Rosendo, INRIAPerformance tools
Title Presenter Topic
STM1.2How to save time in modern HPC applications by quickly adapting and reducing resource usageLucas Nesi, Arnaud Legrand, UFRGS/UGAApplications and mini apps
Toward Portable and Restartable Distributed WorkflowsJustin M Wozniak, ANLI/O, storage and in-situ processing
INRIA@Exascale: Unifying Software Development Leveraging the E4S Initiative Bruno Raffin, Lucas Nussbaum and Gabriel Antoniu, INRIAHPC Software Packaging and Deployment
Sustaining Performance While Reducing Energy Consumption: A Control Theory ApproachSophie Cerf (Inria Lille), INRIAAdvanced architectures
OACIS: a web-browser-based job management softwareYohsuke Murase, R-CCSProgramming languages and runtimes
Analysis of the facility operations using operational metrics data during benchmarking campaignsMasaaki Terai, R-CCSApplications and mini apps, Operational data analysis
LLview: A bird's-eye view of HPC jobsFilipe Guimaræs, JSCApplications and mini apps, Performance tools
Energy-aware job executionAtsuya Uno, R-CCSpower management
Title Presenter Topic
STM2.1Checkpointing Workflows à la Young/Daly Is Not Good EnoughLucas Perotin, INRIAResilience
Resilient Scheduling of Moldable Parallel Jobs to Cope with Silent ErrorsHongyang Sun, INRIAResilience
Towards Access Pattern Aware Checkpointing for Kokkos ApplicationsNigel Tan, UTKResilience
Optimal checkpointing strategies for iterative applicationsYishu DU, INRIAResilience
Fault Tolerant and Elastic Particle Filter for Extreme Scale Weather and Climate Data Assimilation Kai Keller, BSCApplications and mini apps, I/O, storage and in-situ processing, Resilience
Accelerating HPC/AI workflows through intermediate data statesBogdan Nicolae, ANLI/O, storage and in-situ processing, Resilience
Title Presenter Topic
STM2.2A brief introduction to Chisel hardware construction languageKazutomo Yoshii, ANLAdvanced architectures, custom hardware development
Understanding the relation between monitoring events and topology of exascale architectures for HPC applicationsIdriss Daoudi, ANLAdvanced architectures, Applications and mini apps, Performance tools
Porting Walberla to ARM ProcessorsJayesh Badwaik, JSCAdvanced architectures, Numerical methods, Performance tools
Julia for Portability and ProductivityMichel Schanen, ANLAdvanced architectures, Programming languages and runtimes
Non Intrusive Harvesting of Idle Grid Resources with a Control Based ApproachQuentin Guilloteau, Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)Advanced architectures
Porting the coupled multiscale and multiphysics Earth System Models ICON and TSMP to modular heterogeneous architectures (some scaling and performance analysis results)Jörg Benke, Abhiraj Bishnoi, JSCAdvanced architectures, Applications and mini apps
Title Presenter Topic
STM3.1Extreme-Scale Feature Tracking for ScienceHanqi Guo, ANLI/O, storage and in-situ processing
Scalable In-Situ Analytics for High-Throughput Ensemble Molecular DynamicsSilvina Caino-Lores, UTKI/O, storage and in-situ processing
XPSI: X-ray Free Electron Laser-based Protein Structure IdentifierPaula Olaya and Vanessa Lama, UTKI/O, storage and in-situ processing, Machine Learning
IOBAT: I/O Behavior Analysis Toolkit for HPC WorkflowsJakob Luettgau, UTKI/O, storage and in-situ processing, Performance tools
Dealing with an object store; first hand experiences with CortxSalem el Sayed, JSCI/O, storage and in-situ processing
Title Presenter Topic
STM3.2Overview of the NICAM-LETKF system with new development for assimilating precipitation radar dataTing-Chi Wu, R-CCSApplications and mini apps, I/O, storage and in-situ processing, Numerical methods
NTChem on Fugaku: A High-Performance Quantum Chemistry Software PackageEisuke Kawashima, R-CCSApplications and mini apps
Simulation of quantum computer on supercomputer FugakuNaoki Yoshioka, R-CCSApplications and mini apps
Simulating multi-physics phenomenon using a CFD solver based on a hierarchically structured meshRahul Bale, R-CCSApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods
Implementation of Residue Level Coarse-Grained Models in GENESISCheng Tan, R-CCSApplications and mini apps
Optimization of GENESIS MD software on FugakuJaewoon Jung, R-CCSApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods
Title Presenter Topic
STM3.3A differential tracing based approach to rapid runtime estimation for heterogeneous memory systemsBalazs Gerofi, R-CCSAdvanced architectures, Performance tools, ML
Large-Scale Virtual Crop Field Visualization for Computer VisionDirk Helmrich, JSCApplications and mini apps
Deploying Heterogeneity-aware Deep Learning Workloads on the Computing ContinuumThomas Bouvier, INRIAAdvanced architectures, Deep learning
Direct Data Assimilation on AI-testbedSri Hari Krishna Narayanan, ANLAdvanced architectures, Numerical methods
Privacy-Preserving Federated LearningKibaek Kim, ANLApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods
Multilevel PINNS for PDEsElisa Riccietti, ENS Lyon - INRIANumerical methods
Title Presenter Topic
STM3.4A Selective Nesting Approach for the Sparse Multi-threaded Cholesky FactorizationValentin Le Févre, BSCNumerical methods
Replacing Pivoting in Distributed Gaussian Elimination with Randomized TechniquesNeil Lindquist, UTKNumerical methods
Communication Avoiding OrthogonalizationDaniel Bielich, UTKNumerical methods
Potential Performance Improvements in Eigenvector OrthogonalizationAnthony M. Castaldo, UTKNumerical methods
Accelerating Geostatistical Modeling and Prediction with Mixed-Precision Computations: A High-Productivity Approach with PaRSECYu Pei, UTKNumerical methods, Programming languages and runtimes
Adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation of OpenMP codesLaurent Hascoet, INRIANumerical methods
Title Presenter Topic
STM3.5Ultra-fast Error Bounded Lossy Compression for Scientific DatasetsSheng Di, ANLI/O, storage and in-situ processing
How compression techniques in the communication can improved mixed-precison algorithmsSébastien Cayrols, UTKApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods
Exploring Lossy Compressibility through Statistical Correlations of Scientific DatasetsJulie Bessac, ANLData analysis for reduction
TEZIP: A Data Compression Tool for Time Evolutionary DataKento Sato, R-CCSI/O, storage and in-situ processing
Recent Improvements in Generic Lossy CompressionRobert Underwood, ClemsonI/O, storage and in-situ processing
BOS / Organizer Speaker Title

In Situ Processing at Large

Bruno Raffin (INRIA)
Joshua Bowden (INRIA)Asynchronous I/O using Damaris: results from integration with Code_Saturne CFD code
Matthieu Dorier (ANL)Enabling elastic in situ visualization in ParaView using Mochi
Orcun Yildiz and Tom Peterka (ANL)Dynamic Heterogeneous In Situ Workflows with LowFive and Wilkins
Bruno Raffin (INRIA)Structuring Data Transfers
BOS / Organizer Speaker Title

Arm Architecture for HPC

Mitsuhisa Sato, R-CCS RIKEN
Miwako Tsuji (RIKEN)Performance evaluation and analysis for the axheml kernel in the Nek5000/RS CFD solver
Lorien Lopez (BSC)GenArchBench: Porting a genomics suite to the A64FX Processor
Hitoshi Murai (RIKEN)Performance Tuning for A64FX by Metax source-to-source transformation tool
Qinglei Cao (UTK)Dense and Tile Low-Rank GEMM and Cholesky on Fugaku using PaRSEC
Nam Ho (JSC)Gem5-model analysis for the future HPC ARM-based processor
Jesus Labarta (BSC)The RISC-V vector processor in EPI
BOS / Organizer Speaker Title

Heterogeneous and reconfigurable architectures for the future of computing

Kazutomo Yoshii (ANL), Kentaro Sano (RIKEN), Xavier Martorell, Daniel Jimenez-Gonzalez, Carlos Alvarez Martinez (BSC)
Thomas Applencourt (ANL)Balancing algorithms for data-flow graphs
Mohamed E. Aly (UIUC, CPP, 2021 ANL Visiting faculty)Reconfigurable lightweight crypto-graphic processors
Boma A. Adhi (RIKEN)RIKEN CGRA for HPC and opportunities for collaboration
Tomohiro Ueno (RIKEN)Ethernet based network subsystem for FPGA Cluster
Carlos Alvarez (BSC)BSC approaches for runtime services acceleration
Open Discussion
STM1.1The Future of MPI RMAJoseph Schuchart, UTKProgramming languages and runtimes
Template Task Graph: a New Programming Paradigm for Task-Based ApplicationsThomas Herault, UTKProgramming languages and runtimes Using CUDA-graphs to accelerate OmpSs benchmarksDaniel Peyrolon, BSCAdvanced architectures, Programming languages and runtimes
Deep Bayesian learning for auto tuningWissan Sid-Lakhdar, UTKApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods, Performance tools Monitoring Memory Traffic with the Performance Co-PilotDaniel Barry, UTKPerformance tools
The DFG/RFBR Projekt ExtraNoiseBernd Mohr, JSCPerformance tools, Programming languages and runtimes C Configuration Space and Tuning LibraryBrice Videau, ANLPerformance tools Reproducible Performance Optimization of Complex Applications on the Edge-to-Cloud ContinuumDaniel Rosendo, INRIAPerformance tools Title Presenter Topic STM1.2How to save time in modern HPC applications by quickly adapting and reducing resource usageLucas Nesi, Arnaud Legrand, UFRGS/UGAApplications and mini apps
Toward Portable and Restartable Distributed WorkflowsJustin M Wozniak, ANLI/O, storage and in-situ processing
INRIA@Exascale: Unifying Software Development Leveraging the E4S Initiative Bruno Raffin, Lucas Nussbaum and Gabriel Antoniu, INRIAHPC Software Packaging and Deployment
Sustaining Performance While Reducing Energy Consumption: A Control Theory ApproachSophie Cerf (Inria Lille), INRIAAdvanced architectures
OACIS: a web-browser-based job management softwareYohsuke Murase, R-CCSProgramming languages and runtimes
Analysis of the facility operations using operational metrics data during benchmarking campaignsMasaaki Terai, R-CCSApplications and mini apps, Operational data analysis
LLview: A bird's-eye view of HPC jobsFilipe Guimaræs, JSCApplications and mini apps, Performance tools Energy-aware job executionAtsuya Uno, R-CCSpower management
Title Presenter Topic STM2.1Checkpointing Workflows à la Young/Daly Is Not Good EnoughLucas Perotin, INRIAResilience
Resilient Scheduling of Moldable Parallel Jobs to Cope with Silent ErrorsHongyang Sun, INRIAResilience Towards Access Pattern Aware Checkpointing for Kokkos ApplicationsNigel Tan, UTKResilience
Optimal checkpointing strategies for iterative applicationsYishu DU, INRIAResilience
Fault Tolerant and Elastic Particle Filter for Extreme Scale Weather and Climate Data Assimilation Kai Keller, BSCApplications and mini apps, I/O, storage and in-situ processing, Resilience
Accelerating HPC/AI workflows through intermediate data statesBogdan Nicolae, ANLI/O, storage and in-situ processing, Resilience
Title Presenter Topic STM2.2A brief introduction to Chisel hardware construction languageKazutomo Yoshii, ANLAdvanced architectures, custom hardware development
Understanding the relation between monitoring events and topology of exascale architectures for HPC applicationsIdriss Daoudi, ANLAdvanced architectures, Applications and mini apps, Performance tools Porting Walberla to ARM ProcessorsJayesh Badwaik, JSCAdvanced architectures, Numerical methods, Performance tools Julia for Portability and ProductivityMichel Schanen, ANLAdvanced architectures, Programming languages and runtimes
Non Intrusive Harvesting of Idle Grid Resources with a Control Based ApproachQuentin Guilloteau, Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)Advanced architectures Porting the coupled multiscale and multiphysics Earth System Models ICON and TSMP to modular heterogeneous architectures (some scaling and performance analysis results)Jörg Benke, Abhiraj Bishnoi, JSCAdvanced architectures, Applications and mini apps
Title Presenter Topic STM3.1Extreme-Scale Feature Tracking for ScienceHanqi Guo, ANLI/O, storage and in-situ processing
Scalable In-Situ Analytics for High-Throughput Ensemble Molecular DynamicsSilvina Caino-Lores, UTKI/O, storage and in-situ processing
XPSI: X-ray Free Electron Laser-based Protein Structure IdentifierPaula Olaya and Vanessa Lama, UTKI/O, storage and in-situ processing, Machine Learning
IOBAT: I/O Behavior Analysis Toolkit for HPC WorkflowsJakob Luettgau, UTKI/O, storage and in-situ processing, Performance tools
Dealing with an object store; first hand experiences with CortxSalem el Sayed, JSCI/O, storage and in-situ processing Title Presenter Topic STM3.2Overview of the NICAM-LETKF system with new development for assimilating precipitation radar dataTing-Chi Wu, R-CCSApplications and mini apps, I/O, storage and in-situ processing, Numerical methods
NTChem on Fugaku: A High-Performance Quantum Chemistry Software PackageEisuke Kawashima, R-CCSApplications and mini apps
Simulation of quantum computer on supercomputer FugakuNaoki Yoshioka, R-CCSApplications and mini apps
Simulating multi-physics phenomenon using a CFD solver based on a hierarchically structured meshRahul Bale, R-CCSApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods
Implementation of Residue Level Coarse-Grained Models in GENESISCheng Tan, R-CCSApplications and mini apps
Optimization of GENESIS MD software on FugakuJaewoon Jung, R-CCSApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods
Title Presenter Topic STM3.3A differential tracing based approach to rapid runtime estimation for heterogeneous memory systemsBalazs Gerofi, R-CCSAdvanced architectures, Performance tools, ML
Large-Scale Virtual Crop Field Visualization for Computer VisionDirk Helmrich, JSCApplications and mini apps Deploying Heterogeneity-aware Deep Learning Workloads on the Computing ContinuumThomas Bouvier, INRIAAdvanced architectures, Deep learning Direct Data Assimilation on AI-testbedSri Hari Krishna Narayanan, ANLAdvanced architectures, Numerical methods
Privacy-Preserving Federated LearningKibaek Kim, ANLApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods
Multilevel PINNS for PDEsElisa Riccietti, ENS Lyon - INRIANumerical methods Title Presenter Topic STM3.4A Selective Nesting Approach for the Sparse Multi-threaded Cholesky FactorizationValentin Le Févre, BSCNumerical methods
Replacing Pivoting in Distributed Gaussian Elimination with Randomized TechniquesNeil Lindquist, UTKNumerical methods Communication Avoiding OrthogonalizationDaniel Bielich, UTKNumerical methods Potential Performance Improvements in Eigenvector OrthogonalizationAnthony M. Castaldo, UTKNumerical methods
Accelerating Geostatistical Modeling and Prediction with Mixed-Precision Computations: A High-Productivity Approach with PaRSECYu Pei, UTKNumerical methods, Programming languages and runtimes Adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation of OpenMP codesLaurent Hascoet, INRIANumerical methods
Title Presenter Topic STM3.5Ultra-fast Error Bounded Lossy Compression for Scientific DatasetsSheng Di, ANLI/O, storage and in-situ processing
How compression techniques in the communication can improved mixed-precison algorithmsSébastien Cayrols, UTKApplications and mini apps, Numerical methods
Exploring Lossy Compressibility through Statistical Correlations of Scientific DatasetsJulie Bessac, ANLData analysis for reduction
TEZIP: A Data Compression Tool for Time Evolutionary DataKento Sato, R-CCSI/O, storage and in-situ processing
Recent Improvements in Generic Lossy CompressionRobert Underwood, ClemsonI/O, storage and in-situ processing

Code of conduct

The organizers of the 13th JLESC Workshop are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), technology choices, or other group status.

To make clear what is expected, everyone taking part in the event - speakers, helpers, organizers, and participants - is required to conform to the Berlin Code of Conduct. The full text of the Code of Conduct can be found at http://berlincodeofconduct.org/.

To give a brief overview here, you are expected to:

  • participate in an authentic and active way. In doing so, you contribute to the health and longevity of this community
  • exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions
  • attempt collaboration before conflict
  • refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech
  • be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants

The following behavior is unacceptable: intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech or actions by any participant in our community online, at all related events and in one-on-one communications carried out in the context of community business.

Harassment includes harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability; inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images (including presentation slides); inappropriate depictions of violence (including presentation slides); deliberate intimidation, stalking or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events.

If you witness or are subject to unacceptable behavior, please contact one of the workshop organizers via email or Slack. You can do so anonymously.


InriaNCSAUniversity of IllinoisBarcelona Supercompting CenterForschungszentrum JülichRIKEN Center for Computational ScienceUniversity of TennesseeArgonne National Laboratory