Here is documentation I’ve written for my own use. These can be freely distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by) or Attribution-ShareAlike (cc-by-sa) licenses. See individual files for specifics.
- Linear algebra:
- BLAS Fortran interface (pdf, latex source)
- BLAS C interface (pdf, latex source)
- LAPACK summary (pdf, latex source)
- LAPACK routines (html)
- LAPACK prototypes (html)
- PLASMA prototypes (html)
- MAGMA prototypes (html)
- cuBLAS: see CUDA quick reference below
- LAWN 41: Installation Guide for LAPACK, with corrections (pdf, latex source tar.gz)
- Quick references:
- LaTeX quick reference (pdf, latex source tar.gz)
- LaTeX fonts (pdf, latex source tar.gz)
- Fortran quick reference (html)
- MPI quick reference (html, pdf)
- HTML entities (html)
- CUDA quick reference (html)
- hg and svn quick reference (html)
- mercurial (hg) tutorial (pdf)