The 16th Scheduling for Large Scale Systems Workshop will be held at The University of Tennessee in Knoxille Tennessee, May 22-May 24 2023. This will be the 16th edition of this workshop series after Aussois (2004), San Diego (2005), Aussois (2008), Knoxville (2009), Aussois (2010 and 2011), Pittsburgh (2012), Dagstuhl (2013), Lyon (2014), Dagsthul (2015) and Nashville (2016), Knoxville (2017), Berkeley (2018), Bordeaux (2019) and Frejus (2022). As in the previous editions, the workshop will be structured as a set of thematic half-day sessions, focused on topics related to scheduling and algorithms for large-scale systems. Presentations (about 25 minutes each) are only one part of the program, dedicated sessions for informal discussions and exchanges will complement the presentations. We strongly encourage the participants to break up in smaller groups based on shared interest and tackle challenging problems.

The workshop is by invitation only and there will be no registration fee. A block of rooms has been reserved for this event, the booking is on a first-come first-serve basis as indicated in the Hotels section.


The program will be updated as more information becomes available. Click a date for more details. Click a line for even more details.

Monday, May 22 (9:00AM - 5:30PM)
8:30AM Coffee/Tea time Room #205
9:00AM Welcome message Bosilca, George
Miscellaneous information
9:15AM Memory Saving Techniques for Training Beaumont, Olivier
9:45AM Online Scheduling of Moldable Task Graphs under Common Speedup Models Sun, Hongyang
10:15AM Composable and Reusable Components for Dense Linear Algebra on GPUs Thakkar, Vijay
10:45AM Coffee Break
11:15AM Revisiting I/O bandwidth-sharing strategies Vivien, Frédéric
11:45AM Scheduling the I/O of AI applications with a focus on medical imaging Gainaru, Ana
12:15PM Lunch Break
2:00PM Small scheduling problems raised by lossy compression of scientific data (from real use-cases)! Cappello, Franck
2:30PM Task scheduling and the tools that can help you get it right Danalis, Anthony
3:00PM Frontier- It's Exascale so we schedule it differently. Right? Geist, Al
3:30PM Coffee Break
4:00PM Coloring Graphs with Intervals Saule, Erik
4:30PM Scheduling Fork-Join Task Graphs with Communication Delays and Equal Processing Times Sinnen, Oliver
6:00PM Social Event (Hi-Wire Brewery)
Tuesday, May 23 (9:00AM - 5:30PM)
8:30AM Coffee/Tea time Room #205
9:00AM Quickly Learning how to Run Fast and Efficiently with system-level heterogeneity and Task-Based Applications Nesi, Lucas Leandro
9:30AM Programming Heterogeneous Architectures using Hierarchical Tasks Faverge, Mathieu
10:00AM An adaptive self-scheduling loop scheduler Booth, Joshua
10:30AM Coffee Break
11:00AM Combining Uncore Frequency and Dynamic Power Capping to Improve Power Savings Guermouche, Amina
11:30AM Optimization Metrics for the Evaluation of Batch Schedulers in HPC Boezennec, Robin
12:00PM Lunch Break
2:00PM Optimal sizing of a globally distributed low carbon cloud federation Sonigo, Veronika
2:30PM Task Based Programming Interfaces and their Interactions with Schedulers Herault, Thomas
3:00PM Interoperable and Portable Coupling Abstraction for Heterogeneous In-Situ Workflow Teranishi, Keita
3:30PM Coffee Break
4:00PM Panel on Unspoken Challenges
5:00PM Evening break
6:00PM Social Event (Alliance Brewery)
Wednesday, May 24 (9:00AM - 5:30PM)
8:30AM Coffee/Tea time Room #205
9:00AM Towards Application-Level Depth-First Task Scheduling Schuchart, Joseph
9:30AM MatRIS: A Scalable and Performance Portable Math Library for Heterogeneous and Multi-Device Systems based on the IRIS Runtime Valero Lara, Pedro
10:00AM Scheduling in the SLATE dense linear algebra library Yarkhan, Asim
10:30AM Coffee Break
11:00AM Scheduling Post-failure activities Bouteiller, Aurélien
11:30AM Next-Generation HPC Scheduling Challenges Patki, Tapsaya
12:00PM The end


  1. Franck,Cappello, ANL
  2. Erik,Saule,UNC Charlotte
  3. Frédéric,Vivien,INRIA
  4. Lucas,Leandro Nesi,UFRGS (Brazil) and UGA (France)
  5. Ana,Gainaru,Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  6. Amina,Guermouche,Bordeaux-INP
  7. Mathieu,Faverge,Bordeaux INP
  8. Oliver,Sinnen,University of Auckland
  9. Robin,Boëzennec,INRIA
  10. Veronika,Sonigo,University of Franche-Comté
  11. Vijay,Thakkar,NVIDIA | Georgia Tech
  12. Tapasya,Patki,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  13. Olivier,Beaumont,Inria
  14. Joseph,Schuchart,ICL
  15. Hongyang,Sun,University of Kansas
  16. Thomas,Herault,The University of Tennessee
  17. Aurelien,Bouteiller,Innovative Computing Lab. Univ. of TN
  18. Anthony,Danalis,University of Tennessee
  19. Joshua,Booth,UAH
  20. Al,Geist,ORNL
  21. Asim,YarKhan,University of Tennessee (ICL/UTK)
  22. Adrien,Obrecht,Vanderbuild
  23. Pedro,Valero Lara,ORNL
  24. Keita,Teranishi,ORNL
  25. Oscar,Hernandez Mendoza,ORNL
    1. Organizing Committee

      1. George Bosilca, Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
      2. Yves Robert, ENS Lyon, France


The workshop will be help at the Innovative Computing Laboratory in the Amphitheater #205-206 of the Claxton Building, on the main campus of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. A PDF containing directions to ICL and parking information is available.


Knoxville, one of the gateways to the Smoky Mountains is a buzzing city, especially in the spring. To accomodate the workshop attendees we have reserved a block of rooms at the Hilton downtown from May 21 to May 25 (at government rate). These rooms will be blocked until April 29th, and will go on a first-come first-serve basis. Please use this link to book your room. Once this reservation block is depleted, you will be on your own.
