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Cao, Q., Y. Pei, K. Akbudak, A. Mikhalev, G. Bosilca, H. Ltaief, D. Keyes, and J. Dongarra, Extreme-Scale Task-Based Cholesky Factorization Toward Climate and Weather Prediction Applications,” Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC20), Geneva, Switzerland, ACM, June 2020.  (2.71 MB)
Cao, Q., Y. Pei, T. Herault, K. Akbudak, A. Mikhalev, G. Bosilca, H. Ltaief, D. Keyes, and J. Dongarra, Performance Analysis of Tile Low-Rank Cholesky Factorization Using PaRSEC Instrumentation Tools,” Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools 19) at SC19, Denver, CO, ACM, November 2019.  (429.55 KB)