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Nath, R., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, An Improved MAGMA GEMM for Fermi GPUs,” International Journal of High Performance Computing, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 511-515, 00 2010.
Nath, R., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Accelerating GPU Kernels for Dense Linear Algebra,” Proc. of VECPAR'10, Berkeley, CA, June 2010.  (615.07 KB)
Nath, R., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, An Improved MAGMA GEMM for Fermi GPUs,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-10-655 (also LAPACK working note 227), July 2010.  (486.71 KB)
Nath, R., S. Tomov, T. Dong, and J. Dongarra, Optimizing Symmetric Dense Matrix-Vector Multiplication on GPUs,” ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC’11), Seattle, WA, November 2011.  (630.63 KB)
Nath, R., S. Tomov, E. Agullo, and J. Dongarra, Autotuning Dense Linear Algebra Libraries on GPUs , Basel, Switzerland, Sixth International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA 2010), June 2010.  (579.44 KB)
Nath, R., J. Dongarra, S. Tomov, H. Ltaeif, and P. Du, Numerical Linear Algebra on Hybrid Architectures: Recent Developments in the MAGMA Project , Portland, Oregon, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC09), November 2009.  (1.41 MB)