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Tech Report
Agrawal, S., D. Arnold, S. Blackford, J. Dongarra, M. Miller, K. Sagi, Z. Shi, K. Seymour, and S. Vadhiyar, Users' Guide to NetSolve v1.4.1,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-02-05, June 2002.  (328.01 KB)
Seymour, K., H. Nakada, S. Matsuoka, J. Dongarra, C. Lee, and H. Casanova, GridRPC: A Remote Procedure Call API for Grid Computing,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-02-06, November 2002.  (287.73 KB)
You, H., K. Seymour, J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Empirical Tuning of a Multiresolution Analysis Kernel using a Specialized Code Generator,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-07-02, January 2007.  (123.34 KB)
You, H., K. Seymour, and J. Dongarra, An Effective Empirical Search Method for Automatic Software Tuning,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-05-02, January 2005.  (74.66 KB)
You, H., K. Seymour, J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Automated Empirical Tuning of a Multiresolution Analysis Kernel,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-07-01, pp. 10, January 2007.  (120.7 KB)
Seymour, K., H. You, and J. Dongarra, ATLAS on the BlueGene/L – Preliminary Results,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-06-10, January 2006.  (46.19 KB)
Journal Article
Seymour, K., A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, Transparent Cross-Platform Access to Software Services using GridSolve and GridRPC,” in Cloud Computing and Software Services: Theory and Techniques (to appear): CRC Press, 00 2009.
Brady, T., A. Lastovetsky, K. Seymour, M. Guidolin, and J. Dongarra, SmartGridRPC: The new RPC model for high performance Grid Computing and Its Implementation in SmartGridSolve,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (to appear), January 2010.  (1.08 MB)
Bosilca, G., Z. Chen, J. Dongarra, V. Eijkhout, G. Fagg, E. Fuentes, J. Langou, P. Luszczek, J. Pjesivac–Grbovic, K. Seymour, et al., Self Adapting Numerical Software SANS Effort,” IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 50, no. 2/3, pp. 223-238, January 2006.  (357.53 KB)
YarKhan, A., K. Seymour, K. Sagi, Z. Shi, and J. Dongarra, Recent Developments in GridSolve,” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (Special Issue: Scheduling for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Platforms), vol. 20, no. 1: Sage Science Press, 00 2006.  (496.69 KB)
Bailey, D., J. Chame, C. Chen, J. Dongarra, M. Hall, J. K. Hollingsworth, P. D. Hovland, S. Moore, K. Seymour, J. Shin, et al., PERI Auto-tuning,” Proc. SciDAC 2008, vol. 125, Seatlle, Washington, Journal of Physics, January 2008.  (873.75 KB)
Youseff, L., K. Seymour, H. You, D. Zagorodnov, J. Dongarra, and R. Wolski, Paravirtualization Effect on Single- and Multi-threaded Memory-Intensive Linear Algebra Software,” Cluster Computing Journal: Special Issue on High Performance Distributed Computing, vol. 12, no. 2: Springer Netherlands, pp. 101-122, 00 2009.  (451.07 KB)
Agrawal, S., J. Dongarra, K. Seymour, and S. Vadhiyar, NetSolve: Past, Present, and Future - A Look at a Grid Enabled Server,” Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality: Wiley Publishing, 00 2003.  (158.19 KB)
Seymour, K., A. YarKhan, S. Agrawal, and J. Dongarra, NetSolve: Grid Enabling Scientific Computing Environments,” Grid Computing and New Frontiers of High Performance Processing, no. 14: Elsevier, 00 2005.  (425 KB)
Doolin, D., J. Dongarra, and K. Seymour, JLAPACK - Compiling LAPACK Fortran to Java,” Scientific Programming, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 111-138, October 2002.  (307.46 KB)
Hardt, M., K. Seymour, J. Dongarra, M. Zapf, and N. Ruiter, Interactive Grid-Access Using Gridsolve and Giggle,” Computing and Informatics, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 233-248,ISSN1335-9150, 00 2008.  (533.4 KB)
Jeannot, E., K. Seymour, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, Improved Runtime and Transfer Time Prediction Mechanisms in a Network Enabled Server,” Parallel Processing Letters, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 47-59, March 2006.  (718.4 KB)
Jeannot, E., K. Seymour, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, Improved Runtime and Transfer Time Prediction Mechanisms in a Network Enabled Servers Middleware,” Parallel Processing Letters, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 47-59, March 2007.  (718.4 KB)
Caniou, Y., E. Caron, F. Desprez, H. Nakada, Y. Tanaka, and K. Seymour, High Performance GridRPC Middleware,” Recent developments in Grid Technology and Applications: Nova Science Publishers, 00 2008.  (923.06 KB)
Li, Y., A. YarKhan, J. Dongarra, K. Seymour, and A. Hurault, Enabling Workflows in GridSolve: Request Sequencing and Service Trading,” Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 64, issue 3, pp. 1133-1152, June 2013.  (821.29 KB)
Seymour, K., and J. Dongarra, Automatic Translation of Fortran to JVM Bytecode,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 15, no. 3-5, pp. 202-207, 00 2003.  (185.8 KB)
Conference Proceedings
Li, Y., J. Dongarra, K. Seymour, and A. YarKhan, Request Sequencing: Enabling Workflow for Efficient Problem Solving in GridSolve,” International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2008) (submitted), Shenzhen, China, October 2008.  (1.64 MB)
Seymour, K., H. Nakada, S. Matsuoka, J. Dongarra, C. Lee, and H. Casanova, Overview of GridRPC: A Remote Procedure Call API for Grid Computing,” Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Grid Computing, pp. 274-278, January 2002.  (221.82 KB)
Youseff, L., K. Seymour, H. You, J. Dongarra, and R. Wolski, The Impact of Paravirtualized Memory Hierarchy on Linear Algebra Computational Kernels and Software,” ACM/IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Boston, MA., June 2008.  (403.89 KB)
YarKhan, A., J. Dongarra, and K. Seymour, GridSolve: The Evolution of Network Enabled Solver,” Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments: IFIP TC2/WG 2.5 Working Conference on Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments (Prescott, AZ, July 2006): Springer, pp. 215-226, 00 2007.  (377.48 KB)
Seymour, K., H. You, and J. Dongarra, A Comparison of Search Heuristics for Empirical Code Optimization,” The 3rd international Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning, Tsukuba, Japan, October 2008.  (772.48 KB)
Seymour, K., and J. Dongarra, Automatic Translation of Fortran to JVM Bytecode,” Joint ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2001 Conference (submitted), Stanford University, California, June 2001.  (185.8 KB)
Conference Paper
London, K., S. Moore, P. Mucci, K. Seymour, and R. Luczak, The PAPI Cross-Platform Interface to Hardware Performance Counters,” Department of Defense Users' Group Conference Proceedings, Biloxi, Mississippi, June 2001.  (328.56 KB)
London, K., J. Dongarra, S. Moore, P. Mucci, K. Seymour, and T.. Spencer, End-user Tools for Application Performance Analysis, Using Hardware Counters,” International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Dallas, TX, August 2001.  (306.54 KB)
Yi, Q., K. Kennedy, H. You, K. Seymour, and J. Dongarra, Automatic Blocking of QR and LU Factorizations for Locality,” 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory System Performance (MSP 2004), Washington, DC, ACM, June 2004.  (212.77 KB)
Dongarra, J., S. Moore, P. Mucci, K. Seymour, and H. You, Accurate Cache and TLB Characterization Using Hardware Counters,” International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2004), Krakow, Poland, Springer, June 2004.  (167.1 KB)