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Journal Article
Berman, F., H. Casanova, A. Chien, K. Cooper, H. Dail, A. Dasgupta, W. Deng, J. Dongarra, L. Johnsson, K. Kennedy, et al., New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods in the GrADS Project,” International Journal of Parallel Programming, vol. 33, no. 2: Springer, pp. 209-229, June 2005.  (306.41 KB)
Conference Proceedings
Ramakrishan, L., D. Nurmi, A. Mandal, C. Koelbel, D. Gannon, M. Huang, Y-S. Kee, G. Obertelli, K. Thyagaraja, R. Wolski, et al., VGrADS: Enabling e-Science Workflows on Grids and Clouds with Fault Tolerance,” SC’09 The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (to appear), Portland, OR, 00 2009.  (648.82 KB)