Scheduling for fault-tolerance: an introduction,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-15-02: University of Tennessee, January 2015.
(416.37 KB)
“Tuning Stationary Iterative Solvers for Fault Resilience,”
6th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems (ScalA15), Austin, TX, ACM, November 2015.
(1.28 MB)
“Accelerating Tensor Contractions for High-Order FEM on CPUs, GPUs, and KNLs
, Gatlinburg, TN, moky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference (SMC16), Poster, September 2016.
(4.29 MB)
“Batched Generation of Incomplete Sparse Approximate Inverses on GPUs,”
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems, pp. 49–56, November 2016.
“On block-asynchronous execution on GPUs,”
LAPACK Working Note, no. 291, November 2016.
(1.05 MB)
“Cholesky Factorization on Batches of Matrices with Fixed and Variable Sizes
, San Jose, CA, GPU Technology Conference (GTC16), Poster, April 2016.
(480.51 KB)
On the Development of Variable Size Batched Computation for Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures,”
The 17th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC 2016), IPDPS 2016, Chicago, IL, IEEE, May 2016.
(708.62 KB)
“Domain Overlap for Iterative Sparse Triangular Solves on GPUs,”
Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA, vol. 113: Springer International Publishing, pp. 527–545, September 2016.
“Efficiency of General Krylov Methods on GPUs – An Experimental Study,”
The Sixth International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES), Chicago, IL, IEEE, May 2016.
(285.28 KB)
“Efficiency of General Krylov Methods on GPUs – An Experimental Study,”
2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), pp. 683-691, May 2016.
“Fine-grained Bit-Flip Protection for Relaxation Methods,”
Journal of Computational Science, November 2016.
(1.47 MB)
“Heterogeneous Streaming,”
The Sixth International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES), IPDPS 2016, Chicago, IL, IEEE, May 2016.
(2.73 MB)
“High-performance Matrix-matrix Multiplications of Very Small Matrices,”
22nd International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par'16), Grenoble, France, Springer International Publishing, August 2016.
“High-Performance Tensor Contractions for GPUs,”
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'16), San Diego, CA, June 2016.
(2.36 MB)
“High-Performance Tensor Contractions for GPUs,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-EECS-16-738: University of Tennessee, January 2016.
(2.36 MB)
“Linear Algebra Software for Large-Scale Accelerated Multicore Computing,”
Acta Numerica, vol. 25, pp. 1-160, May 2016.
“Linear Algebra Software for Large-Scale Accelerated Multicore Computing,”
Acta Numerica, vol. 25, pp. 1-160, May 2016.
“LU, QR, and Cholesky Factorizations: Programming Model, Performance Analysis and Optimization Techniques for the Intel Knights Landing Xeon Phi,”
IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC'16), Waltham, MA, IEEE, September 2016.
(943.23 KB)
“MAGMA Batched: A Batched BLAS Approach for Small Matrix Factorizations and Applications on GPUs,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-16-02: University of Tennessee, August 2016.
(929.79 KB)
“On the performance and energy efficiency of sparse linear algebra on GPUs,”
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, October 2016.
(1.19 MB)
“Performance, Design, and Autotuning of Batched GEMM for GPUs,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-EECS-16-739: University of Tennessee, February 2016.
(1.27 MB)
“Performance, Design, and Autotuning of Batched GEMM for GPUs,”
High Performance Computing: 31st International Conference, ISC High Performance 2016, Frankfurt, Germany, June 19-23, 2016, Proceedings, no. 9697: Springer International Publishing, pp. 21–38, 2016.
(1.98 MB)
“Performance, Design, and Autotuning of Batched GEMM for GPUs,”
The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC High Performance 2016), Frankfurt, Germany, June 2016.
(1.27 MB)
“Performance optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication for multi-component PDE-based applications using GPUs,”
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 28, issue 12, pp. 3447 - 3465, May 2016.
(3.21 MB)
“Performance Tuning and Optimization Techniques of Fixed and Variable Size Batched Cholesky Factorization on GPUs,”
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'16), San Diego, CA, June 2016.
(626.21 KB)
“Scheduling Computational Workflows on Failure-prone Platforms,”
International Journal of Networking and Computing, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 2-26, 2016.
(503.81 KB)
“Updating Incomplete Factorization Preconditioners for Model Order Reduction,”
Numerical Algorithms, vol. 73, issue 3, no. 3, pp. 611–630, February 2016.
(565.34 KB)
“Accelerating Tensor Contractions in High-Order FEM with MAGMA Batched
, Atlanta, GA, SIAM Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (SIAM CSE17), Presentation, March 2017.
(9.29 MB)
Argobots: A Lightweight Low-Level Threading and Tasking Framework,”
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, October 2017.
“Assuming failure independence: are we right to be wrong?,”
The 3rd International Workshop on Fault Tolerant Systems (FTS), Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE, September 2017.
(597.11 KB)
“Batched Gauss-Jordan Elimination for Block-Jacobi Preconditioner Generation on GPUs,”
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 1–10, February 2017.
(552.62 KB)
““BDEC Pathways to Convergence: Toward a Shaping Strategy for a Future Software and Data Ecosystem for Scientific Inquiry,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-17-08: University of Tennessee, November 2017.
Bringing High Performance Computing to Big Data Algorithms,”
Handbook of Big Data Technologies: Springer, 2017.
(1.22 MB)
“C++ API for Batch BLAS,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 04, ICL-UT-17-12: University of Tennessee, December 2017.
(1.89 MB)
“C++ API for Batch BLAS,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 04, ICL-UT-17-12: University of Tennessee, December 2017.
(1.89 MB)
“C++ API for BLAS and LAPACK,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 02, ICL-UT-17-03: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, June 2017.
(1.12 MB)
“C++ API for BLAS and LAPACK,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 02, ICL-UT-17-03: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, June 2017.
(1.12 MB)
“Co-Scheduling Algorithms for Cache-Partitioned Systems,”
19th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models, Orlando, FL, IEEE Computer Society Press, May 2017.
(584.76 KB)
“Factorization and Inversion of a Million Matrices using GPUs: Challenges and Countermeasures,”
Procedia Computer Science, vol. 108, pp. 606–615, June 2017.
(643.44 KB)
“Fast Cholesky Factorization on GPUs for Batch and Native Modes in MAGMA,”
Journal of Computational Science, vol. 20, pp. 85–93, May 2017.
(3.6 MB)
“Flexible Batched Sparse Matrix Vector Product on GPUs
, Denver, Colorado, ScalA'17: 8th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems, November 2017.
(16.8 MB)
Flexible Batched Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on GPUs,”
8th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems (ScalA '17), Denver, CO, ACM Press, November 2017.
(583.4 KB)
“High-performance Cholesky Factorization for GPU-only Execution,”
Proceedings of the General Purpose GPUs (GPGPU-10), Austin, TX, ACM, February 2017.
(872.18 KB)
“MAGMA-sparse Interface Design Whitepaper,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-17-05, September 2017.
(1.28 MB)
“Novel HPC Techniques to Batch Execution of Many Variable Size BLAS Computations on GPUs,”
International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS '17), Chicago, Illinois, ACM, June 2017.
(1.04 MB)
“Performance Analysis and Debugging Tools at Scale,”
Exascale Scientific Applications: Scalability and Performance Portability: Chapman & Hall / CRC Press, pp. 17-50, November 2017.
“PLASMA 17 Performance Report,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-17-11: University of Tennessee, June 2017.
(7.57 MB)
“PLASMA 17.1 Functionality Report,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-17-10: University of Tennessee, June 2017.
(1.8 MB)
“Preconditioned Krylov Solvers on GPUs,”
Parallel Computing, June 2017.
(1.19 MB)