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Reliability Analysis of Self-Healing Network using Discrete-Event Simulation,”
Proceedings of Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid '07): IEEE Computer Society, pp. 437-444, May 2007.
“Resilience for Stencil Computations with Latent Errors,”
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Bristol, UK, IEEE Computer Society Press, August 2017.
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“Resiliency in numerical algorithm design for extreme scale simulations,”
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 36371337212766180823, issue 2, pp. 251 - 285, March 2022.
“Scalability Analysis of the SPEC OpenMP Benchmarks on Large-Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors,”
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), vol. 4487-4490, Beijing, China, Springer LNCS, pp. 815-822, 2007.
(145.84 KB)
“Scalable Fault Tolerant MPI: Extending the Recovery Algorithm,”
Proceedings of 12th European Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface Conference - Euro PVM/MPI, vol. 3666, Sorrento (Naples) , Italy, Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp. 67, September 2005.
(144.86 KB)
“Scalable Fault Tolerant Protocol for Parallel Runtime Environments,”
2006 Euro PVM/MPI, no. ICL-UT-06-12, Bonn, Germany, 00 2006.
(149.07 KB)
“Scalable Networked Information Processing Environment (SNIPE),”
Journal on Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 15, no. 5/6, pp. 595-605, January 1999.
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“Scheduling in the Grid Application Development Software Project,”
Resource Management in the Grid: Kluwer Publishers, March 2003.
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“Secure Remote Access to Numerical Software and Computation Hardware,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-00-446, July 2000.
(402.31 KB)
“Secure Remote Access to Numerical Software and Computational Hardware,”
Proceedings of the DoD HPC Users Group Conference (HPCUG) 2000, Albuquerque, NM, June 2000.
(172.6 KB)
“Self Adapting Application Level Fault Tolerance for Parallel and Distributed Computing,”
Proceedings of Workshop on Self Adapting Application Level Fault Tolerance for Parallel and Distributed Computing at IPDPS, pp. 1-8, March 2007.
(162.47 KB)
“Self Adapting Linear Algebra Algorithms and Software,”
IEEE Proceedings (to appear), 00 2004.
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“Self Adapting Numerical Software SANS Effort,”
IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 50, no. 2/3, pp. 223-238, January 2006.
(357.53 KB)
“Self Adapting Numerical Software SANS Effort,”
IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 50, no. 2/3, pp. 223-238, January 2006.
(357.53 KB)
“Self-Healing Network for Scalable Fault Tolerant Runtime Environments,”
DAPSYS 2006, 6th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems, Innsbruck, Austria, January 2006.
(162.83 KB)
“Self-Healing Network for Scalable Fault-Tolerant Runtime Environments,”
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 479-485, March 2010.
(1.54 MB)
“SLATE Performance Report: Updates to Cholesky and LU Factorizations,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-20-14: University of Tennessee, October 2020.
(1.64 MB)
“SLATE Port to AMD and Intel Platforms,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 16, ICL-UT-21-01, April 2021.
(890.75 KB)
“SLATE: Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale (POSTER)
, Houston, TX, 2020 Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting, February 2020.
(546.56 KB)
SLATE Tutorial
, Houston, TX, 2020 ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020.
(12.14 MB)
SLATE Tutorial
, Houston, TX, 2020 ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020.
(12.14 MB)
SLATE Users' Guide,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 10, ICL-UT-19-01: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, July 2020.
(1.51 MB)
“SLATE Working Note 13: Implementing Singular Value and Symmetric/Hermitian Eigenvalue Solvers,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 13, ICL-UT-19-07: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, September 2019.
(3.47 MB)
“Specification and detection of performance problems with ASL,”
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 19, no. 11: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., pp. 1451-1464, January 2007.
“Standards for Graph Algorithm Primitives,”
17th IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC '13), Waltham, MA, IEEE, September 2013.
(108.86 KB)
“Standards for Graph Algorithm Primitives,”
17th IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC '13), Waltham, MA, IEEE, September 2013.
(108.86 KB)
“A survey of numerical linear algebra methods utilizing mixed-precision arithmetic,”
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 344–369, 2021.
“A Survey of Recent Developments in Parallel Implementations of Gaussian Elimination,”
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 27, issue 5, pp. 1292-1309, April 2015.
(783.45 KB)
“System Software for Many-Core and Multi-Core Architectures,”
Advanced Software Technologies for Post-Peta Scale Computing: The Japanese Post-Peta CREST Research Project, Singapore, Springer Singapore, pp. 59–75, 2019.
“Taking Advantage of Hybrid Systems for Sparse Direct Solvers via Task-Based Runtimes,”
23rd International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop, IPDPS 2014, Phoenix, AZ, IEEE, May 2014.
(807.33 KB)
“Task Bench: A Parameterized Benchmark for Evaluating Parallel Runtime Performance,”
International Conference for High Performance Computing Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC20): ACM, November 2020.
(644.92 KB)
“Task-Based Polar Decomposition Using SLATE on Massively Parallel Systems with Hardware Accelerators,”
SC-W '23: Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis, Denver, CO, ACM, November 2023.
“Telescoping Languages: A Strategy for Automatic Generation of Scientific Problem-Solving Systems from Annotated Libraries,”
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 1803-1826, December 2001.
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“Toward a Framework for Preparing and Executing Adaptive Grid Programs,”
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium: IPDPS 2002 Workshops, Fort Lauderdale, FL, pp. 0171, April 2002.
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“Toward a Modular Precision Ecosystem for High-Performance Computing,”
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 33, issue 6, pp. 1069-1078, November 2019.
(1.93 MB)
“Towards a High-Performance Tensor Algebra Package for Accelerators
, Gatlinburg, TN, moky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference (SMC15), September 2015.
(1.76 MB)
Towards a Parallel Tile LDL Factorization for Multicore Architectures,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-11-03, Seattle, WA, April 2011.
(425.45 KB)
“Towards an Accurate Model for Collective Communications,”
International Journal of High Performance Applications, Special Issue: Automatic Performance Tuning, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 159-167, January 2004.
(250.73 KB)
“Towards an Accurate Model for Collective Communications,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-05-03, January 2005.
(250.73 KB)
“Towards Continuous Benchmarking,”
Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC 2019), Zurich, Switzerland, ACM Press, June 2019.
(1.51 MB)
“Tuning Principal Component Analysis for GRASS GIS on Multi-core and GPU Architectures,”
FOSS4G 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 2010.
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“Unveiling the Performance-energy Trade-off in Iterative Linear System Solvers for Multithreaded Processors,”
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 27, issue 4, pp. 885-904, September 2014.
(1.83 MB)
“Usage of the Scalasca Toolset for Scalable Performance Analysis of Large-scale Parallel Applications,”
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Tools for High Performance Computing, Stuttgart, Germany, Springer, pp. 157-167, January 2008.
(229.2 KB)
“Usage of the Scalasca Toolset for Scalable Performance Analysis of Large-scale Parallel Applications,”
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Tools for High Performance Computing, Stuttgart, Germany, Springer, pp. 157-167, January 2008.
(229.2 KB)
“On Using Incremental Profiling for the Performance Analysis of Shared Memory Parallel Applications,”
Proceedings of the 13th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par '07), Rennes, France, Springer LNCS, January 2007.
“Using MAGMA with PGI Fortran,”
PGI Insider, November 2010.
(176.67 KB)
“Variable-Size Batched Condition Number Calculation on GPUs,”
SBAC-PAD, Lyon, France, September 2018.
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“Variable-Size Batched Gauss-Huard for Block-Jacobi Preconditioning,”
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017), vol. 108, Zurich, Switzerland, Procedia Computer Science, pp. 1783-1792, June 2017.
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“Variable-Size Batched Gauss-Jordan Elimination for Block-Jacobi Preconditioning on Graphics Processors,”
Parallel Computing, vol. 81, pp. 131-146, January 2019.
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“Variable-Size Batched LU for Small Matrices and Its Integration into Block-Jacobi Preconditioning,”
46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Bristol, United Kingdom, IEEE, August 2017.