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Tomov, S., P. Luszczek, I. Yamazaki, J. Dongarra, H. Anzt, and W. Sawyer, Optimizing Krylov Subspace Solvers on Graphics Processing Units,” Fourth International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES), IPDPS 2014, Phoenix, AZ, IEEE, May 2014.  (536.32 KB)
Haidar, A., C. Cao, I. Yamazaki, J. Dongarra, M. Gates, P. Luszczek, and S. Tomov, Performance and Portability with OpenCL for Throughput-Oriented HPC Workloads Across Accelerators, Coprocessors, and Multicore Processors,” 5th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems (ScalA '14), New Orleans, LA, IEEE, November 2014.  (407.5 KB)
Dongarra, J., J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, and I. Yamazaki, PULSAR Users’ Guide, Parallel Ultra-Light Systolic Array Runtime,” University of Tennessee EECS Technical Report, no. UT-EECS-14-733: University of Tennessee, November 2014.  (561.56 KB)
Haidar, A., C. Cao, J. Dongarra, P. Luszczek, and S. Tomov, Unified Development for Mixed Multi-GPU and Multi-Coprocessor Environments using a Lightweight Runtime Environment,” IPDPS 2014, Phoenix, AZ, IEEE, May 2014.  (1.51 MB)
Danalis, A., P. Luszczek, G. Marin, J. Vetter, and J. Dongarra, BlackjackBench: Portable Hardware Characterization with Automated Results Analysis,” The Computer Journal, March 2013.  (408.45 KB)
Cao, C., J. Dongarra, P. Du, M. Gates, P. Luszczek, and S. Tomov, clMAGMA: High Performance Dense Linear Algebra with OpenCL,” University of Tennessee Technical Report (Lawn 275), no. UT-CS-13-706: University of Tennessee, March 2013.  (526.6 KB)
Jia, Y., P. Luszczek, G. Bosilca, and J. Dongarra, CPU-GPU Hybrid Bidiagonal Reduction With Soft Error Resilience,” ScalA '13 Proceedings of the Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems, Montpellier, France, November 2013.  (238.58 KB)
Bosilca, G., A. Bouteiller, A. Danalis, T. Herault, P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Dense Linear Algebra on Distributed Heterogeneous Hardware with a Symbolic DAG Approach,” Scalable Computing and Communications: Theory and Practice: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 699-735, March 2013.  (1.01 MB)
Ltaeif, H., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, High Performance Bidiagonal Reduction using Tile Algorithms on Homogeneous Multicore Architectures,” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 39, issue 3, no. 16, 2013.  (665.7 KB)
Dongarra, J., and P. Luszczek, HPC Challenge: Design, History, and Implementation Highlights,” Contemporary High Performance Computing: From Petascale Toward Exascale, Boca Raton, FL, Taylor and Francis, 2013.  (790.01 KB)
Aupy, G., M. Faverge, Y. Robert, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Implementing a systolic algorithm for QR factorization on multicore clusters with PaRSEC,” Lawn 277, no. UT-CS-13-709, May 2013.  (298.63 KB)
Haidar, A., P. Luszczek, J. Kurzak, and J. Dongarra, An Improved Parallel Singular Value Algorithm and Its Implementation for Multicore Hardware,” Supercomputing 2013, Denver, CO, November 2013.
Haidar, A., P. Luszczek, J. Kurzak, and J. Dongarra, An Improved Parallel Singular Value Algorithm and Its Implementation for Multicore Hardware,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report (also LAWN 283), no. ut-eecs-13-720: University of Tennessee, October 2013.  (1.23 MB)
Kurzak, J., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, LU Factorization with Partial Pivoting for a Multicore System with Accelerators,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 24, issue 8, pp. 1613-1621, August 2013.  (1.08 MB)
Kurzak, J., P. Luszczek, A. YarKhan, M. Faverge, J. Langou, H. Bouwmeester, and J. Dongarra, Multithreading in the PLASMA Library,” Multi and Many-Core Processing: Architecture, Programming, Algorithms, & Applications: Taylor & Francis, 00 2013.  (536.28 KB)
Jia, Y., G. Bosilca, P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Parallel Reduction to Hessenberg Form with Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance,” International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, IEEE-SC 2013, Denver, CO, November 2013.  (147.09 KB)
Dongarra, J., M. Gates, A. Haidar, Y. Jia, K. Kabir, P. Luszczek, and S. Tomov, Portable HPC Programming on Intel Many-Integrated-Core Hardware with MAGMA Port to Xeon Phi,” PPAM 2013, Warsaw, Poland, September 2013.  (284.97 KB)
Bosilca, G., A. Bouteiller, A. Danalis, T. Herault, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Scalable Dense Linear Algebra on Heterogeneous Hardware,” HPC: Transition Towards Exascale Processing, in the series Advances in Parallel Computing, 2013.  (760.32 KB)
Du, P., P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Soft Error Resilient QR Factorization for Hybrid System with GPGPU,” Journal of Computational Science, vol. 4, issue 6, pp. 457–464, November 2013.  (995.45 KB)
Jia, Y., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Transient Error Resilient Hessenberg Reduction on GPU-based Hybrid Architectures,” UT-CS-13-712: University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, June 2013.  (206.42 KB)
Kurzak, J., P. Luszczek, M. Gates, I. Yamazaki, and J. Dongarra, Virtual Systolic Array for QR Decomposition,” 15th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models, IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2013), Boston, MA, IEEE, May 2013.  (749.84 KB)
Donfack, S., J. Dongarra, M. Faverge, M. Gates, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, and I. Yamazaki, On Algorithmic Variants of Parallel Gaussian Elimination: Comparison of Implementations in Terms of Performance and Numerical Properties,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-13-715, July 2013, 2012.  (358.98 KB)
Luszczek, P., and J. Dongarra, Anatomy of a Globally Recursive Embedded LINPACK Benchmark,” 2012 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, Waltham, MA, pp. 1-6, September 2012.  (204.74 KB)
Haidar, A., H. Ltaeif, P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, A Comprehensive Study of Task Coalescing for Selecting Parallelism Granularity in a Two-Stage Bidiagonal Reduction,” IPDPS 2012, Shanghai, China, May 2012.  (480.43 KB)
Dongarra, J., J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, and S. Tomov, Dense Linear Algebra on Accelerated Multicore Hardware,” High Performance Scientific Computing: Algorithms and Applications, London, UK, Springer-Verlag, 00 2012.
Dongarra, J., H. Ltaeif, P. Luszczek, and V. M. Weaver, Energy Footprint of Advanced Dense Numerical Linear Algebra using Tile Algorithms on Multicore Architecture,” The 2nd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (submitted), Xiangtan, Hunan, China, November 2012.  (329.5 KB)
Ltaeif, H., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Enhancing Parallelism of Tile Bidiagonal Transformation on Multicore Architectures using Tree Reduction,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7203, pp. 661-670, September 2012.  (185.77 KB)
Du, P., R. Weber, P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, G. D. Peterson, and J. Dongarra, From CUDA to OpenCL: Towards a Performance-portable Solution for Multi-platform GPU Programming,” Parallel Computing, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 391-407, August 2012.  (1.64 MB)
Anzt, H., P. Luszczek, J. Dongarra, and V. Heuveline, GPU-Accelerated Asynchronous Error Correction for Mixed Precision Iterative Refinement,” EuroPar 2012 (also LAWN 260), Rhodes Island, Greece, August 2012.  (662.98 KB)
Du, P., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, High Performance Dense Linear System Solver with Resilience to Multiple Soft Errors,” ICCS 2012, Omaha, NE, June 2012.  (1.27 MB)
Dongarra, J., and P. Luszczek, HPC Challenge: Design, History, and Implementation Highlights,” On the Road to Exascale Computing: Contemporary Architectures in High Performance Computing (to appear): Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 00 2012.  (469.92 KB)
Luszczek, P., J. Kurzak, and J. Dongarra, Looking Back at Dense Linear Algebra Software,” Perspectives on Parallel and Distributed Processing: Looking Back and What's Ahead (to appear), 00 2012.  (235.91 KB)
Dongarra, J., M. Gates, Y. Jia, K. Kabir, P. Luszczek, and S. Tomov, MAGMA MIC: Linear Algebra Library for Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors , Salt Lake City, UT, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC12), November 2012.  (6.4 MB)
Weaver, V. M., M. Johnson, K. Kasichayanula, J. Ralph, P. Luszczek, D. Terpstra, and S. Moore, Measuring Energy and Power with PAPI,” International Workshop on Power-Aware Systems and Architectures, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2012.  (146.79 KB)
Kasichayanula, K., D. Terpstra, P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, S. Moore, and G. D. Peterson, Power Aware Computing on GPUs,” SAAHPC '12 (Best Paper Award), Argonne, IL, July 2012.  (658.06 KB)
Kurzak, J., P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Preliminary Results of Autotuning GEMM Kernels for the NVIDIA Kepler Architecture,” LAWN 267, 00 2012.  (1.14 MB)
Kurzak, J., P. Luszczek, M. Faverge, and J. Dongarra, Programming the LU Factorization for a Multicore System with Accelerators,” Proceedings of VECPAR’12, Kobe, Japan, April 2012.  (414.33 KB)
Dongarra, J., M. Faverge, H. Ltaeif, and P. Luszczek, Achieving Numerical Accuracy and High Performance using Recursive Tile LU Factorization,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report (also as a LAWN), no. ICL-UT-11-08, September 2011.  (618.53 KB)
Danalis, A., P. Luszczek, G. Marin, J. Vetter, and J. Dongarra, BlackjackBench: Hardware Characterization with Portable Micro-Benchmarks and Automatic Statistical Analysis of Results,” IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (submitted), Anchorage, AK, May 2011.
Luszczek, P., J. Kurzak, and J. Dongarra, Changes in Dense Linear Algebra Kernels - Decades Long Perspective,” in Solving the Schrodinger Equation: Has everything been tried? (to appear): Imperial College Press, 00 2011.
Luszczek, P., E. Meek, S. Moore, D. Terpstra, V. M. Weaver, and J. Dongarra, Evaluation of the HPC Challenge Benchmarks in Virtualized Environments,” 6th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing, Bordeaux, France, August 2011.  (114.73 KB)
Dongarra, J., M. Faverge, H. Ltaeif, and P. Luszczek, Exploiting Fine-Grain Parallelism in Recursive LU Factorization,” Proceedings of PARCO'11, no. ICL-UT-11-04, Gent, Belgium, April 2011.
Bosilca, G., A. Bouteiller, A. Danalis, M. Faverge, A. Haidar, T. Herault, J. Kurzak, J. Langou, P. Lemariner, H. Ltaeif, et al., Flexible Development of Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms on Massively Parallel Architectures with DPLASMA,” Proceedings of the Workshops of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS 2011 Workshops), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, IEEE, pp. 1432-1441, May 2011.  (1.26 MB)
Anzt, H., P. Luszczek, J. Dongarra, and V. Heuveline, GPU-Accelerated Asynchronous Error Correction for Mixed Precision Iterative Refinement,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report UT-CS-11-690 (also Lawn 260), December 2011.  (662.98 KB)
Ltaeif, H., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, High Performance Bidiagonal Reduction using Tile Algorithms on Homogeneous Multicore Architectures,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-11-673, (also Lawn 247), May 2011.  (424.93 KB)
Du, P., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, High Performance Dense Linear System Solver with Soft Error Resilience,” IEEE Cluster 2011, Austin, TX, September 2011.  (1.27 MB)
Dongarra, J., M. Faverge, H. Ltaeif, and P. Luszczek, High Performance Matrix Inversion Based on LU Factorization for Multicore Architectures,” Proceedings of MTAGS11, Seattle, WA, November 2011.  (879.49 KB)
Ltaeif, H., P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Profiling High Performance Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms on Multicore Architectures for Power and Energy Efficiency,” International Conference on Energy-Aware High Performance Computing (EnA-HPC 2011), Hamburg, Germany, September 2011.  (1.27 MB)
Du, P., P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Soft Error Resilient QR Factorization for Hybrid System,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-11-675, Knoxville, TN, July 2011.  (1.39 MB)
Du, P., P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Soft Error Resilient QR Factorization for Hybrid System,” UT-CS-11-675 (also LAPACK Working Note #252), no. ICL-CS-11-675, July 2011.  (1.39 MB)
