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Valero-Lara, P., J. Dongarra, A. Haidar, S. D. Relton, S. Tomov, and M. Zounon, A Standard for Batched BLAS Routines , Paris, France, 17th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP16), April 2016.  (1.93 MB)
Baboulin, M., J. Dongarra, and S. Tomov, Some Issues in Dense Linear Algebra for Multicore and Special Purpose Architectures,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-08-615 (also LAPACK Working Note 200), January 2008.  (289.93 KB)
Baboulin, M., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Some Issues in Dense Linear Algebra for Multicore and Special Purpose Architectures,” PARA 2008, 9th International Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, Trondheim Norway, May 2008.
Zaitsev, D., S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Solving Linear Diophantine Systems on Parallel Architectures,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 30, issue 5, pp. 1158-1169, May 2019. DOI:  (802.97 KB)
Anzt, H., I. Yamazaki, M. Hoemmen, E. Boman, and J. Dongarra, Solver Interface & Performance on Cori,” Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-18-05: University of Tennessee, June 2018.  (188.05 KB)
Danalis, A., H. Jagode, and J. Dongarra, Software-Defined Events through PAPI for In-Depth Analysis of Application Performance , Basel, Switzerland, 5th Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC18), July 2018.
Danalis, A., H. Jagode, T. Herault, P. Luszczek, and J. Dongarra, Software-Defined Events through PAPI,” 2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, IEEE, May 2019. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPSW.2019.00069  (446.41 KB)
Jagode, H., A. Danalis, H. Anzt, I. Yamazaki, M. Hoemmen, E. Boman, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Software-Defined Events (SDEs) in MAGMA-Sparse,” Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-18-12: University of Tennessee, December 2018.  (481.69 KB)
Abdelfattah, A., M. Baboulin, V. Dobrev, J. Dongarra, A. Haidar, I. Karlin, T. Kolev, I. Masliah, and S. Tomov, Small Tensor Operations on Advanced Architectures for High-Order Applications,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-EECS-17-749: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, April 2017.  (1.09 MB)
Gates, M., M. Al Farhan, A. Charara, J. Kurzak, D. Sukkari, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, SLATE Working Note 13: Implementing Singular Value and Symmetric/Hermitian Eigenvalue Solvers,” SLATE Working Notes, no. 13, ICL-UT-19-07: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, September 2019.  (3.47 MB)
Kurzak, J., M. Gates, A. Charara, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, SLATE Working Note 12: Implementing Matrix Inversions,” SLATE Working Notes, no. 12, ICL-UT-19-04: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, June 2019.  (1.95 MB)
Gates, M., A. Charara, J. Kurzak, A. YarKhan, M. Al Farhan, D. Sukkari, and J. Dongarra, SLATE Users' Guide,” SLATE Working Notes, no. 10, ICL-UT-19-01: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, July 2020.  (1.51 MB)
Gates, M., J. Kurzak, A. YarKhan, A. Charara, J. Finney, D. Sukkari, M. Al Farhan, I. Yamazaki, P. Wu, and J. Dongarra, SLATE Tutorial , Houston, TX, 2020 ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020.  (12.14 MB)
Gates, M., A. Charara, J. Kurzak, A. YarKhan, M. Al Farhan, D. Sukkari, and J. Dongarra, SLATE: Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale (POSTER) , Houston, TX, 2020 Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting, February 2020.  (546.56 KB)
Abdelfattah, A., M. Al Farhan, C. Brown, M. Gates, D. Sukkari, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, SLATE Port to AMD and Intel Platforms,” SLATE Working Notes, no. 16, ICL-UT-21-01, April 2021.  (890.75 KB)
YarKhan, A., M. Al Farhan, D. Sukkari, M. Gates, and J. Dongarra, SLATE Performance Report: Updates to Cholesky and LU Factorizations,” Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-20-14: University of Tennessee, October 2020.  (1.64 MB)
Akbudak, K., P. Bagwell, S. Cayrols, M. Gates, D. Sukkari, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, SLATE Performance Improvements: QR and Eigenvalues,” SLATE Working Notes, no. 17, ICL-UT-21-02, April 2021.  (2 MB)
Charara, A., J. Dongarra, M. Gates, J. Kurzak, and A. YarKhan, SLATE Mixed Precision Performance Report,” Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-19-03: University of Tennessee, April 2019.  (1.04 MB)
Charara, A., M. Gates, J. Kurzak, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, SLATE Developers' Guide,” SLATE Working Notes, no. 11, ICL-UT-19-02: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, December 2019.  (1.68 MB)
Gates, M., J. Kurzak, A. Charara, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, SLATE: Design of a Modern Distributed and Accelerated Linear Algebra Library , Denver, CO, International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC19), November 2019.  (16.19 MB)
Gates, M., J. Kurzak, A. Charara, A. YarKhan, and J. Dongarra, SLATE: Design of a Modern Distributed and Accelerated Linear Algebra Library,” International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC19), Denver, CO, ACM, November 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3295500.3356223  (2.01 MB)
Dongarra, J., M. Gates, A. Haidar, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, and I. Yamazaki, The Singular Value Decomposition: Anatomy of Optimizing an Algorithm for Extreme Scale,” SIAM Review, vol. 60, issue 4, pp. 808–865, November 2018. DOI: 10.1137/17M1117732  (2.5 MB)
Abdelfattah, A., T. Costa, J. Dongarra, M. Gates, A. Haidar, S. Hammarling, N. J. Higham, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, et al., A Set of Batched Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms and LAPACK Routines,” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 1–23, 2021. DOI: 10.1145/3431921
Abdelfattah, A., T. Costa, J. Dongarra, M. Gates, A. Haidar, S. Hammarling, N. J. Higham, J. Kurzak, P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, et al., A Set of Batched Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms,” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, October 2020.
Anzt, H., D. Lukarski, S. Tomov, and J. Dongarra, Self-Adaptive Multiprecision Preconditioners on Multicore and Manycore Architectures,” VECPAR 2014, Eugene, OR, June 2014.  (430.56 KB)
Dongarra, J., and V. Eijkhout, Self-adapting Numerical Software for Next Generation Applications (LAPACK Working Note 157),” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-02-07, 00 2002.  (475.94 KB)
