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Journal Article
Dongarra, J., and S. Moore, Empirical Performance Tuning of Dense Linear Algebra Software,” in Performance Tuning of Scientific Applications (to appear), 00 2010.
Lively, C., X. Wu, V. Taylor, S. Moore, H-C. Chang, and K. Cameron, Energy and performance characteristics of different parallel implementations of scientific applications on multicore systems,” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 342-350, 00 2011.  (467.18 KB)
Jagode, H., S. Moore, D. Terpstra, J. Dongarra, A. Knuepfer, M. Jurenz, M. S. Mueller, and W. E. Nagel, I/O Performance Analysis for the Petascale Simulation Code FLASH,” ISC'09, Hamburg, Germany, June 2009.  (88.88 KB)
Browne, S., J. Dongarra, J. Horner, P. McMahan, and S. Wells, National HPCC Software Exchange (NHSE): Uniting the High Performance Computing and Communications Community,” D-Lib Magazine, January 1998.  (56.15 KB)
Browne, S., J. Dongarra, and A. Trefethen, Numerical Libraries and Tools for Scalable Parallel Cluster Computing,” IEEE Cluster Computing BOF at SC99, Portland, Oregon, January 1999.  (37.38 KB)
Dongarra, J., S. Moore, and A. Trefethen, Numerical Libraries and Tools for Scalable Parallel Cluster Computing,” International Journal of High Performance Applications and Supercomputing, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 175-180, January 2001.  (37.38 KB)
Browne, S., J. Dongarra, and A. Trefethen, Numerical Libraries and Tools for Scalable Parallel Cluster Computing,” International Journal of High Performance Applications and Supercomputing, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 175-180, October 2002.  (37.38 KB)
Johnson, M., H. McCraw, S. Moore, P. Mucci, J. Nelson, D. Terpstra, V. M. Weaver, and T. Mohan, PAPI-V: Performance Monitoring for Virtual Machines,” CloudTech-HPC 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2012. DOI: 10.1109/ICPPW.2012.29  (2.69 MB)
Hernandez, O., F. Song, B. Chapman, J. Dongarra, B. Mohr, S. Moore, and F. Wolf, Performance Instrumentation and Compiler Optimizations for MPI/OpenMP Applications,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming, vol. 4315: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 00 2008.  (350.9 KB)
Bailey, D., J. Chame, C. Chen, J. Dongarra, M. Hall, J. K. Hollingsworth, P. D. Hovland, S. Moore, K. Seymour, J. Shin, et al., PERI Auto-tuning,” Proc. SciDAC 2008, vol. 125, Seatlle, Washington, Journal of Physics, January 2008.  (873.75 KB)
Browne, S., J. Dongarra, N. Garner, G. Ho, and P. Mucci, A Portable Programming Interface for Performance Evaluation on Modern Processors,” The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 189-204, September 2000. DOI: 10.1177/109434200001400303  (655.17 KB)
Kasichayanula, K., D. Terpstra, P. Luszczek, S. Tomov, S. Moore, and G. D. Peterson, Power Aware Computing on GPUs,” SAAHPC '12 (Best Paper Award), Argonne, IL, July 2012.  (658.06 KB)
Fürlinger, K., and S. Moore, Recording the Control Flow of Parallel Applications to Determine Iterative and Phase-Based Behavior,” Future Generation Computing Systems, vol. 26, pp. 162-166, 00 2009.
Moore, S., D. Cronk, K. London, and J. Dongarra, Review of Performance Analysis Tools for MPI Parallel Programs,” European Parallel Virtual Machine / Message Passing Interface Users’ Group Meeting, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2131, Greece, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 241-248, September 2001. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45417-9_34  (39.61 KB)
Bernholc, J., M. Hodak, W. Lu, S. Moore, and S. Tomov, Scalability Study of a Quantum Simulation Code,” PARA 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2010.
Moore, S., and J. Ralph, User-Defined Events for Hardware Performance Monitoring,” Procedia Computer Science, vol. 4: Elsevier, pp. 2096-2104, May 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2011.04.229  (361.76 KB)
Weaver, V., D. Terpstra, H. McCraw, M. Johnson, K. Kasichayanula, J. Ralph, J. Nelson, P. Mucci, T. Mohan, and S. Moore, PAPI 5: Measuring Power, Energy, and the Cloud , Austin, TX, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, April 2013.  (78.39 KB)
Kasichayanula, K., H. You, S. Moore, S. Tomov, H. Jagode, and M. Johnson, Power-aware Computing on GPGPUs , Gatlinburg, TN, Fall Creek Falls Conference, Poster, September 2011.  (2.89 MB)
Tech Report
Song, F., S. Moore, and J. Dongarra, Analytical Modeling for Affinity-Based Thread Scheduling on Multicore Platforms,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-08-626, January 2008.  (650.75 KB)
You, H., K. Seymour, J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Automated Empirical Tuning of a Multiresolution Analysis Kernel,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-07-01, pp. 10, January 2007.  (120.7 KB)
You, H., K. Seymour, J. Dongarra, and S. Moore, Empirical Tuning of a Multiresolution Analysis Kernel using a Specialized Code Generator,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-07-02, January 2007.  (123.34 KB)
Song, F., S. Moore, and J. Dongarra, Modeling of L2 Cache Behavior for Thread-Parallel Scientific Programs on Chip Multi-Processors,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-06-583, January 2006.  (652.93 KB)
Moore, K., J. Dongarra, S. Moore, and E. Grosse, NetBuild: Automated Installation and Use of Network-Accessible Software Libraries,” ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-04-02, January 2004.  (80.52 KB)
Browne, S., J. Dongarra, N. Garner, K. London, and P. Mucci, A Portable Programming Interface for Performance Evaluation on Modern Processors,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-00-444, July 2000.  (655.17 KB)
Browne, S., P. McMahan, and S. Wells, Repository in a Box Toolkit for Software and Resource Sharing,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Department Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-05-05, 00 2001.  (195.96 KB)
Arnold, D., S. Browne, J. Dongarra, G. Fagg, and K. Moore, Secure Remote Access to Numerical Software and Computation Hardware,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-00-446, July 2000.  (402.31 KB)
