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The Virtual Instrument: Support for Grid-enabled Scientific Simulations,”
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (submitted), October 2002.
(282.16 KB)
“The Virtual Instrument: Support for Grid-enabled Scientific Simulations,”
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 3-17, January 2004.
(282.16 KB)
“Stochastic Performance Prediction for Iterative Algorithms in Distributed Environments,”
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 68-91, October 2002.
(266.82 KB)
“Stochastic Performance Prediction for Iterative Algorithms in Distributed Environments,”
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 68-91, January 1999.
(257.5 KB)
“Scheduling in the Grid Application Development Software Project,”
Resource Management in the Grid: Kluwer Publishers, March 2003.
(375.92 KB)
“Scheduling Computational Workflows on Failure-prone Platforms,”
International Journal of Networking and Computing, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 2-26, 2016.
(503.81 KB)
“Parallel and Distributed Scientific Computing: A Numerical Linear Algebra Problem Solving Environment Designer's Perspective,”
Handbook on Parallel and Distributed Processing, January 1999.
(323.01 KB)
“Overview of GridRPC: A Remote Procedure Call API for Grid Computing,”
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Grid Computing, pp. 274-278, January 2002.
(221.82 KB)
“Optimizing Performance and Reliability in Distributed Computing Systems Through Wide Spectrum Storage,”
Proceedings of the IPDPS 2003, NGS Workshop, Nice, France, pp. 209, January 2003.
“A Numerical Linear Algebra Problem Solving Environment Designer's Perspective (LAPACK Working Note 139),”
SIAM Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, May 1999.
(319.71 KB)
“New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods in the GrADS Project,”
International Journal of Parallel Programming, vol. 33, no. 2: Springer, pp. 209-229, June 2005.
(306.41 KB)
“Network-Enabled Server Systems: Deploying Scientific Simulations on the Grid,”
2001 High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'01), part of the Advance Simulation Technologies Conference, Seattle, Washington, April 2001.
(175.23 KB)
“Middleware for the Use of Storage in Communication,”
Parallel Computing, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 1773-1788, August 2002.
(87.97 KB)
“Logistical Quality of Service in NetSolve,”
Computer Communications, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1034-1044, January 1999.
(168.39 KB)
“Logistical Computing and Internetworking: Middleware for the Use of Storage in Communication,”
submitted to SC2001, Denver, Colorado, November 2001.
(41.79 KB)
“Innovations of the NetSolve Grid Computing System,”
Concurrency: Practice and Experience, vol. 14, no. 13-15, pp. 1457-1479, January 2002.
(311.31 KB)
“GridRPC: A Remote Procedure Call API for Grid Computing,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-02-06, November 2002.
(287.73 KB)
“Deploying Fault-tolerance and Task Migration with NetSolve,”
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 15, no. 5-6: Elsevier, pp. 745-755, October 1999.
(236 KB)
“Computing the Expected Makespan of Task Graphs in the Presence of Silent Errors,”
Parallel Computing, vol. 75, pp. 41–60, July 2018.
DOI: 10.1016/j.parco.2018.03.004 (2.56 MB)
“Checkpointing Workflows for Fail-Stop Errors,”
IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 67, issue 8, pp. 1105–1120, August 2018.
“Checkpointing Workflows for Fail-Stop Errors,”
IEEE Cluster, Honolulu, Hawaii, IEEE, September 2017.
(400.64 KB)
“Adaptive Scheduling for Task Farming with Grid Middleware,”
International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High-Performance Computing, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 231-240, October 2002.
(461.08 KB)