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Bailey, D., J. Chame, C. Chen, J. Dongarra, M. Hall, J. K. Hollingsworth, P. D. Hovland, S. Moore, K. Seymour, J. Shin, et al., PERI Auto-tuning,” Proc. SciDAC 2008, vol. 125, Seatlle, Washington, Journal of Physics, January 2008.  (873.75 KB)
Balaprakash, P., J. Dongarra, T. Gamblin, M. Hall, J. Hollingsworth, B. Norris, and R. Vuduc, Autotuning in High-Performance Computing Applications,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 106, issue 11, pp. 2068–2083, November 2018.  (2.5 MB)