Analysis of the Communication and Computation Cost of FFT Libraries towards Exascale,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-22-07: Innovative Computing Laboratory, July 2022.
(5.91 MB)
C++ API for Batch BLAS,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 04, ICL-UT-17-12: University of Tennessee, December 2017.
(1.89 MB)
C++ API for BLAS and LAPACK,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 02, ICL-UT-17-03: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, June 2017.
(1.12 MB)
The Case for Directive Programming for Accelerator Autotuner Optimization,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-17-07: University of Tennessee, October 2017.
(341.52 KB)
A Collection of White Papers from the BDEC2 Workshop in Poznan, Poland,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-19-10: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, May 2019.
(5.82 MB)
Designing SLATE: Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 03, ICL-UT-17-06: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, October 2017.
(2.8 MB)
Distributed Dense Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms on Massively Parallel Architectures: DPLASMA,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-10-660, September 2010.
(366.26 KB)
Distributed-Memory Task Execution and Dependence Tracking within DAGuE and the DPLASMA Project,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-10-02, 00 2010.
(400.75 KB)
FFT Benchmark Performance Experiments on Systems Targeting Exascale,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-22-02, March 2022.
(5.87 MB)
High Performance Bidiagonal Reduction using Tile Algorithms on Homogeneous Multicore Architectures,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-11-673, (also Lawn 247), May 2011.
(424.93 KB)
Implementation of the C++ API for Batch BLAS,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 07, ICL-UT-18-04: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, June 2018.
(1.07 MB)
Implementing a systolic algorithm for QR factorization on multicore clusters with PaRSEC,”
Lawn 277, no. UT-CS-13-709, May 2013.
(298.63 KB)
An Improved Parallel Singular Value Algorithm and Its Implementation for Multicore Hardware,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report (also LAWN 283), no. ut-eecs-13-720: University of Tennessee, October 2013.
(1.23 MB)
Interim Report on Benchmarking FFT Libraries on High Performance Systems,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-21-03: University of Tennessee, July 2021.
(2.68 MB)
Introduction to the HPCChallenge Benchmark Suite,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-05-01, January 2005.
(124.86 KB)
Linear Systems Performance Report,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 08, ICL-UT-18-08: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, September 2018.
(1.64 MB)
MAGMA Batched: A Batched BLAS Approach for Small Matrix Factorizations and Applications on GPUs,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-16-02: University of Tennessee, August 2016.
(929.79 KB)
Mixed-Precision Algorithm for Finding Selected Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Symmetric and Hermitian Matrices,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-21-05, August 2021.
(3.93 MB)
P1673R3: A Free Function Linear algebra Interface Based on the BLAS,”
ISO JTC1 SC22 WG22, no. P1673R3: ISO, April 2021.
(858.89 KB)
PAQR: Pivoting Avoiding QR factorization,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-22-06, June 2022.
(364.85 KB)
Parallel BLAS Performance Report,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 05, ICL-UT-18-01: University of Tennessee, April 2018.
(4.39 MB)
Parallel Norms Performance Report,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 06, ICL-UT-18-06: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, June 2018.
(1.13 MB)
PLASMA 17 Performance Report,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-17-11: University of Tennessee, June 2017.
(7.57 MB)
PLASMA 17.1 Functionality Report,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-17-10: University of Tennessee, June 2017.
(1.8 MB)
Prospectus for the Next LAPACK and ScaLAPACK Libraries: Basic ALgebra LIbraries for Sustainable Technology with Interdisciplinary Collaboration (BALLISTIC),”
LAPACK Working Notes, no. 297, ICL-UT-20-07: University of Tennessee.
(1.41 MB)
Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra: A Perspective on the Field with an Eye to Software,”
University of California, Berkeley EECS Technical Report, no. UCB/EECS-2022-258: University of California, Berkeley, November 2022.
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2302.11474
(1.05 MB)
(1.54 MB)

Roadmap for the Development of a Linear Algebra Library for Exascale Computing: SLATE: Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 01, ICL-UT-17-02: Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, June 2017.
(2.8 MB)
A Survey of Numerical Methods Utilizing Mixed Precision Arithmetic,”
SLATE Working Notes, no. 15, ICL-UT-20-08: University of Tennessee, July 2020.
(3.98 MB)
Transient Error Resilient Hessenberg Reduction on GPU-based Hybrid Architectures,”
UT-CS-13-712: University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, June 2013.
(206.42 KB)
Translational Process: Mathematical Software Perspective,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-20-11, August 2020.
(752.59 KB)
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