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heFFTe: Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale,”
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2020), Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2020.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50371-0_19 (2.62 MB)
“heFFTe: Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale (Poster)
, Houston, TX, 2020 Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting, February 2020.
(6.2 MB)
heFFTe: Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale (Poster)
, Seattle, WA, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP20), February 2020.
(1.54 MB)
heFFTe: Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale (Poster)
: NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC2020), October 2020.
(866.88 KB)
Heterogeneous Acceleration for Linear Algebra in Mulit-Coprocessor Environments,”
VECPAR 2014, Eugene, OR, June 2014.
(276.52 KB)
“Heterogeneous Streaming,”
The Sixth International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES), IPDPS 2016, Chicago, IL, IEEE, May 2016.
(2.73 MB)
“High-performance Cholesky Factorization for GPU-only Execution,”
Proceedings of the General Purpose GPUs (GPGPU-10), Austin, TX, ACM, February 2017.
DOI: 10.1145/3038228.3038237 (872.18 KB)
“High-performance Matrix-matrix Multiplications of Very Small Matrices,”
22nd International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par'16), Grenoble, France, Springer International Publishing, August 2016.
“High-Performance Tensor Contractions for GPUs,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-EECS-16-738: University of Tennessee, January 2016.
(2.36 MB)
“High-Performance Tensor Contractions for GPUs,”
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'16), San Diego, CA, June 2016.
(2.36 MB)
“HPC Programming on Intel Many-Integrated-Core Hardware with MAGMA Port to Xeon Phi,”
Scientific Programming, vol. 23, issue 1, January 2015.
DOI: 10.3233/SPR-140404 (553.94 KB)
“Impacts of Multi-GPU MPI Collective Communications on Large FFT Computation,”
Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI) at SC19, Denver, CO, November 2019.
(1.6 MB)
“An Improved Parallel Singular Value Algorithm and Its Implementation for Multicore Hardware,”
Supercomputing 2013, Denver, CO, November 2013.
“An Improved Parallel Singular Value Algorithm and Its Implementation for Multicore Hardware,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report (also LAWN 283), no. ut-eecs-13-720: University of Tennessee, October 2013.
(1.23 MB)
“Investigating Half Precision Arithmetic to Accelerate Dense Linear System Solvers,”
ScalA17: 8th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems, Denver, CO, ACM.
(766.35 KB)
“Investigating Power Capping toward Energy-Efficient Scientific Applications,”
Concurrency Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 2018, issue e4485, pp. 1-14, April 2018.
DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4485 (1.2 MB)
“Leading Edge Hybrid Multi-GPU Algorithms for Generalized Eigenproblems in Electronic Structure Calculations,”
International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7905, Leipzig, Germany, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 67-80, June 2013.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38750-0_6 (2.14 MB)
“Linear Algebra Software for Large-Scale Accelerated Multicore Computing,”
Acta Numerica, vol. 25, pp. 1-160, May 2016.
DOI: 10.1017/S0962492916000015
“LU Factorization of Small Matrices: Accelerating Batched DGETRF on the GPU,”
16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), Paris, France, IEEE, August 2014.
(684.73 KB)
“LU, QR, and Cholesky Factorizations: Programming Model, Performance Analysis and Optimization Techniques for the Intel Knights Landing Xeon Phi,”
IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC'16), Waltham, MA, IEEE, September 2016.
(943.23 KB)
“MAGMA: A Breakthrough in Solvers for Eigenvalue Problems
, San Jose, CA, GPU Technology Conference (GTC12), Presentation, May 2012.
(9.23 MB)
MAGMA: A New Generation of Linear Algebra Library for GPU and Multicore Architectures
, Salt Lake City, UT, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC12), Presentation, November 2012.
(4.69 MB)
MAGMA Batched: A Batched BLAS Approach for Small Matrix Factorizations and Applications on GPUs,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-16-02: University of Tennessee, August 2016.
(929.79 KB)
“MAGMA Embedded: Towards a Dense Linear Algebra Library for Energy Efficient Extreme Computing,”
2015 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ’15), (Best Paper Award), Waltham, MA, IEEE, September 2015.
(678.86 KB)
“MAGMA MIC: Optimizing Linear Algebra for Intel Xeon Phi
, Frankfurt, Germany, ISC High Performance (ISC15), Intel Booth Presentation, June 2015.
(2.03 MB)
MAGMA Templates for Scalable Linear Algebra on Emerging Architectures,”
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 34, issue 6, pp. 645-658, November 2020.
DOI: 10.1177/1094342020938421
“MAGMA Tensors and Batched Computing for Accelerating Applications on GPUs
, San Jose, CA, GPU Technology Conference (GTC17), Presentation in Session S7728, May 2017.
(11.12 MB)
MagmaDNN 0.2 High-Performance Data Analytics for Manycore GPUs and CPUs
: University of Tennessee, January 2019.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14906.64961 (7.84 MB)
MagmaDNN – High-Performance Data Analytics for Manycore GPUs and CPUs
, Knoxville, TN, 2017 Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU), Presentation, December 2017.
(5.06 MB)
MaPHyS or the Development of a Parallel Algebraic Domain Decomposition Solver in the Course of the Solstice Project,”
Sparse Days 2010 Meeting at CERFACS, Toulouse, France, June 2010.
“MATEDOR: MAtrix, TEnsor, and Deep-learning Optimized Routines
, Dallas, TX, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC18), Research Poster, November 2018.
(2.55 MB)
MAtrix, TEnsor, and Deep-learning Optimized Routines (MATEDOR)
, Washington, DC, NSF PI Meeting, Poster, April 2018.
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6174143.v3 (2.4 MB)
Mixed-Precision Iterative Refinement using Tensor Cores on GPUs to Accelerate Solution of Linear Systems,”
Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 476, issue 2243, November 2020.
DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2020.0110 (2.24 MB)
“Mixed-Precision Solution of Linear Systems Using Accelerator-Based Computing,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-20-05: University of Tennessee, May 2020.
(1.03 MB)
“Model-Driven One-Sided Factorizations on Multicore, Accelerated Systems,”
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, vol. 1, issue 1, 2014.
DOI: (1.86 MB)
“New Algorithm for Computing Eigenvectors of the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem,”
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, IPDPS 2014 (Best Paper), Phoenix, AZ, IEEE, May 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/IPDPSW.2014.130 (2.33 MB)
“Novel HPC Techniques to Batch Execution of Many Variable Size BLAS Computations on GPUs,”
International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS '17), Chicago, Illinois, ACM, June 2017.
DOI: 10.1145/3079079.3079103 (1.04 MB)
“A Novel Hybrid CPU-GPU Generalized Eigensolver for Electronic Structure Calculations Based on Fine Grained Memory Aware Tasks,”
Supercomputing '12 (poster), Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2012.
“A Novel Hybrid CPU-GPU Generalized Eigensolver for Electronic Structure Calculations Based on Fine Grained Memory Aware Tasks,”
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 28, issue 2, pp. 196-209, May 2014.
DOI: 10.1177/1094342013502097 (1.74 MB)
“Optimization for Performance and Energy for Batched Matrix Computations on GPUs,”
8th Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using GPUs (GPGPU 8), San Francisco, CA, ACM, February 2015.
DOI: 10.1145/2716282.2716288 (699.5 KB)
“Optimizing GPU Kernels for Irregular Batch Workloads: A Case Study for Cholesky Factorization,”
IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC’18), Waltham, MA, IEEE, September 2018.
(729.87 KB)
“Optimizing the SVD Bidiagonalization Process for a Batch of Small Matrices,”
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017), Zurich, Switzerland, Procedia Computer Science, June 2017.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.237 (364.95 KB)
“Out of Memory SVD Solver for Big Data,”
2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC'17), Waltham, MA, IEEE, September 2017.
(1.33 MB)
“Parallel algebraic domain decomposition solver for the solution of augmented systems.,”
Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, Ajaccio, Corsica, France, 12-15 April, 00 2011.
“Parallel Programming Models for Dense Linear Algebra on Heterogeneous Systems,”
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, vol. 2, no. 4, October 2015.
DOI: 10.14529/jsfi1504 (3.68 MB)
“Parallel Reduction to Condensed Forms for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems using Aggregated Fine-Grained and Memory-Aware Kernels,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-11-677, (also Lawn254), August 2011.
(636.01 KB)
“Parallel Reduction to Condensed Forms for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems using Aggregated Fine-Grained and Memory-Aware Kernels,”
Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC11), Seattle, WA, November 2011.
(636.01 KB)
“Performance Analysis and Acceleration of Explicit Integration for Large Kinetic Networks using Batched GPU Computations,”
2016 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ‘16), Waltham, MA, IEEE, September 2016.
(480.29 KB)
“Performance Analysis and Design of a Hessenberg Reduction using Stabilized Blocked Elementary Transformations for New Architectures,”
The Spring Simulation Multi-Conference 2015 (SpringSim'15), Best Paper Award, Alexandria, VA, April 2015.
(608.44 KB)
“Performance Analysis and Optimization of Two-Sided Factorization Algorithms for Heterogeneous Platform,”
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2015), Reykjavík, Iceland, June 2015.
(1.12 MB)